How to use the umbral.pre.decrypt function in umbral

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few umbral examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def test_decryption_error(alices_keys, bobs_keys, ciphertext_and_capsule, message):
    delegating_privkey, _signing_privkey = alices_keys
    receiving_privkey, _receiving_pubkey = bobs_keys
    ciphertext, capsule = ciphertext_and_capsule

    cleartext = pre.decrypt(ciphertext, capsule, delegating_privkey)
    assert message == cleartext

    with pytest.raises(pre.UmbralDecryptionError) as e:
        _cleartext = pre.decrypt(ciphertext, capsule, receiving_privkey)
github nucypher / pyUmbral / tests / functional / View on Github external
def test_public_key_encryption(alices_keys):
    delegating_privkey, _ = alices_keys
    plain_data = b'peace at dawn'
    ciphertext, capsule = pre.encrypt(delegating_privkey.get_pubkey(), plain_data)
    cleartext = pre.decrypt(ciphertext, capsule, delegating_privkey)
    assert cleartext == plain_data
github nucypher / pyUmbral / tests / functional / View on Github external
def test_decryption_error(alices_keys, bobs_keys, ciphertext_and_capsule, message):
    delegating_privkey, _signing_privkey = alices_keys
    receiving_privkey, _receiving_pubkey = bobs_keys
    ciphertext, capsule = ciphertext_and_capsule

    cleartext = pre.decrypt(ciphertext, capsule, delegating_privkey)
    assert message == cleartext

    with pytest.raises(pre.UmbralDecryptionError) as e:
        _cleartext = pre.decrypt(ciphertext, capsule, receiving_privkey)
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delegating_pubkey = delegating_privkey.get_pubkey()

    signing_privkey = UmbralPrivateKey.gen_key(params=params)
    signing_pubkey = signing_privkey.get_pubkey()
    signer = Signer(signing_privkey)

    # Key Generation (Bob)
    receiving_privkey = UmbralPrivateKey.gen_key(params=params)
    receiving_pubkey = receiving_privkey.get_pubkey()

    # Encryption by an unnamed data source
    plain_data = b'peace at dawn'
    ciphertext, capsule = pre.encrypt(delegating_pubkey, plain_data)

    # Decryption by Alice
    cleartext = pre.decrypt(ciphertext, capsule, delegating_privkey)
    assert cleartext == plain_data

    # Split Re-Encryption Key Generation (aka Delegation)
    kfrags = pre.generate_kfrags(delegating_privkey, receiving_pubkey, M, N, signer)

    # Capsule preparation (necessary before re-encryotion and activation)

    # Bob requests re-encryption to some set of M ursulas
    cfrags = list()
    for kfrag in kfrags[:M]:
        # Ursula checks that the received kfrag is valid
        assert kfrag.verify(signing_pubkey, delegating_pubkey, receiving_pubkey, params)
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priv_key_bob = keys.UmbralPrivateKey.gen_key(params=params)
    pub_key_bob = priv_key_bob.get_pubkey()

    plain_data = b'attack at dawn'
    ciphertext, capsule = pre.encrypt(pub_key_alice, plain_data)

    cleartext = pre.decrypt(capsule, priv_key_alice, ciphertext)
    assert cleartext == plain_data

    rekeys, _unused_vkeys = pre.split_rekey(priv_key_alice, pub_key_bob, M, N, params=params)
    for rekey in rekeys:
        c_frag = pre.reencrypt(rekey, capsule, params=params)

    reenc_cleartext = pre.decrypt(capsule, priv_key_bob, ciphertext, pub_key_alice)
    assert reenc_cleartext == plain_data
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for kfrag in kfrags[:M]:
        # Ursula checks that the received kfrag is valid
        assert kfrag.verify(signing_pubkey, delegating_pubkey, receiving_pubkey, params)

        # Re-encryption by an Ursula
        cfrag = pre.reencrypt(kfrag, capsule)

        # Bob collects the result

    # Capsule activation (by Bob)
    for cfrag in cfrags:

    # Decryption by Bob
    reenc_cleartext = pre.decrypt(ciphertext, capsule, receiving_privkey)
    assert reenc_cleartext == plain_data
github nucypher / pyUmbral / tests / View on Github external
def test_simple_api(N, M, curve=default_curve()):
    """Manually injects umbralparameters for multi-curve testing."""
    params = UmbralParameters(curve=curve)

    priv_key_alice = keys.UmbralPrivateKey.gen_key(params=params)
    pub_key_alice = priv_key_alice.get_pubkey()

    priv_key_bob = keys.UmbralPrivateKey.gen_key(params=params)
    pub_key_bob = priv_key_bob.get_pubkey()

    plain_data = b'attack at dawn'
    ciphertext, capsule = pre.encrypt(pub_key_alice, plain_data)

    cleartext = pre.decrypt(capsule, priv_key_alice, ciphertext)
    assert cleartext == plain_data

    rekeys, _unused_vkeys = pre.split_rekey(priv_key_alice, pub_key_bob, M, N, params=params)
    for rekey in rekeys:
        c_frag = pre.reencrypt(rekey, capsule, params=params)

    reenc_cleartext = pre.decrypt(capsule, priv_key_bob, ciphertext, pub_key_alice)
    assert reenc_cleartext == plain_data
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# Now let's encrypt data with Alice's public key.
# Invocation of `pre.encrypt` returns both the `ciphertext`,
# and a `capsule`. Anyone with Alice's public key can perform
# this operation.

plaintext = b'Proxy Re-encryption is cool!'
ciphertext, capsule = pre.encrypt(alices_public_key, plaintext)

# Decrypt data for Alice
# ----------------------
# Since data was encrypted with Alice's public key,
# Alice can open the capsule and decrypt the ciphertext with her private key.

cleartext = pre.decrypt(ciphertext=ciphertext,

# Bob Exists
# -----------

bobs_private_key = keys.UmbralPrivateKey.gen_key()
bobs_public_key = bobs_private_key.get_pubkey()

# Bob receives a capsule through a side channel (s3, ipfs, Google cloud, etc)
bob_capsule = capsule

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# Bob Exists
# -----------

bobs_private_key = keys.UmbralPrivateKey.gen_key()
bobs_public_key = bobs_private_key.get_pubkey()

# Bob receives a capsule through a side channel (s3, ipfs, Google cloud, etc)
bob_capsule = capsule

# Attempt Bob's decryption (fail)
    fail_decrypted_data = pre.decrypt(ciphertext=ciphertext,
except pre.UmbralDecryptionError:
    print("Decryption failed! Bob doesn't has access granted yet.")

# Alice grants access to Bob by generating kfrags 
# -----------------------------------------------
# When Alice wants to grant Bob access to open her encrypted messages, 
# she creates *threshold split re-encryption keys*, or *"kfrags"*, 
# which are next sent to N proxies or *Ursulas*. 
# She uses her private key, and Bob's public key, and she sets a minimum 
# threshold of 10, for 20 total shares

kfrags = pre.generate_kfrags(delegating_privkey=alices_private_key,