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Snyk CLI

Secure projects in your terminal with the Snyk CLI

Automatically find and fix vulnerabilities locally and in your CI/CD pipelines with the Snyk CLI.

npm install snyk -g

Security in 3 simple commands

1. Authenticate with Snyk

Run snyk auth to associate the Snyk CLI with your Snyk account.

2. Find & fix vulnerabilities

Run snyk test to find vulnerabilities and get actionable fix advice. 

3. Monitor continuously

Run snyk monitor to continuously monitor your projects for OS vulns and license issues.

Coverage throughout the SDLC with the Snyk CLI

From your first line of code to deployment, the Snyk CLI provides a comprehensive security coverage of your entire application ecosystem. Simply configure, command, and go.

Extensive language support

Get started with the Snyk CLI

Install the Snyk CLI to find and fix vulnerabilities in your local projects and pipelines. 

npm install snyk -g

Additional resources


Get started with the Snyk CLI in 3 minutes

Watch video


Which Snyk products does the Snyk CLI support?

What languages does the Snyk CLI support?

How do I install and authenticate the Snyk CLI?

How do I run a vulnerability scan with the Snyk CLI?

How do I fix vulnerabilities with the Snyk CLI?

How do I ignore an issue in a scan result?

How do I monitor my projects for new vulnerabilities?

How does Snyk secure CI/CD pipelines?