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February 6, 2025

Snyk Anti-Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement

This statement sets out how Snyk seeks to ensure that its operations and its supply chains are kept free of slavery and human trafficking (“Modern Slavery”).

Who We Are

Snyk Limited is the ultimate parent of the Snyk group of companies listed below (“Covered Affiliates”) and has its registered office at Suite 4, 7th Floor, 50 Broadway, London, United Kingdom, SW1H 0DB. The Snyk group employs approximately 1000 employees worldwide. While this statement is being published by Snyk Limited, the principles, policies and practices referred to within this statement are applicable to Snyk Limited and the following Covered Affiliates: 

  • Explore Universe Lda.

  • Probely – Soluções de Cibersegurança, S.A.

  • Snyk Australia PTY Ltd.

  • Snyk Canada, Inc.

  • Snyk France SAS

  • Snyk Germany GmbH

  • Snyk, Inc.

  • Snyk Israel Limited

  • Snyk Japan K.K.

  • Snyk Portugal, Unipessoal Lda.

  • Snyk Singapore PTE. LTD.

  • Snyk Software Romania Srl

  • Snyk Sweden AB

  • Snyk Switzerland AG

Our Commitment 

Snyk is committed to maintaining and improving our practices to combat slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chain. Snyk is committed to acting ethically, with integrity and transparency in our business dealings and relationships. Snyk views slavery and human trafficking as gross abuses of human rights and is committed to implementing and enforcing systems and controls to help ensure they do not occur anywhere in Snyk’s own business or in that of our supply chains.

What We Do

Snyk’s business is software-focused. Our developer security platform integrates directly into development tools, workflows, and automation pipelines, and enables our customers to more easily find, prioritize, and fix security vulnerabilities in code, dependencies, containers, and infrastructure as code. We also assist our customers by providing support and other professional services in relation to our platform.  More information on our platform and services can be found at

Our business focuses on the provision of software as a service and related support and implementation services. Accordingly, we do not “manufacture” our products and services, at least not in the traditional meaning of that word (i.e., through the use of workers and machines in factories), nor do we directly engage third parties to perform any such manufacturing on our behalf including provision of hardware to our customers. Having taken the time to consider the nature of our operations and our supply chains, we consider the Modern Slavery risk they present to be low.

Our Policies

Despite our assessment that the Modern Slavery risk presented by our operations and supply chains is low, we are committed in our absolute opposition to Modern Slavery. 

Working with our legal counsel, we have prepared an Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy. As part of this Policy, we commit to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships, including ensuring that we and our trading partners do not engage in any Modern Slavery.

Our Anti-Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy applies to all personnel working directly for us or on our behalf. It forms an effective part of our corporate policies applicable to employees and contractors. We have the following policies in place relevant to modern slavery and human rights in general, which we continuously review and update:

External Policies:

Internal Policies:

  • Code of Conduct

  • Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy

We are dedicated and focused on ethics and legal compliance through collaboration amongst representatives from the following departments:

  • Finance

  • Information Security

  • Legal

  • People

  • Procurement


We provide regular training on our policies to our employees. This training will be updated to address the steps and practices outlined in our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy. 

In support of our ideals regarding Modern Slavery, we will start providing annual ethics and compliance training.   As appropriate, we also provide training to members of our sales and procurement teams on the importance of our partners sharing and reflecting our commitment against human rights violations and prohibition on forced labor.

Our Suppliers

Typically, our major suppliers fall into one of the broad categories outlined below: 

  • hosting services providers who host our data and our customers’ data processed in our platform; 

  • third party licensors of software that we resell with, or embed or incorporate into, our own products and solutions; and

  • computer and office equipment suppliers for internal employee use.

We conduct due diligence on all new suppliers to ensure that they share our values prohibiting Modern Slavery.

We feel it is appropriate that we rely on contractual protections in our agreements with our suppliers, customers and other business partners to protect against the risk of Modern Slavery existing in our supply chains. 

We include specific commitments in our Supplier Code of Conduct, which provide that our trading partners do not, have not, and will not, engage in Modern Slavery.  Our Supplier Code of Conduct is updated annually or as needed. 

Next Steps

During the coming financial year, we will: 

  • continue to update our personnel training program as described above;

  • continue to take steps where possible to ensure our operations and supply chains remain Modern Slavery-free; 

  • update policies and programs as needed; and

  • continue to monitor and review our assessment of the Modern Slavery risks in our operations and supply chains.

This statement has been prepared and published on behalf of Snyk Limited, and each of its Covered Affiliates pursuant to section 54(1) of the United Kingdom’s Modern Slavery Act 2015 in respect of the financial year ending December 31st, 2025.  It was approved by the Board of Directors on February 6, 2025, subject to such modifications or amendments as deemed appropriate by Snyk’s Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and/or General Counsel. 

Peter McKay

On behalf of Snyk Limited and each of its Covered Affiliates