How to use the umbral.pre.split_rekey function in umbral

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few umbral examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def __produce_kfrags(M, N) -> list:

    delegating_privkey = keys.UmbralPrivateKey.gen_key(params=PARAMS)

    signing_privkey = keys.UmbralPrivateKey.gen_key(params=PARAMS)
    signer = Signer(signing_privkey)

    receiving_privkey = keys.UmbralPrivateKey.gen_key(params=PARAMS)
    receiving_pubkey = receiving_privkey.get_pubkey()

    kfrags = pre.split_rekey(delegating_privkey, signer, receiving_pubkey, M, N)
    return kfrags
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def test_activated_capsule_serialization():
    priv_key = pre.gen_priv()
    pub_key = pre.priv2pub(priv_key)

    _unused_key, capsule = pre._encapsulate(pub_key)
    kfrags, _unused_vkeys = pre.split_rekey(priv_key, pub_key, 1, 2)

    cfrag = pre.reencrypt(kfrags[0], capsule)


    rec_capsule_bytes = capsule.to_bytes()

    # An activated Capsule is:
    # three points, representable as 33 bytes each (the original), and
    # two points and a bignum (32 bytes) (the activated components), for 197 total.
    assert len(rec_capsule_bytes) == (33 * 3) + (33 + 33 + 32)

    new_rec_capsule = pre.Capsule.from_bytes(rec_capsule_bytes)

    # Again, the same three perspectives on equality. 
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"""Manually injects umbralparameters for multi-curve testing."""
    params = UmbralParameters(curve=curve)

    priv_key_alice = keys.UmbralPrivateKey.gen_key(params=params)
    pub_key_alice = priv_key_alice.get_pubkey()

    priv_key_bob = keys.UmbralPrivateKey.gen_key(params=params)
    pub_key_bob = priv_key_bob.get_pubkey()

    plain_data = b'attack at dawn'
    ciphertext, capsule = pre.encrypt(pub_key_alice, plain_data)

    cleartext = pre.decrypt(capsule, priv_key_alice, ciphertext)
    assert cleartext == plain_data

    rekeys, _unused_vkeys = pre.split_rekey(priv_key_alice, pub_key_bob, M, N, params=params)
    for rekey in rekeys:
        c_frag = pre.reencrypt(rekey, capsule, params=params)

    reenc_cleartext = pre.decrypt(capsule, priv_key_bob, ciphertext, pub_key_alice)
    assert reenc_cleartext == plain_data
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def test_kfrag_serialization(alices_keys):
    priv_key_alice, pub_key_alice = alices_keys

    kfrags, _unused_vkeys = pre.split_rekey(priv_key_alice, pub_key_alice, 1, 2)
    kfrag_bytes = kfrags[0].to_bytes()

    # A KFrag can be represented as the 194 total bytes of two Points (33 each) and four BigNums (32 each).
    assert len(kfrag_bytes) == 33 + 33 + (32 * 4) == 194

    new_frag = pre.KFrag.from_bytes(kfrag_bytes)
    assert new_frag.bn_id == kfrags[0].bn_id
    assert new_frag.bn_key == kfrags[0].bn_key
    assert new_frag.point_eph_ni == kfrags[0].point_eph_ni
    assert new_frag.point_commitment == kfrags[0].point_commitment
    assert new_frag.bn_sig1 == kfrags[0].bn_sig1
    assert new_frag.bn_sig2 == kfrags[0].bn_sig2
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def test_challenge_response_serialization():
    priv_key = pre.gen_priv()
    pub_key = pre.priv2pub(priv_key)

    _unused_key, capsule = pre._encapsulate(pub_key)
    kfrags, _unused_vkeys = pre.split_rekey(priv_key, pub_key, 1, 2)

    cfrag = pre.reencrypt(kfrags[0], capsule)

    ch_resp = pre.challenge(kfrags[0], capsule, cfrag)

    ch_resp_bytes = ch_resp.to_bytes()

    # A ChallengeResponse can be represented as
    # the 228 total bytes of four Points (33 each) and three BigNums (32 each).
    assert len(ch_resp_bytes) == (33 * 4) + (32 * 3) == 228

    new_ch_resp = pre.ChallengeResponse.from_bytes(ch_resp_bytes)
    assert new_ch_resp.point_eph_e2 == ch_resp.point_eph_e2
    assert new_ch_resp.point_eph_v2 == ch_resp.point_eph_v2
    assert new_ch_resp.point_kfrag_commitment == ch_resp.point_kfrag_commitment
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def test_m_of_n(N, M, alices_keys, bobs_keys):
    priv_key_alice, pub_key_alice = alices_keys
    priv_key_bob, pub_key_bob = bobs_keys

    sym_key, capsule = pre._encapsulate(pub_key_alice.point_key)
    kfrags, vkeys = pre.split_rekey(priv_key_alice, pub_key_bob, M, N)

    for kfrag in kfrags:
        assert kfrag.verify(pub_key_alice.point_key, pub_key_bob.point_key)
        assert kfrag.is_consistent(vkeys)

    for kfrag in kfrags[:M]:
        cfrag = pre.reencrypt(kfrag, capsule)
        ch = pre.challenge(kfrag, capsule, cfrag)
        assert pre.check_challenge(capsule, cfrag, ch, pub_key_alice.point_key, pub_key_bob.point_key)

    # assert capsule.is_openable_by_bob()  # TODO: Is it possible to check here if >= m cFrags have been attached?
    #, priv_bob, pub_alice)

    sym_key_from_capsule = pre.decapsulate_reencrypted(pub_key_bob.point_key,
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def test_bad_capsule_fails_reencryption(alices_keys):
    priv_key_alice, pub_key_alice = alices_keys

    k_frags, _unused_vkeys = pre.split_rekey(priv_key_alice, pub_key_alice, 1, 2)

    bollocks_capsule = Capsule(point_eph_e=Point.gen_rand(),

    with pytest.raises(Capsule.NotValid):
        pre.reencrypt(k_frags[0], bollocks_capsule)
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def test_cfrag_serialization(alices_keys):
    priv_key_alice, pub_key_alice = alices_keys

    _unused_key, capsule = pre._encapsulate(pub_key_alice.point_key)
    k_frags, _unused_vkeys = pre.split_rekey(priv_key_alice, pub_key_alice, 1, 2)

    c_frag = pre.reencrypt(k_frags[0], capsule)
    c_frag_bytes = c_frag.to_bytes()

    # A CFrag can be represented as the 131 total bytes of three Points (33 each) and a BigNum (32).
    assert len(c_frag_bytes) == 33 + 33 + 33 + 32 == 131

    new_cfrag = pre.CapsuleFrag.from_bytes(c_frag_bytes)
    assert new_cfrag.point_eph_e1 == c_frag.point_eph_e1
    assert new_cfrag.point_eph_v1 == c_frag.point_eph_v1
    assert new_cfrag.bn_kfrag_id == c_frag.bn_kfrag_id
    assert new_cfrag.point_eph_ni == c_frag.point_eph_ni
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def test_alice_sends_fake_kfrag_to_ursula(N, M):

    priv_key_alice = keys.UmbralPrivateKey.gen_key()
    pub_key_alice = priv_key_alice.get_pubkey()

    priv_key_bob = keys.UmbralPrivateKey.gen_key()
    pub_key_bob = priv_key_bob.get_pubkey()

    plaintext = b'attack at dawn'
    ciphertext, capsule = pre.encrypt(pub_key_alice, plaintext)

    cleartext = pre.decrypt(capsule, priv_key_alice, ciphertext)
    assert cleartext == plaintext

    k_frags, vkeys = pre.split_rekey(priv_key_alice, pub_key_bob, M, N)

    # Alice tries to frame the first Ursula by sending her a random kFrag
    k_frags[0].bn_key = BigNum.gen_rand()

    for k_frag in k_frags:
        c_frag = pre.reencrypt(k_frag, capsule)

    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        _ = pre.decrypt(capsule, priv_key_bob, ciphertext, pub_key_alice)