Meeting developers where they are - end-to-end workflows in Snyk

Meeting developers where they are - end-to-end workflows in Snyk


In this session, we will demonstrate how speed and security do not need to be mutually exclusive. We will provide you with an overview of how Snyk ensures application security meets you wherever you are, integrating seamlessly into your existing workflows so that it is faster for you to secure while you build - as early as your local development environment and IDE, in Git-based workflows and on into CI/CD.


Victor Fernandez Penalver

Senior Software Engineer, Ecosystems, Snyk

Or Fattal

Senior Product Manager, Snyk

Snyk (スニーク) は、デベロッパーセキュリティプラットフォームです。Snyk は、コードやオープンソースとその依存関係、コンテナや IaC (Infrastructure as a Code) における脆弱性を見つけるだけでなく、優先順位をつけて修正するためのツールです。世界最高峰の脆弱性データベースを基盤に、Snyk の脆弱性に関する専門家としての知見が提供されます。


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