Snyk Partner Speak Video Series Puts Spotlight on New Integrations

Sarah Conway


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Introducing the Snyk Partner Speak Series!

Snyk has created an exciting lineup of partner-focused videos featured on a new dedicated YouTube playlist.

These videos highlight technology solutions and applications we’ve created together with our Snyk Technology Alliance Partner Program (TAPP) members. We’ll look at the future of the Snyk platform and how our latest partner integrations fit into various custom tools and enterprise workflows to advance developer security.

Check out the short video below to learn more about the series and new ways application and developer-focused software companies are able to build, integrate and go-to-market with Snyk solutions.

If you haven’t already, subscribe to the Snyk YouTube channel to get alerts when new Snyk Partner Speaks videos are posted!

Check out other developments with the Snyk Technology Alliance Partner Program, including our new Snyk Partner Solutions Directory and the latest members to join Snyk TAPP.

Snyk (スニーク) は、デベロッパーセキュリティプラットフォームです。Snyk は、コードやオープンソースとその依存関係、コンテナや IaC (Infrastructure as a Code) における脆弱性を見つけるだけでなく、優先順位をつけて修正するためのツールです。世界最高峰の脆弱性データベースを基盤に、Snyk の脆弱性に関する専門家としての知見が提供されます。


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