Understanding Supply Chain Security for Developers

Understanding Supply Chain Security for Developers


People are talking about supply chain security a lot now, with high profile attacks in the news, but what does it really mean for developers? How does it relate to how you build applications? In this talk I will explain what the security risks are, and how to understand your supply chain, and how to improve it, by using content you trust, and tools to help you. I will also look at what the future will bring as we manage our supply chains with a stronger view to their security.


Justin Cormack

CTO, Docker

Snyk (スニーク) は、デベロッパーセキュリティプラットフォームです。Snyk は、コードやオープンソースとその依存関係、コンテナや IaC (Infrastructure as a Code) における脆弱性を見つけるだけでなく、優先順位をつけて修正するためのツールです。世界最高峰の脆弱性データベースを基盤に、Snyk の脆弱性に関する専門家としての知見が提供されます。


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