Do you accept the risk? Dynamic risk metrics in your environment.

0 Min. Lesezeit

| Talk |

Daniel Maher, Developer Relations, Datadog

Andrew Krug, Technical Evangelist Security, Datadog

Risk management is relatively new to the security industry but in reality insurance teams, government, and finance have been using risk assessments to make decisions for years. In this SnykCon talk Daniel Maher and Andrew Krug demonstrate how to apply classical risk management concepts to modern DevOps practices. You’ll learn how to communicate across your organization using a standard vocabulary to calculate risk at a service level, then see a demonstration of how to dynamically calculate and increase risk levels using Security Scores.

Thirsty for more? Check out Snyk's DevSecOps Hub for resources and tips.

Up Next

Disclosing security vulnerabilities: If You’re Good at Something - Never Do it for Free

Tune into the SnykCon lightning talk as Anna Manley delivers a humorous take on the problem of paying for disclosing vulnerabilities.


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