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5 Critical Capabilities for Progressing Your DevSecOps Program



Why the Fastest Technology Organizations Choose Snyk


表示中 13 - 24 / 279 リソース


5 Critical Capabilities for Progressing Your DevSecOps Program

Cheat Sheet

Best Practices for SOC2

White Paper

DevSecOps is Dead…or is it?

DevSecOps では不十分な理由を説明し、セキュリティを開発の目標に合わせる新たなフレームワークを紹介します。

Buyer's Guide

Future-proof your development: The SAST/SCA buyer’s guide for the AI era

アプリケーションセキュリティツールの選択における主な基準について、AI の早期導入、最良のアプリケーションセキュリティの選択など、この購入者のガイドでは、今日の技術環境の要点を取り上げます。


The Importance of Policy as Code in Your Compliance Strategy 

Learn why compliance as code should become a key part of your overall security strategy, enabling security at scale based on automated Policy as Code rules.


How to secure your GitHub Actions workflows with Snyk to Enhance JavaScript Security

Snyk provides a pre-built custom Snyk GitHub Actions workflow that you can add to your CI and saves you the trouble of managing the vulnerability scans using the Snyk CLI directly.


Is TypeScript All We Need for Application Security?

What are the security controls and fallacies in TypeScript security? Securing TypeScript applications involves a multi-layered approach.


Open Source Security in 2024


Defending your FinServ Application Against Modern Threats Infographic

Thank you for checking out our infographic on securing your FinServ Applications! To learn more, download our Optimizing AppSec in FinServ eBook.

Cheat Sheet

5 Regulations Every FinServ Analyst Should Know About

Cheat Sheet

5 Steps to Prioritize Based on Risk with Snyk - Risk-Based Prioritization Cheat Sheet

Keeping up with security can feel like a juggling act, but Snyk makes it easier by helping you focus on what matters. Follow these five steps
to protect your most important application assets and prioritize issues based on the actual risk to your organization.

Cheat Sheet

Why the fastest tech organizations choose Snyk