Announcing the Snyk Business trial: Security across the SDLC



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We’re excited to announce that our Snyk Business plan will now be available as a free trial. Many developers love Snyk products, but the true power of our platform is displayed when it’s used across an organization.

No company wants to navigate a security incident, but ensuring that your entire SDLC is protected can be a challenge. The Snyk Business plan gives your organization access to empowering and easy-to-use tools to ensure nothing slips through the cracks.

Securing expansively

Previous trials have enabled developers to catch vulnerabilities early, monitor projects, and prevent the introduction of new vulnerabilities. The Snyk Business trial will offer all of these solutions in addition to unlimited scanning in all Snyk products, scanning capabilities across the SDLC, and a quick and easy roll-out process to get you started.

Unlimited scanning for developers

In addition to unlimited testing in Snyk Open Source and Snyk Container, the Business Trial will extend unlimited testing to Snyk IaC and Snyk Code. So whether you're writing code from scratch, fixing open source vulnerabilities, or tackling container images and cloud configurations — this trial has you covered.

Developers have a lot on their plate. The Snyk UI lightens that load with priority scoring to focus on the most important vulnerabilities first, security fixes that are available at the click of a button, and scans that run in minutes or seconds. Snyk also explains the vulnerabilities it finds using data flow overlays of real code. Showing why the code was flagged and helping developers increase their application security knowledge as they work.

Dynamic monitor for security professionals

With developers empowered to take on everyday secure coding practices, the security team is freed from being the bottleneck for every incident. As InfoSec teams scale out, the Business Trial allows them to monitor projects across the organization and automate scanning for every pull request and build in the CI/CD pipeline. With increased access to the full Snyk platform via this trial, your build process will run smoother and see fewer interruptions for security-related tasks.

The extensive reporting capabilities that come with the Snyk Business trial allows InfoSec to monitor security posture and direct developer efforts. This leads to reduced fix times, as security vulnerabilities are found and addressed much earlier in the development process.

Intuitive management for application security leadership

The Snyk Business plan makes integrating our platform easier than ever for leadership and security alike. Since we’re a no-install SaaS solution, integration into source code management and your existing SSO is quick and easy — making you productive in minutes. Once you’re up and running, you’ll find that the industry leading Snyk platform covers a wide range of security solutions and greatly reduces tool sprawl.

Developer empowerment and team motivation will be boosted by our easy-to-use, self-serve, accurate and actionable toolset. Creating the foundation for a quality security culture that runs from the C-suite to junior developers. CISOs and other security leadership will also appreciate Snyk Business plan’s scanning for license compliance across open source dependencies. As well as the ability to greatly increase automation by using the provided plugins for IDEs, CI/CD tools or the CLI and API to integrate the Snyk platform.

Get started today!

The Snyk Business plan is now available on the Plans and Pricing page. You can start your free 14 day trial (or 31 day trial for Bitbucket users) today — no strings, no credit card required. All you need to do is login to your Snyk account, request a free trial, and let us show you how the Snyk Business plan can revolutionize your organization.

Snyk (スニーク) は、デベロッパーセキュリティプラットフォームです。Snyk は、コードやオープンソースとその依存関係、コンテナや IaC (Infrastructure as a Code) における脆弱性を見つけるだけでなく、優先順位をつけて修正するためのツールです。世界最高峰の脆弱性データベースを基盤に、Snyk の脆弱性に関する専門家としての知見が提供されます。


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