How to use the plotly.exceptions.PlotlyError function in plotly

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ixs_triangles = [0, 1, 2, 0]
    pull_edges = tri_vertices[:, ixs_triangles, :]
    x_edge_pull = np.hstack([pull_edges[:, :, 0],
                             np.tile(None, [pull_edges.shape[0], 1])])
    y_edge_pull = np.hstack([pull_edges[:, :, 1],
                             np.tile(None, [pull_edges.shape[0], 1])])
    z_edge_pull = np.hstack([pull_edges[:, :, 2],
                             np.tile(None, [pull_edges.shape[0], 1])])

    # Now unravel the edges into a 1-d vector for plotting
    x_edge = np.hstack([x_edge, x_edge_pull.reshape([1, -1])[0]])
    y_edge = np.hstack([y_edge, y_edge_pull.reshape([1, -1])[0]])
    z_edge = np.hstack([z_edge, z_edge_pull.reshape([1, -1])[0]])

    if not (len(x_edge) == len(y_edge) == len(z_edge)):
        raise exceptions.PlotlyError("The lengths of x_edge, y_edge and "
                                     "z_edge are not the same.")

    # define the lines for plotting
    lines = graph_objs.Scatter3d(
        x=x_edge, y=y_edge, z=z_edge, mode='lines',

    if mean_dists_are_numbers and show_colorbar is True:
        return [triangles, lines, colorbar]
        return [triangles, lines]
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Streamline-specific validations

    Specifically, this checks that x and y are both evenly spaced,
    and that the package numpy is available.

    See FigureFactory.create_streamline() for params

    :raises: (ImportError) If numpy is not available.
    :raises: (PlotlyError) If x is not evenly spaced.
    :raises: (PlotlyError) If y is not evenly spaced.
    if np is False:
        raise ImportError("FigureFactory.create_streamline requires numpy")
    for index in range(len(x) - 1):
        if ((x[index + 1] - x[index]) - (x[1] - x[0])) > 0.0001:
            raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
                "x must be a 1 dimensional, " "evenly spaced array"
    for index in range(len(y) - 1):
        if ((y[index + 1] - y[index]) - (y[1] - y[0])) > 0.0001:
            raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
                "y must be a 1 dimensional, " "evenly spaced array"
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shape_template = {
        'type': 'rect',
        'xref': 'x',
        'yref': 'y',
        'opacity': 1,
        'line': {
            'width': 0,

    # compute the color for task based on indexing column
    if isinstance(chart[0][index_col], Number):
        # check that colors has at least 2 colors
        if len(colors) < 2:
            raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
                "You must use at least 2 colors in 'colors' if you "
                "are using a colorscale. However only the first two "
                "colors given will be used for the lower and upper "
                "bounds on the colormap."

        # create the list of task names
        for index in range(len(tasks)):
            tn = tasks[index]['name']
            # Is added to task_names if group_tasks is set to False,
            # or if the option is used (True) it only adds them if the
            # name is not already in the list
            if not group_tasks or tn not in task_names:
        # Guarantees that for grouped tasks the tasks that are inserted
        # first are shown at the top
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        num_of_rows = len(df.index)
        chart = []
        for index in range(num_of_rows):
            task_dict = {}
            for key in df:
                task_dict[key] = df.ix[index][key]

        return chart

    # validate if df is a list
    if not isinstance(df, list):
        raise exceptions.PlotlyError("You must input either a dataframe "
                                     "or a list of dictionaries.")

    # validate if df is empty
    if len(df) <= 0:
        raise exceptions.PlotlyError("Your list is empty. It must contain "
                                     "at least one dictionary.")
    if not isinstance(df[0], dict):
        raise exceptions.PlotlyError("Your list must only "
                                     "include dictionaries.")
    return df
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def return_figure_from_figure_or_data(figure_or_data, validate_figure):
    from plotly.graph_objs import Figure
    from plotly.basedatatypes import BaseFigure

    validated = False
    if isinstance(figure_or_data, dict):
        figure = figure_or_data
    elif isinstance(figure_or_data, list):
        figure = {"data": figure_or_data}
    elif isinstance(figure_or_data, BaseFigure):
        figure = figure_or_data.to_dict()
        validated = True
        raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
            "The `figure_or_data` positional "
            "argument must be "
            "`dict`-like, `list`-like, or an instance of plotly.graph_objs.Figure"

    if validate_figure and not validated:

            figure = Figure(**figure).to_dict()
        except exceptions.PlotlyError as err:
            raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
                "Invalid 'figure_or_data' argument. "
                "Plotly will not be able to properly "
                "parse the resulting JSON. If you "
                "want to send this 'figure_or_data' "
                "to Plotly anyway (not recommended), "
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def validate_table(table_text, font_colors):
    Table-specific validations

    Check that font_colors is supplied correctly (1, 3, or len(text)

    :raises: (PlotlyError) If font_colors is supplied incorretly.

    See FigureFactory.create_table() for params
    font_colors_len_options = [1, 3, len(table_text)]
    if len(font_colors) not in font_colors_len_options:
        raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
            "Oops, font_colors should be a list " "of length 1, 3 or len(text)"
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"If your colors variable is a string, it must be a "
                "Plotly scale, an rgb color or a hex color.")

    elif isinstance(colors, tuple):
        if isinstance(colors[0], Number):
            colors = [colors]
            colors = list(colors)

    # convert color elements in list to tuple color
    for j, each_color in enumerate(colors):
        if 'rgb' in each_color:
            each_color = color_parser(each_color, unlabel_rgb)
            for value in each_color:
                if value > 255.0:
                    raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
                        "Whoops! The elements in your rgb colors "
                        "tuples cannot exceed 255.0."
            each_color = color_parser(each_color, unconvert_from_RGB_255)
            colors[j] = each_color

        if '#' in each_color:
            each_color = color_parser(each_color, hex_to_rgb)
            each_color = color_parser(each_color, unconvert_from_RGB_255)

            colors[j] = each_color

        if isinstance(each_color, tuple):
            for value in each_color:
                if value > 1.0:
                    raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
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'showscale': True,
                            'cmax': 100,
                            'cmin': 0}

    if isinstance(chart[0][index_col], str):
        index_vals = []
        for row in range(len(tasks)):
            if chart[row][index_col] not in index_vals:


        if len(colors) < len(index_vals):
            raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
                "Error. The number of colors in 'colors' must be no less "
                "than the number of unique index values in your group "

        # make a dictionary assignment to each index value
        index_vals_dict = {}
        # define color index
        c_index = 0
        for key in index_vals:
            if c_index > len(colors) - 1:
                c_index = 0
            index_vals_dict[key] = colors[c_index]
            c_index += 1

        # create the list of task names
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    if isinstance(chart[0][index_col], str):
        index_vals = []
        for row in range(len(tasks)):
            if chart[row][index_col] not in index_vals:


        if len(colors) < len(index_vals):
            raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
                "Error. The number of colors in 'colors' must be no less "
                "than the number of unique index values in your group "

        # make a dictionary assignment to each index value
        index_vals_dict = {}
        # define color index
        c_index = 0
        for key in index_vals:
            if c_index > len(colors) - 1:
                c_index = 0
            index_vals_dict[key] = colors[c_index]
            c_index += 1

        # create the list of task names
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if response.status_code == 200:
        if six.PY3:
            content = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
            content = json.loads(response.content)
        response_payload = content['payload']
        figure = response_payload['figure']
        if raw:
            return figure
            return tools.get_valid_graph_obj(figure, obj_type='Figure')
            content = json.loads(response.content)
            raise exceptions.PlotlyError(content)
            raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
                "There was an error retrieving this file")