Scaling Snyk fast with copy-paste orgs

Artikel von:
Anna Debenham
Anna Debenham

October 11, 2018

0 Min. Lesezeit

We’ve been approached by many customers asking for help in creating hundreds of orgs, many times with identical configurations such as license policies that are shared throughout the company. Setting up integrations and license policies for each org can be time consuming, so we focused on how we could speed up that flow.

Group-level settings are in the pipeline – the goal being to offer settings that can trickle down to orgs and be shared amongst them – but the release of that is a little way off because it requires quite a few changes to how our integrations work. So we looked into what we could deliver in a short space of time, until the broader group-level settings work is complete.

What we’ve released today is the ability for group admins to copy org settings from an existing org to a new one. You can do this via our API, or in our UI.

To see this in action in our UI, click on “create a new organisation” in your org switcher.You’ll see there’s a new section on this screen – the dropdown contains a list of all orgs within your group. Selecting an org will clone all settings from that org to the one you’re creating.


What this won't do is keep the copied settings in sync between orgs. For example, if you change the license policy in the cloned org, these changes will not be reflected in the original org. After the creation stage, they are treated as completely separate entities.

In the future, we will be releasing the ability to share settings between orgs in your group, with the option to keep those settings in sync. You’ll also have more fine-grained control over which settings are shared (such as “share the license policy between orgs A and B, and the GitLab integration between B and C”). We’ll also be working on making this possible after an org has been created, not just at the creation stage.

Stay tuned for more updates as we make improvements in this area!

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