SnykCon Happy Hour: Live Coding Music with Sonic Pi

0 Min. Lesezeit

Happy Hour

Sonic Pi is a free code-based music creation and performance tool that targets both education and professional musicians. It is possible for beginners to code fresh beats, driving bass lines and shimmering synth riffs. All this whilst teaching core computer science concepts such as sequencing, functions, variables, loops, data structures and algorithms.

In this discussion and performance we'll explore Sonic Pi’s novel internal technologies which enable it to rhythmically synchronise concurrent threads (to the beat), deliver thread-safe deterministic randomisation and the power of representing state in its internal totally-ordered event-store.

Enough words, now enjoy the happy hour!

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Watch this SnykCon talk as Dan Tyrrell shares how being a guide to your organization is more beneficial in the long-run than mandating controls. These concepts and techniques allow you to shift security left, and reduce overall risk.


Snyk ist eine Developer Security Plattform. Integrieren Sie Snyk in Ihre Tools, Workflows und Pipelines im Dev-Prozess – und Ihre Teams identifizieren, priorisieren und beheben Schwachstellen in Code, Abhängigkeiten, Containern, Cloud-Ressourcen und IaC nahtlos. Snyk bringt branchenführende Application & Security Intelligence in jede IDE.

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