Building Security Tools Developers Love

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October 26, 2016

0 Min. Lesezeit

In the latest episode of “The Secure Developer”, I had the pleasure of interviewing Sabin Thomas, VP Engineering at Codiscope.

Sabin’s career took him from developing software for security conscious organizations to developing security tools for developers working in such environments. We spoke about many things, notably including:

  • The importance of security education, to complement security automation

  • What’s different about building security tools for developers, as opposed to security people?

  • How a developer’s style or platform impacts the security support they need

I hope you enjoy the episode, and would love to hear your feedback on @thesecuredev on Twitter. Don’t forget you can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, SoundCloud or various other spots.

Listen to The Secure Developer - Ep. #3, Security From The Start

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