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2024 State of Open Source Security Report

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Reading list

Buyers guide

Future-proof your development: The SAST/SCA buyer’s guide for the AI era

White paper

DevSecOps is Dead…or is it?

White paper

Discover the path to trusted software

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Anzeige 169 - 180 von 262 ressourcen

Open Source Audits Explained

Open Source Audits Explained

Open source auditing checks the open source software used in your applications for security vulnerabilities and license violations within the open source libraries or between the open source software and the product company.


DevOps becomes DevSecOps!

There’s some talk about DevOps being overrated, but imagine the alternative: a world in which you could only release application updates every month, or every quarter.

Guide to Software Composition Analysis (SCA)

Guide to Software Composition Analysis (SCA)

The code driving many—in fact, most—applications today includes open source components.

Defining a secure open source policy

Defining a secure open source policy

What is an open source policy? Today’s organizations face intense pressure to be more efficient and agile at scale so they can remain viable in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

7 Reasons to use an open source vulnerability scanner

7 Reasons to use an open source vulnerability scanner

Cybercrime is on the mind of every business — from the largest enterprise to small and mid-sized companies that may have limited technical expertise.

Software dependencies: How to manage dependencies at scale

Software dependencies: How to manage dependencies at scale

The benefit of software dependencies is that they allow developers to more quickly deliver software by building on previous work.

Open-Source-Sicherheit verständlich erklärt

Open-Source-Sicherheit verständlich erklärt

Open-Source-Software erfreut sich seit einigen Jahren wachsender Beliebtheit, insbesondere weil sie auf Kooperation und Offenheit setzt. Das macht Entwicklern das Leben leichter – was leider auch für Hacker und andere Angreifer gilt.


The evolving role of the modern CISO

Explore the evolving role and responsibilities of the modern CISO. Learn about growth and responsibilities.

Security Champions and Their Role

Security Champions and Their Role

Every organization has a different culture that you should try to create a security champions program around. Avoid copy-pasting the exact same program someone else is successfully running, but rather, try to find gems of advice and best practices that you can apply that you feel would work with your teams and culture as well.

Cultivating a DevSecOps Culture: Real-world implementations

Cultivating a DevSecOps Culture: Real-world implementations

Throughout the continued journey of implementing and maturing a DevSecOps model, sharing successes and lessons learned can help everyone improve. The following are examples from organizations who have adopted DevSecOps and have worked to achieve higher levels of maturity.

AI Glossary

AI Glossary

Snyk’s glossary for learning about AI, including its science, common AI use cases, and how it relates to cybersecurity.

The Essential Guide to AI Bills of Materials (AIBOMs)

The Essential Guide to AI Bills of Materials (AIBOMs)

This guide is your one-stop shop on AI Bill of Materials (AIBOMs). Learn how to build an inventory of your AI model.