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Brian Vermeer

Brian Vermeer

Staff Developer Advocate

Brian is well-known in the Java community. He is a Developer Advocate for Snyk, Java Champion, and Software Engineer with over a decade of hands-on experience creating and maintaining (web)applications. He is passionate about Java, (Pure) Functional Programming, and Cybersecurity. Brian is a JUG leader for the Virtual JUG and the NLJUG. He also co-leads the DevSecCon community and is a community manager for Foojay. He is a regular international speaker at mostly Java-related conferences like JavaOne, Devnexus, Devoxx, Jfokus, JavaZone, and many more.

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The top two most popular Docker base images each have over 500 vulnerabilities



80% of developers are not addressing Docker security



Take actions to improve security in your Docker images
