O Secure Developer Podcast

The Secure Developer Podcast

A podcast about securing the future of DevOps and AI. Tune in for real talk with industry leaders to help you build fast and secure.

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The Secure Developer

Meet your host

As Chief Technology Officer, Danny is responsible for the global technology roadmap and security research at Snyk. With more than 25 years of software technology experience, he is passionate about solving customer problems and software innovation.

Previously, Danny was CTO of Veeam Software, where he launched more than a dozen new product offerings and spearheaded the company into the leading market share position. Earlier in his career, Danny was Director of Security Research at IBM and a member of the Security Architecture Board where he co-authored the IBM Secure Engineering Framework.  He holds multiple software patents in the cloud and security field.

Snyk é uma plataforma de segurança para desenvolvedores. Integrando-se diretamente a ferramentas de desenvolvimento, fluxos de trabalhos e pipelines de automação, a Snyk possibilita que as equipes encontrem, priorizem e corrijam mais facilmente vulnerabilidades em códigos, dependências, contêineres e infraestrutura como código. Com o suporte do melhor aplicativo do setor e inteligência em segurança, a Snyk coloca a experiência em segurança no kit de ferramentas de todo desenvolvedor.

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