Snyk for your Enterprise

Aner Mazur
19. September 2017
0 Min. LesezeitToday we’re happy to announce some great features we’ve added for teams developing and securing software within the Enterprise.
Over the last few months, aiming to help more developers stay secure, we have expanded to support, Java, Scala, Python and Go apps and monitoring for vulnerabilities in deployed PaaS and Serverless apps such as Heroku, Cloud Foundry, and AWS Lambda. The next step was to help developers working within larger teams.
Our focus is on Enterprises who recognise that security should be included as early as possible and throughout the developer lifecycle, who want it to be incredibly easy for both their development teams and security teams to use, and who want their developers to fix vulnerabilities, not just find them.
Enterprise customers have overlapping, but also additional needs to individual developers and small teams. Additional oversight and reporting are needed and compliance is increasingly a concern. To address these requirements, Snyk has developed Snyk Enterprise which includes:
License Compliance:
Know which licenses are consumed by your projects
Customise your policies, marking bad licenses and setting severity of violation
Block libraries with problematic licenses early in the dev process

Easily understand your security & compliance status across all projects
See how quickly your teams are resolving issues (or are not!)
Display your dashboard on TV screens around the office to give your team situational security awareness

On-Premise Source Code Management Support
Integrate with your SCM, including Bitbucket Server, GitLab and GitHub Enterprise
Strict security controls ensure your source code never leaves your network
Hybrid on-prem and SaaS solution enables tight security with low cost of ownership
Enterprise Integrations
Rich APIs to allow easy integration with your processes and applications
Enterprise PaaS integrations including CloudFoundry and Pivotal
Integrate into your Continuous Integration System made simple with the Snyk Jenkins Plugin
Maven plugin to help you test and monitor your Maven dependencies
Enterprise Support
Single Sign-On with your authentication solution
24-hour support SLA
Named Account Manager
If your company is interested in signing up to Snyk Enterprise contact us today so we can get you up and running with a proof of concept.
Developer loved. Security trusted.
Snyk steht für Developer-First Security in einem Toolset, mit dem Sie Governance-Prozesse automatisieren und Compliance konsequent gewährleisten.