How to use the umbral.random_oracles.hash_to_curvebn function in umbral

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few umbral examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github nucypher / pyUmbral / tests / unit / test_primitives / View on Github external
def test_cant_hash_arbitrary_object_into_bignum():
    whatever = object()
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
github nucypher / pyUmbral / vectors / View on Github external
# hash_to_curvebn #

# Test vectors for different kinds of inputs (bytes, Points, CurveBNs, etc.)
inputs = ([b''],
          [capsule.point_e, z],

vectors = list()
for input_to_hash in inputs:
    bn_output = hash_to_curvebn(*input_to_hash, params=params)
    json_input = [{'class': data.__class__.__name__,
                   'bytes': hexlify(data),
                   } for data in input_to_hash]

    json_input = {'input': json_input, 'output': hexlify(bn_output) }


vector_suite = {
    'name' : 'Test vectors for umbral.curvebn.CurveBN.hash()',
    'params' : 'default',
    'vectors' : vectors

create_test_vector_file(vector_suite, 'vectors_curvebn_hash.json', generate_again=generate_again)
#print(json.dumps(vector_suite, indent=2))
github nucypher / pyUmbral / umbral / View on Github external
def verify(self) -> bool:

        g = self.params.g
        e, v, s = self.components()
        h = hash_to_curvebn(e, v, params=self.params)

        result = s * g == v + (h * e)      # type: bool
        return result
github nucypher / pyUmbral / umbral / View on Github external
u1 = cfrag.proof._point_kfrag_commitment

        e2 = cfrag.proof._point_e2
        v2 = cfrag.proof._point_v2
        u2 = cfrag.proof._point_kfrag_pok
    except AttributeError:
        if cfrag.proof is None:
            raise cfrag.NoProofProvided

    hash_input = [e, e1, e2, v, v1, v2, u, u1, u2]
    if cfrag.proof.metadata is not None:

    h = hash_to_curvebn(*hash_input, params=params)

    precursor = cfrag._point_precursor
    kfrag_id = cfrag._kfrag_id

    validity_input = (kfrag_id, delegating_pubkey, receiving_pubkey, u1, precursor)

    kfrag_validity_message = bytes().join(bytes(item) for item in validity_input)
    valid_kfrag_signature = cfrag.proof.kfrag_signature.verify(kfrag_validity_message, signing_pubkey)

    z3 = cfrag.proof.bn_sig
    correct_reencryption_of_e = z3 * e == e2 + (h * e1)

    correct_reencryption_of_v = z3 * v == v2 + (h * v1)

    correct_rk_commitment = z3 * u == u2 + (h * u1)
github nucypher / pyUmbral / umbral / View on Github external
def _decapsulate_reencrypted(receiving_privkey: UmbralPrivateKey, capsule: Capsule,
                             key_length: int = DEM_KEYSIZE) -> bytes:
    """Derive the same symmetric encapsulated_key"""

    params = capsule.params

    pub_key = receiving_privkey.get_pubkey().point_key
    priv_key = receiving_privkey.bn_key

    precursor = capsule._attached_cfrags[0].point_precursor
    dh_point = priv_key * precursor

    # Combination of CFrags via Shamir's Secret Sharing reconstruction
    xs = list()
    for cfrag in capsule._attached_cfrags:
        x = hash_to_curvebn(precursor,

    e_summands, v_summands = list(), list()
    for cfrag, x in zip(capsule._attached_cfrags, xs):
        if precursor != cfrag.point_precursor:
            raise ValueError("Attached CFrags are not pairwise consistent")
        lambda_i = lambda_coeff(x, xs)
        e_summands.append(lambda_i * cfrag.point_e1)
        v_summands.append(lambda_i * cfrag.point_v1)

    e_prime = sum(e_summands[1:], e_summands[0])
github nucypher / pyUmbral / umbral / View on Github external
e1 = cfrag._point_e1
    v1 = cfrag._point_v1

    u = params.u
    u1 = kfrag._point_commitment

    e2 = t * e
    v2 = t * v
    u2 = t * u

    hash_input = [e, e1, e2, v, v1, v2, u, u1, u2]
    if metadata is not None:

    h = hash_to_curvebn(*hash_input, params=params)

    z3 = t + h * rk

    cfrag.attach_proof(e2, v2, u1, u2, metadata=metadata, z3=z3, kfrag_signature=kfrag.signature_for_bob)
github nucypher / pyUmbral / umbral / View on Github external
e1 = self.point_e1
        v1 = self.point_v1

        u = params.u
        u1 = self.proof.point_kfrag_commitment

        e2 = self.proof.point_e2
        v2 = self.proof.point_v2
        u2 = self.proof.point_kfrag_pok

        hash_input = [e, e1, e2, v, v1, v2, u, u1, u2]
        if self.proof.metadata is not None:

        h = hash_to_curvebn(*hash_input, params=params, hash_class=ExtendedKeccak)

        precursor = self.point_precursor
        kfrag_id = self.kfrag_id

        validity_input = (kfrag_id, delegating_pubkey, receiving_pubkey, u1, precursor)

        kfrag_validity_message = bytes().join(bytes(item) for item in validity_input)
        valid_kfrag_signature = self.proof.kfrag_signature.verify(kfrag_validity_message, signing_pubkey)

        z3 = self.proof.bn_sig
        correct_reencryption_of_e = z3 * e == e2 + (h * e1)

        correct_reencryption_of_v = z3 * v == v2 + (h * v1)

        correct_rk_commitment = z3 * u == u2 + (h * u1)
github nucypher / pyUmbral / umbral / View on Github external
def _encapsulate(alice_pubkey: UmbralPublicKey, 
                 key_length: int = DEM_KEYSIZE) -> Tuple[bytes, Capsule]:
    """Generates a symmetric key and its associated KEM ciphertext"""

    params = alice_pubkey.params
    g = params.g

    priv_r = CurveBN.gen_rand(params.curve)
    pub_r = priv_r * g  # type: Any

    priv_u = CurveBN.gen_rand(params.curve)
    pub_u = priv_u * g  # type: Any

    h = hash_to_curvebn(pub_r, pub_u, params=params)
    s = priv_u + (priv_r * h)

    shared_key = (priv_r + priv_u) * alice_pubkey.point_key  # type: Any

    # Key to be used for symmetric encryption
    key = kdf(shared_key, key_length)

    return key, Capsule(point_e=pub_r, point_v=pub_u, bn_sig=s, params=params)
github nucypher / pyUmbral / umbral / View on Github external
lambda_i = lambda_coeff(x, xs)
        e_summands.append(lambda_i * cfrag.point_e1)
        v_summands.append(lambda_i * cfrag.point_v1)

    e_prime = sum(e_summands[1:], e_summands[0])
    v_prime = sum(v_summands[1:], v_summands[0])

    # Secret value 'd' allows to make Umbral non-interactive
    d = hash_to_curvebn(precursor,

    e, v, s = capsule.components()
    h = hash_to_curvebn(e, v, params=params)

    orig_pub_key = capsule.get_correctness_keys()['delegating'].point_key  # type: ignore

    if not (s / d) * orig_pub_key == (h * e_prime) + v_prime:
        raise GenericUmbralError()

    shared_key = d * (e_prime + v_prime)
    encapsulated_key = kdf(shared_key, key_length)
    return encapsulated_key