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Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDLC)

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June 21, 2020

17 mins read

What is a Secure SDLC (SSDLC)?

The Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDLC) is a critical framework that integrates security measures into every phase of the software development process. By embedding security from the initial design through to deployment, SSDLC ensures that potential vulnerabilities are addressed proactively. This approach not only enhances the overall security posture of applications but also reduces the risk of breaches and data loss. Examples include designing applications to ensure that your architecture will be secure, as well as including security risk factors as part of the initial planning phase.

Security is an important part of any application that encompasses critical functionality. This can be as simple as securing your database from attacks by nefarious actors or as complex as applying fraud processing to a qualified lead before importing them into your platform.

SLDC phases

Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) describes how software applications are built. It usually contains the following phases:

  • Requirements gathering

  • Analysis of the requirements to guide design

  • Design of new features based on the requirements

  • Development of new capabilities (writing code to meet requirements)

  • Testing and verification of new capabilities—confirming that they do indeed meet the requirements

  • Deployment of the new project

Maintenance and evolution of these capabilities once the release goes out the door

7 Phases of SDLC

SDLC methodologies:

Agile Development:

Agile SDLC development advocates for splitting up large monolithic releases into multiple mini-releases, each done in two- or three-week-long sprints, and uses automation to build and verify applications. This allows companies to iterate much more quickly. Instead of the infrequent, monolithic deployments characteristic of Waterfall-driven applications, agile development often focuses on releasing new functionality multiple times a day, building software incrementally instead of all at once.

Waterfall Development:

The Waterfall SDLC model is one of the earliest and best-known SDLC methodologies, which laid the groundwork for these SDLC phases. Developed in 1970, these phases largely remain the same today, but there have been tremendous changes in software engineering practices that have redefined how software is created.

Why Is Secure SDLC Important?

Security applies at every phase of the software development life cycle (SDLC) and needs to be at the forefront of your developers’ minds as they implement your software’s requirements. With dedicated effort and the right SDLC security solutions, security issues can be addressed in the SDLC pipeline well before deployment to production. This reduces the risk of finding security vulnerabilities in your app and works to minimize the impact when they are found.

Secure SDLC’s aim is not to completely eliminate traditional security checks, such as penetration tests, but rather to include security in the scope of developer responsibilities and empower them to build secure applications from the outset.

SDLC and Application Security

 It can cost up to 100 times more to fix an issue discovered this late in the SDLC than to simply fix it early on in the process 

By incorporating security measures early in the SDLC, developers can proactively identify and address potential security issues, significantly reducing the cost of fixing vulnerabilities later in the development process. 

What are the Secure Software Development Life Cycle Processes?

Implementing SDLC security affects every phase of the software development process. This is far more efficient—and much cheaper—than waiting for these security issues to manifest in the deployed application. Secure software development life cycle processes incorporate security as a component of every phase of the SDLC.

While building security into every phase of the SDLC is, first and foremos,t a mindset everyone needs to bring to the table, security considerations and associated tasks will vary significantly by SDLC phase.

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Learn about Snyk's developer first security platform that empowers developers to find and fix vulnerabilities throughout the SDLC

5 phases of Secure Software Development Life Cycle

Each phase of the SDLC must contribute to the security of the overall application. This is done differently for each phase of the SDLC, with one critical note: Software development life cycle security needs to be at the forefront of the entire team’s minds. Let’s look at an example of a secure software development life cycle for a team creating a membership renewal portal:

Phase 1: Requirements

In this early phase, requirements for new features are collected from various stakeholders. It’s important to identify any security considerations for functional requirements being gathered for the new release.

  • Sample functional requirement: Users need to be able to verify their contact information before they can renew their membership.

  • Sample security consideration: users should be able to see only their own contact information and no one else’s.

Phase 2: Design

This phase translates in-scope requirements into a plan of what this should look like in the actual application. Here, functional requirements typically describe what should happen, while security requirements usually focus on what shouldn’t.

  • Sample functional design: The page should retrieve the user’s name, email, phone, and address from CUSTOMER_INFO table in the database and display it on the screen.

  • Sample security concern: We must verify that the user has a valid session token before retrieving information from the database. If the token is absent, the user should be redirected to the login page.

Phase 3: Development

When it’s time to actually implement the design and make it a reality, concerns usually shift to making sure the code is well-written from the security perspective. There are typically established secure coding guidelines and code reviews that double-check that these guidelines have been followed correctly. These code reviews can be manual or automated using static application security testing (SAST).

That said, modern application developers can’t be concerned only with the code they write because most modern applications aren’t written from scratch. Instead, developers rely on existing functionality, usually provided by free open source components, to deliver new features and value to the organization as quickly as possible. In fact, 90%+ of modern deployed applications are made of these open-source components. Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tools usually check these open-source components.

Secure coding guidelines, in this case, may include:

  • Using parameterized, read-only SQL queries to read data from the database and minimize chances that anyone can ever commandeer these queries for nefarious purposes

  • Validating user inputs before processing data contained in them

  • Sanitizing any data that’s being sent back out to the user from the database

  • Checking open source libraries for vulnerabilities before using them

Phase 4: Verification

The Verification phase is where applications undergo a thorough testing cycle to ensure they meet the original design & requirements. This is also a great place to introduce automated security testing using various technologies. The application is not deployed unless these tests pass. This phase often includes automated tools like CI/CD pipelines to control verification and release.

Verification at this phase may include:

  • Automated tests that express the critical paths of your application

  • Automated execution of application unit tests that verify the correctness of the underlying application

  • Automated deployment tools that dynamically swap in application secrets to be used in a production environment

Phase 5: Maintenance and Evolution

The story doesn’t end once the application is released. In fact, vulnerabilities that slipped through the cracks may be found in the application long after it’s been released. These vulnerabilities may be in the code developers wrote but are increasingly found in the underlying open-source components of an application. This leads to an increase in the number of “zero-days”—previously unknown vulnerabilities discovered in production by the application’s maintainers.

The development team then needs to patch these vulnerabilities, a process that may, in some cases, require significant rewrites of application functionality. Vulnerabilities at this stage may also come from other sources, such as external penetration tests conducted by ethical hackers or submissions from the public through what’s known as “bug bounty” programs. Addressing these production issues must be planned for and accommodated in future releases.

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Learn how Snyk can enable your developers to remediate zero-day vulnerabilities faster to reduce exposure and risk.

The Benefits of SSDLC

The main benefits of secure SDLC are:

  • Reduced risk of data breaches 

  • Improved application resilience 

  • Enhanced user trust and confidence 

  • Lower remediation costs

Secure SDLC is the ultimate example of what’s known as a “shift-left” initiative, which refers to integrating security checks as early in the SDLC as possible.

Doing so helps development teams properly plan releases, making it easier to catch and address issues that arise that could affect the release timeline. This is preferable to receiving an unpleasant surprise once the application deploys to production. SSDLC, therefore, helps keep releases on track.

Moreover, SSDLC, at its core, has security efforts led by the development team itself. This allows the issues to be fixed by the domain experts who wrote the software rather than having a different team fix the bugs as an afterthought. This empowers developers to take ownership of the overall quality of their applications, which leads to more secure applications being deployed to production.

While all the extra effort of security testing within the SDLC process may sound like a lot of work and expensive to build, today, most of it is being automated. This is particularly true for development operations or DevOps (more on this as follows). The secure SDLC environment requires frequent collaboration between DevOps and the engineers implementing the application’s functionality, and this collaboration needs to be incorporated into the SDLC itself.

By fixing these issues early in the process, development teams can reduce the total cost of ownership of their applications. Discovering issues late in the SDLC can result in a 100-fold increase in the development cost needed to fix those issues, as seen in the chart below.

cost of fixing defects at each stage of the development pipeline - IBM System Science Institute: Relative Cost of Fixing Defects, 2010
IBM System Science Institute: Relative Cost of Fixing Defects, 2010

As demonstrated in Figure 2 above, transitioning to secure SDLC empowers development teams to build secure applications more quickly and may, therefore, be a worthwhile investment for organizations.

How to Ensure SSDLC?

Ensuring a secure SDLC requires a focus on how the application operates and how the developers transform requirements into application code. Security must be at the forefront of the team’s mind as the application is developed. This may require a cultural change within your teams and automated processes and checks at each stage of software development.

Ensuring SSDLC for an application is highly dependent on the strengths and weaknesses of the software development team working on SDLC security. As such, it is challenging to pin down a single secure SDLC process.

Since secure SDLC involves changing existing processes, implementing new tools, and, more importantly, driving a cultural change within several teams, the path to well-functioning secure SDLC is usually unique for each organization and can even differ among various business units.

5 Secure SDLC Best Practices

1. Educate Your Developers

Secure SDLC goes hand in hand with multiple related initiatives, including:

  • Creating secure coding guidelines

  • Providing developers with security awareness and secure coding training

  • Setting clear expectations around how quickly issues discovered in production need to be addressed (also known as remediation SLAs).

Not all of these need to happen for an effective SSDLC implementation, but much like a jigsaw puzzle, you’ll need to put enough pieces together before you can see the big picture.

2. Have Clear Requirements

Whatever you create, it should be easy to understand. Development teams need clear requirements that are easy to act upon. This applies to all security advice, recommendations, and guidelines. Any vulnerabilities discovered in tests need to be easy to act on. It’s key that all people, processes, and tools involved bring solutions to the table instead of just pointing out problems

3. Maintain a Growth Mindset

Since SSDLC will change how multiple teams work and interact, it’s important for everyone to go into this experience with an open mind and for the security team to have the mindset of empowering developers to secure their own applications

4. Tie Implementation to Other Initiatives

For well-established applications and teams, it may often be easier to implement SSDLC changes when tied to another modernization effort, such as a cloud transformation, a DevOps initiative, or its more security-conscious variation, DevSecOps.

5. Tackle the Big Problems First

Focus on the most important issues and actionable fixes rather than addressing every vulnerability found. While it may be possible for newer or smaller applications to fix every security issue, this won’t necessarily work in older and larger 

applications. A triage approach can also be helpful. This focuses on not only preventing security issues from making it into production but also ensuring existing vulnerabilities are triaged and addressed over time.

SSDLC and DevSecOps

While SSDLC and DevSecOps are closely linked, they are actually complementary practices. Both SSDLC and DevSecOps focus on empowering developers to have more ownership of their applications, ensuring they do more than just write and test their code to meet functional specifications.

Secure SDLC is focused on how the application is designed and built; DevSecOps seeks to shift ownership of the production environment for each application away from traditional IT teams and into the hands of the developers. This lets developers focus on automating build, test, and release processes as much as possible.

DevOps and DevSecOps have started a revolution in redefining the role of software developers. This has, of course, been aided by other major changes, such as cloud transformations. But while empowering developers and accelerating security testing is key to success for most modern organizations, it would be a mistake to view application security as just an automation challenge. Instead, it’s important to drive cultural and process changes that help raise security awareness and considerations early in development. This must permeate all parts of the software development life cycle, regardless of whether one calls it SSDLC or DevSecOps.

Moving to a More Secure Future

Traditional testing practices for vulnerabilities in production are no longer sufficient for securing your applications. As the software industry has evolved, the types of attacks have also evolved. Deploying and maintaining a secure application requires securing every step of the application development process. This means asking questions about security behaviors at the requirement gathering stage, adjusting team culture and practices to account for a security-oriented mindset, implementing automated verification into your deployment process, and many other practices that create a secure SDLC process together.

SSDLC allows you to shift security risks left, addressing the origin of security issues at the requirements phase instead of having to backtrack from the maintenance phase. By following SDLC implementation best practices (even when using AI!) and focusing on security at every stage of development, you can rest assured your application will be far more secure.

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