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Building Security Champions

Building Security Champions


With security teams being vastly outnumbered many organizations have responded to this challenge with different program scaling methods, including building security champions programs. Which leads us to questions; How does a security champions program work? How do you select your champions? And once you have them, what do you DO with them?

This session will teach you;€¢ How to attract the right people to your program€¢ What and how to train them€¢ How to engage them, and turn them into security advocates€¢ What do delegate and what NOT to delegate€¢ What to communicate, how often and to who€¢ How to motivate them€¢ How to build an AMAZING security champion program

Recipe for success; recruit, engage, teach, recognize, reward, don't stop.


Tanya Janca

CEO & Founder, We Hack Purple

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