February 15, 2024

Whistleblowing Policy

Our Commitment

At Snyk, we are committed to conducting business with honesty and integrity. By encouraging open communication from all those who work and do business with us, we seek to make everyone feel secure about raising concerns.  At Snyk, we recognize it is more important than ever to ensure everyone has a place to speak up and have their voices heard. We believe that speaking up helps build a strong company culture.

How to Report Concerns

If you suspect or know that Snyk or people at Snyk have violated the law or Snyk’s Code of Conduct or other policies, or engaged in fraud, misconduct or other unethical behavior, Snyk encourages you to speak up.  Snyk employees should feel free to report concerns to their manager and/or a member of Snyk’s legal team.  Concerns can also be reported by any person (including Snyk employees) through our speaking up platform, AllVoices:

  • Speak Up Website: AllVoices

  • Speak Up Call Center: tel. +1-888-625-5196

Employees are encouraged to use the AllVoices platform at any time, especially if they are uncomfortable reporting concerns through other channels or if they fear concerns reported through other channels will not be addressed.

If you choose, reports can be made anonymously.  Upon receiving a report through AllVoices, Snyk will then take appropriate action.

Protection from Retaliation

We encourage open communication from all those who work for and with us and we want everyone to feel secure about raising concerns or participating in an investigation of a possible violation of our Code of Conduct, policies, or the law or fraud, misconduct or other unethical behavior. Snyk is committed to ensuring that an individual who reports concerns in good faith is not retaliated against in any way by validly raising concerns about suspected reportable behavior. In particular, such a person will not be retaliated against or disadvantaged by dismissal, demotion, loss of benefits, threats, harassment, discrimination or bias.

Snyk is a developer security platform. Integrating directly into development tools, workflows, and automation pipelines, Snyk makes it easy for teams to find, prioritize, and fix security vulnerabilities in code, dependencies, containers, and infrastructure as code. Supported by industry-leading application and security intelligence, Snyk puts security expertise in any developer’s toolkit.

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Registered in England and Wales
