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Java ecosystem survey 2021

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15. Februar 2021

0 Min. Lesezeit

Hello Java developers!

Just like in 2020, we are creating a comprehensive Java 2021 report that reflects the state of the JVM ecosystem. Below you will find a summary of the JVM Ecosystem 2020 report.


As always, we couldn’t have done this without you! So, once again, we ask for you help with the 2021 edition of the JVM Ecosystem report.

Just like last year, we put together a comprehensive survey. Together with our partner Azul, we would like your input on how you use Java and the JVM ecosystem.

It takes less than 3 minutes to voice your preferences in this year’s Java and JVM report!

Our final report this year will embed multiple data points, on top of the survey results, so this will be interesting! Besides data that we already have at Snyk, we will look at GitHub projects, Google searches, and other available data. Combined with the survey results we aim to create the most comprehensive overview of the JVM 2021 landscape.

By submitting your answers to this survey, you are not only helping the community with sharing your data, but you can also help our charity goal for this year. Once we get to 2,000 responses, we'll donate $1000 to Devoxx4Kids! And if we exceed 5,000 responses, we'll top that up to $2,000!


We value diverse input, so please do share this survey with friends and colleagues. Let your Java voice be heard!

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