Beyond the Devops Handbook - What about devsecops?

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| Keynote Session |

Patrick Debois, Director of Market Strategy, Snyk

John Willis, Senior Director, Global Transformation Office, RedhatGene Kim, Founder and Author, IT RevolutionSasha Rosenbaum, Senior Product Manager, Github

It's been five years since the DevOps Handbook came out. In this SnykCon panel Patrick Debois, John Willis, Gene Kim and Sasha Rousenbaum discuss how DevOps has evolved and how DevSecOps is a natural consequence.

Thirsty for more? Check out Snyk's DevSecOps Hub for more resources and tips.

Up Next

Blow up your Security: We are all Engineers

Join DJ Schleen at this SnykCon talk as he discusses how to implement a program that promotes the developer first way of addressing application security.


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