How to use the textworld.utils.make_temp_directory function in textworld

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few textworld examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github microsoft / TextWorld / tests / View on Github external
def test_play_generated_games():
    NB_GAMES = 10
    rng = np.random.RandomState(1234)
    for i in range(NB_GAMES):

        # Sample game specs.
        world_size = rng.randint(1, 10)
        nb_objects = rng.randint(0, 20)
        quest_length = rng.randint(2, 5)
        quest_breadth = rng.randint(3, 7)
        game_seed = rng.randint(0, 65365)

        with make_temp_directory(prefix="test_play_generated_games") as tmpdir:
            options = textworld.GameOptions()
            options.nb_rooms = world_size
            options.nb_objects = nb_objects
            options.quest_length = quest_length
            options.quest_breadth = quest_breadth
            options.seeds = game_seed
            game_file, game = textworld.make(options, path=tmpdir)

            # Solve the game using WalkthroughAgent.
            agent = textworld.agents.WalkthroughAgent()
  , agent=agent, silent=True)

            # Play the game using RandomAgent and make sure we can always finish the
            # game by following the winning policy.
            env = textworld.start(game_file)
github microsoft / TextWorld / tests / View on Github external
def test_playing_a_game():
    with make_temp_directory(prefix="test_tw-play") as tmpdir:
        options = textworld.GameOptions()
        options.path = tmpdir
        options.nb_rooms = 5
        options.nb_objects = 10
        options.quest_length = 5
        options.quest_breadth = 2
        options.seeds = 1234
        game_file, _ = textworld.make(options)

        command = ["tw-play", "--max-steps", "100", "--mode", "random", game_file]
        assert check_call(command) == 0

        command = ["tw-play", "--max-steps", "100", "--mode", "random-cmd", game_file]
        assert check_call(command) == 0

        command = ["tw-play", "--max-steps", "100", "--mode", "walkthrough", game_file]
github microsoft / TextWorld / tests / View on Github external
def test_sample_quests():
    with make_temp_directory(prefix="test_sample_quests") as tmpdir:
        game_file = pjoin(tmpdir, "game.ulx")
        command = ["tw-make", "custom", "--seed", "20181004", "--output", game_file]

        script = pjoin(SCRIPTS_PATH, "")
        command = ["python", script, "--nb-quests", "10", "--quest-length", "10",
                   "--quest-breadth", "5", "--output", tmpdir, game_file]
        stdout = check_output(command).decode()
        assert len(stdout) > 0
        assert os.path.isfile(pjoin(tmpdir, "sample_world.png"))
        assert os.path.isfile(pjoin(tmpdir, "sample_tree.svg"))
        assert os.path.isfile(pjoin(tmpdir, "sample_graph.svg"))
github microsoft / TextWorld / tests / View on Github external
def test_playing_generated_games():
    NB_GAMES = 10
    rng = np.random.RandomState(1234)
    for i in range(NB_GAMES):

        # Sample game specs.
        world_size = rng.randint(1, 10)
        nb_objects = rng.randint(0, 20)
        quest_depth = rng.randint(2, 5)
        quest_breadth = rng.randint(3, 7)
        game_seed = rng.randint(0, 65365)

        with make_temp_directory(prefix="test_play_generated_games") as tmpdir:
            options = textworld.GameOptions()
            options.path = tmpdir
            options.nb_rooms = world_size
            options.nb_objects = nb_objects
            options.chaining.max_depth = quest_depth
            options.chaining.max_breadth = quest_breadth
            options.seeds = game_seed
            game_file, game = textworld.make(options)

            # Solve the game using WalkthroughAgent.
            agent = textworld.agents.WalkthroughAgent()
  , agent=agent, silent=True)

            # Play the game using RandomAgent and make sure we can always finish the
            # game by following the winning policy.
            env = textworld.start(game_file)
github microsoft / TextWorld / tests / View on Github external
def test_making_challenge_game():
    settings = {
        "tw-treasure_hunter": ["--level", "1"],
        "tw-coin_collector": ["--level", "1", "--force-entity-numbering"],
        "tw-simple": ["--rewards", "dense", "--goal", "brief"],
    with make_temp_directory(prefix="test_tw-challenge") as tmpdir:
        for challenge in textworld.challenges.CHALLENGES:
            output_folder = pjoin(tmpdir, "gen_games")
            game_file = pjoin(output_folder, challenge + ".ulx")
            command = ["tw-make", challenge, "--seed", "1234", "--output", game_file, "--silent"] + settings[challenge]
            assert check_call(command) == 0

            assert os.path.isdir(output_folder)
            assert os.path.isfile(game_file)

            # Solve the game using WalkthroughAgent.
            agent = textworld.agents.WalkthroughAgent()
  , agent=agent, silent=True)
github microsoft / TextWorld / tests / View on Github external
def test_making_game_is_reproducible_with_seed():
    with make_temp_directory(prefix="test_render_wrapper") as tmpdir:
        options = textworld.GameOptions()
        options.path = tmpdir
        options.nb_rooms = 2
        options.nb_objects = 20
        options.chaining.max_depth = 3
        options.chaining.max_breadth = 2
        options.seeds = 123

        game_file1, game1 = textworld.make(options)
        options2 = options.copy()
        game_file2, game2 = textworld.make(options2)
        assert game_file1 == game_file2
        assert game1 == game2
        # Make sure they are not the same Python objects.
        assert id(game1) != id(game2)
github microsoft / TextWorld / tests / View on Github external
def test_making_a_game_using_basic_theme():
    with make_temp_directory(prefix="test_tw-make") as tmpdir:
        output_folder = pjoin(tmpdir, "gen_games")
        game_file = pjoin(output_folder, "game_1234.ulx")
        command = ["tw-make", "custom", "--theme", "basic", "--seed", "1234", "--output", game_file]
        assert check_call(command) == 0

        # Solve the game using WalkthroughAgent.
        agent = textworld.agents.WalkthroughAgent(), agent=agent, silent=True)
github microsoft / TextWorld / tests / View on Github external
def test_third_party():
    with make_temp_directory(prefix="test_tw-make_third_party") as tmpdir:
        challenge_py = pjoin(tmpdir, "")
        with open(challenge_py, "w") as f:
            import argparse
            from typing import Mapping, Optional

            import textworld
            from textworld.challenges import register

            from textworld import Game, GameOptions

            def build_argparser(parser=None):
                parser = parser or argparse.ArgumentParser()

                group = parser.add_argument_group('This challenge settings')
github microsoft / TextWorld / textworld / generator / View on Github external
def set_quest_from_commands(self, commands: List[str], ask_for_state: bool = False) -> Quest:
        """ Defines the game's quest using predefined text commands.

        This launches a `` session.

            commands: Text commands.
            ask_for_state: If true, the user will be asked to specify
                           which set of facts of the final state are
                           should be true in order to consider the quest
                           as completed.

            The resulting quest.
        with make_temp_directory() as tmpdir:
                game_file = self.compile(pjoin(tmpdir, "record_quest.ulx"))
                recorder = Recorder()
                agent = textworld.agents.WalkthroughAgent(commands)
      , agent=agent, wrappers=[recorder], silent=True)
            except textworld.agents.WalkthroughDone:
                pass  # Quest is done.

        # Skip "None" actions.
        actions = [action for action in recorder.actions if action is not None]

        # Ask the user which quests have important state, if this is set
        # (if not, we assume the last action contains all the relevant facts)
        winning_facts = None
        if ask_for_state and recorder.last_game_state is not None:
            winning_facts = [user_query.query_for_important_facts(actions=recorder.actions,
github microsoft / TextWorld / textworld / generator / inform7 / View on Github external
def compile_inform7_game(source: str, output: str, verbose: bool = False) -> None:
    with make_temp_directory(prefix="tmp_inform") as project_folder:
        filename, ext = os.path.splitext(output)
        story_filename = filename + ".ni"

        # Save story file.
        with open(story_filename, 'w') as f:

        # Create the file structure needed by Inform7.
        source_folder = pjoin(project_folder, "Source")
        build_folder = pjoin(project_folder, "Build")
        if not os.path.isdir(source_folder):

        shutil.copy(story_filename, pjoin(source_folder, ""))

        # Write mandatory uuid.txt file