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Snyk Videos

Snykflix video streaming

Learn about developer security from replays of demos, conference sessions, office hours, Stranger Dangers, and more.

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Affichage 22 - 42 sur 95 vidéos

Kubernetes Security with Snyk

Kubernetes Security with Snyk

Cracking the kernel - adventures with kernel exploits in Kubernetes

Cracking the kernel - adventures with kernel exploits in Kubernetes

Developers don't want someone looking over their shoulder

Developers don't want someone looking over their shoulder

Securing your Terraform Deployments

Securing your Terraform Deployments

API Evolutions - Extend, customize and automate Snyk

API Evolutions - Extend, customize and automate Snyk

The deep code analysis & ML powering Snyk

The deep code analysis & ML powering Snyk

CSP is leaking....

CSP is leaking....

My NPM package will eat your lunch

My NPM package will eat your lunch

Automating a secure container workflow

Automating a secure container workflow

Developer-Centric AppSec In Practice

Developer-Centric AppSec In Practice

Securing your code using Snyk Code in 15 minutes

Securing your code using Snyk Code in 15 minutes

Lessons learned from building a developer-first AppSec program

Lessons learned from building a developer-first AppSec program

Creating custom rules for Snyk Infrastructure as Code

Creating custom rules for Snyk Infrastructure as Code

Why the Options Pattern is Great for Security

Why the Options Pattern is Great for Security

Using Snyk Effectively with Gitlab

Using Snyk Effectively with Gitlab

So you bought a Team Plan, what now?

So you bought a Team Plan, what now?

Hacking your infra from the outside by exploiting npm Dependency Confusion attacks

Hacking your infra from the outside by exploiting npm Dependency Confusion attacks

The Developer-First Security Experience on OpenShift

The Developer-First Security Experience on OpenShift

Triaging vulnerabilities - the way it ought to be

Triaging vulnerabilities - the way it ought to be

Falling in love with static analysis

Falling in love with static analysis

Enforcing developer intent with eBPF

Enforcing developer intent with eBPF