Snyk Fetch the Flag CTF 2023 writeup: I Do Math

Écrit par:

November 30, 2023

0 minutes de lecture

Thanks for playing Fetch with us! Congrats to the thousands of players who joined us for Fetch the Flag CTF. If you were at Snyk’s 2023 Fetch the Flag and are looking for the answer to the I Do Math challenge, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s walk through the solution together!

The solution is to log in with the username admin and pin 9007199254740992. This is the JavaScript MAX_SAFE_INT. Any number smaller than this is incorrect, and larger numbers give you the hint that your pin is too large. 


if [[ -z "$1" ]]
    echo "IP address or hostname not specified"
    exit 1

if [[ -z "$2" ]]
    echo "Port not specified"
    exit 1

curl -s http://$1:$2/9007199254740992 | grep flag --color=none

Thanks for making Fetch happen!

A huge thank you to all the teams in Fetch the Flag 2023! It was great seeing all of you there and you can always find me on YouTube.

Here are the writeups for the other 2023 challenges. Dig in!

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