How to use the umbral.point.Point.from_bytes function in umbral

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github nucypher / pyUmbral / tests / functional / View on Github external
def test_point_operations():

    vector_file = os.path.join('vectors', 'vectors_point_operations.json')
        with open(vector_file) as f:
            vector_suite = json.load(f)
    except OSError:

    point1 = Point.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(vector_suite['first Point operand']))
    point2 = Point.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(vector_suite['second Point operand']))
    bn1 = CurveBN.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(vector_suite['CurveBN operand']))

    expected = dict()
    for op_result in vector_suite['vectors']:
        expected[op_result['operation']] = bytes.fromhex(op_result['result'])

    test = [('Addition', point1 + point2),
            ('Subtraction', point1 - point2),
            ('Multiplication', bn1 * point1),
            ('Inversion', -point1),

    for (operation, result) in test:
        assert result == Point.from_bytes(expected[operation]), 'Error in {}'.format(operation)

    test = [('To_affine.X', point1.to_affine()[0]),
github nucypher / pyUmbral / tests / unit / test_primitives / View on Github external
def test_point_curve_multiplication_regression():
    k256_point_bytes = b'\x03\xe0{\x1bQ\xbf@\x1f\x95\x8d\xe1\x17\xa7\xbe\x9e-G`T\xbf\xd7\x9e\xa7\x10\xc8uA\xc0z$\xc0\x92\x8a'
    k256_bn_bytes = b'4u\xd70-\xa0h\xdeG\xf0\x143\x06!\x91\x05{\xe4jC\n\xf1h\xed7a\xf8\x9d\xec^\x19\x8c'

    k256_point = Point.from_bytes(k256_point_bytes)
    k256_bn = CurveBN.from_bytes(k256_bn_bytes)

    product_with_star_operator = k256_point * k256_bn

    # Make sure we have instantiated a new, unequal point in the same curve and group
    assert isinstance(product_with_star_operator, Point), "Point.__mul__ did not return a point instance"
    assert k256_point != product_with_star_operator
    assert k256_point.curve == product_with_star_operator.curve

    product_bytes = b'\x03\xc9\xda\xa2\x88\xe2\xa0+\xb1N\xb6\xe6\x1c\xa5(\xe6\xe0p\xf6\xf4\xa9\xfc\xb1\xfaUV\xd3\xb3\x0e4\x94\xbe\x12'
    product_point = Point.from_bytes(product_bytes)
    assert product_with_star_operator.to_bytes() == product_bytes
    assert product_point == product_with_star_operator

    # Repeating the operation, should return the same result.
    product_with_star_operator_again = k256_point * k256_bn
    assert product_with_star_operator == product_with_star_operator_again
github nucypher / pyUmbral / tests / unit / test_primitives / View on Github external
def test_bytes_serializers(point_bytes, nid, curve):
    point_with_curve = Point.from_bytes(point_bytes, curve=curve) # from curve
    assert isinstance(point_with_curve, Point)

    the_same_point_bytes = point_with_curve.to_bytes()
    assert point_bytes == the_same_point_bytes

    representations = (point_bytes, # Compressed representation
                       point_with_curve.to_bytes(is_compressed=False)) # Uncompressed

    for point_representation in representations:

        malformed_point_bytes = point_representation + b'0x'
        with pytest.raises(InternalError):
            _ = Point.from_bytes(malformed_point_bytes)

        malformed_point_bytes = point_representation[1:]
        with pytest.raises(InternalError):
            _ = Point.from_bytes(malformed_point_bytes)

        malformed_point_bytes = point_representation[:-1]
        with pytest.raises(InternalError):
            _ = Point.from_bytes(malformed_point_bytes)
github nucypher / pyUmbral / tests / unit / test_primitives / View on Github external
def test_generator_point():
    """ Section 2.7.1"""
    g1 = Point.get_generator_from_curve()

    g_compressed = 0x0279BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798
    g_uncompressed = 0x0479BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798483ADA7726A3C4655DA4FBFC0E1108A8FD17B448A68554199C47D08FFB10D4B8

    g_compressed = g_compressed.to_bytes(32+1, byteorder='big')
    g_uncompressed = g_uncompressed.to_bytes(64+1, byteorder='big')

    g2 = Point.from_bytes(g_compressed)
    assert g1 == g2

    g3 = Point.from_bytes(g_uncompressed)
    assert g1 == g3
    assert g2 == g3
github nucypher / pyUmbral / tests / unit / test_primitives / View on Github external
def test_point_not_on_curve():
    We want to be unable to create a Point that's not on the curve.

    When we try, we get cryptography.exceptions.InternalError - is that specifically because it isn't
    on the curve?  It seems to be reliably raised in the event of the Point being off the curve.

    The OpenSSL docs don't explicitly say that they raise an error for this reason:
    point_on_koblitz256_but_not_P256 = Point.from_bytes(b'\x03%\x98Dk\x88\xe2\x97\xab?\xabZ\xef\xd4' \
    b'\x9e\xaa\xc6\xb3\xa4\xa3\x89\xb2\xd7b.\x8f\x16Ci_&\xe0\x7f', curve=SECP256K1)

    from cryptography.exceptions import InternalError
    with pytest.raises(InternalError):
        Point.from_bytes(point_on_koblitz256_but_not_P256.to_bytes(), curve=SECP256R1)
github nucypher / pyUmbral / tests / unit / test_primitives / View on Github external
def test_point_curve_multiplication_regression():
    k256_point_bytes = b'\x03\xe0{\x1bQ\xbf@\x1f\x95\x8d\xe1\x17\xa7\xbe\x9e-G`T\xbf\xd7\x9e\xa7\x10\xc8uA\xc0z$\xc0\x92\x8a'
    k256_bn_bytes = b'4u\xd70-\xa0h\xdeG\xf0\x143\x06!\x91\x05{\xe4jC\n\xf1h\xed7a\xf8\x9d\xec^\x19\x8c'

    k256_point = Point.from_bytes(k256_point_bytes)
    k256_bn = CurveBN.from_bytes(k256_bn_bytes)

    product_with_star_operator = k256_point * k256_bn

    # Make sure we have instantiated a new, unequal point in the same curve and group
    assert isinstance(product_with_star_operator, Point), "Point.__mul__ did not return a point instance"
    assert k256_point != product_with_star_operator
    assert k256_point.curve == product_with_star_operator.curve

    product_bytes = b'\x03\xc9\xda\xa2\x88\xe2\xa0+\xb1N\xb6\xe6\x1c\xa5(\xe6\xe0p\xf6\xf4\xa9\xfc\xb1\xfaUV\xd3\xb3\x0e4\x94\xbe\x12'
    product_point = Point.from_bytes(product_bytes)
    assert product_with_star_operator.to_bytes() == product_bytes
    assert product_point == product_with_star_operator

    # Repeating the operation, should return the same result.
    product_with_star_operator_again = k256_point * k256_bn
github nucypher / pyUmbral / tests / unit / test_primitives / View on Github external
def test_invalid_points(random_ec_point2):

    point_bytes = bytearray(random_ec_point2.to_bytes(is_compressed=False))
    point_bytes[-1] = point_bytes[-1] ^ 0x01        # Flips last bit
    point_bytes = bytes(point_bytes)

    with pytest.raises(InternalError) as e:
        _point = Point.from_bytes(point_bytes)

    # We want to catch specific InternalExceptions:
    # - Point not in the curve (code 107)
    # - Invalid compressed point (code 110)
    assert e.value.err_code[0].reason in (107, 110)
github nucypher / pyUmbral / umbral / View on Github external
def from_bytes(cls,
                   key_bytes: bytes,
                   params: Optional[UmbralParameters] = None,
                   decoder: Optional[Callable] = None) -> 'UmbralPublicKey':
        Loads an Umbral public key from bytes.
        Optionally, if an decoder function is provided it will be used to decode
        the data before returning it as an Umbral key.
        if params is None:
            params = default_params()

        if decoder:
            key_bytes = decoder(key_bytes)

        point_key = Point.from_bytes(key_bytes, params.curve)
        return cls(point_key, params)