How to use the function in textworld

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few textworld examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github microsoft / TextWorld / textworld / generator / View on Github external
self.options = GrammarOptions(options)
        self.grammar = OrderedDict()
        self.rng = if rng is None else rng
        self.allowed_variables_numbering = self.options.allowed_variables_numbering
        self.unique_expansion = self.options.unique_expansion
        self.all_expansions = defaultdict(list)

        # The current used symbols
        self.overflow_dict = OrderedDict()
        self.used_names = set(self.options.names_to_exclude)

        # Load the grammar associated to the provided theme.
        self.theme = self.options.theme

        # Load the object names file
        path = pjoin(KnowledgeBase.default().text_grammars_path, glob.escape(self.theme) + "*.twg")
        files = glob.glob(path)
        if len(files) == 0:
            raise MissingTextGrammar(path)

        for filename in files:
github microsoft / TextWorld / textworld / challenges / View on Github external
* `'easy'`: rooms are all empty except where the two objects are
                placed. Also, connections between rooms have no door.
              * `'medium'`: adding closed doors and containers that might need
                to be open in order to find the object.
              * `'hard'`: adding locked doors and containers (necessary keys
                will in the inventory) that might need to be unlocked (and open)
                in order to find the object.
            For customizing the game generation (see
            :py:class:`textworld.GameOptions `
            for the list of available options).

        Generated game.
    kb = KnowledgeBase.default()

    metadata = {}  # Collect infos for reproducibility.
    metadata["desc"] = "Treasure Hunter"
    metadata["mode"] = mode
    metadata["seeds"] = options.seeds
    metadata["world_size"] = options.nb_rooms
    metadata["quest_length"] = options.quest_length

    rngs = options.rngs
    rng_map = rngs['map']
    rng_objects = rngs['objects']
    rng_quest = rngs['quest']
    rng_grammar = rngs['grammar']

    modes = ["easy", "medium", "hard"]
    if mode == "easy":
github microsoft / TextWorld / textworld / generator / View on Github external
def gen_commands_from_actions(actions: Iterable[Action], kb: Optional[KnowledgeBase] = None) -> List[str]:
    kb = kb or KnowledgeBase.default()

    def _get_name_mapping(action):
        mapping = kb.rules[].match(action)
        return { for ph, var in mapping.items()}

    commands = []
    for action in actions:
        command = "None"
        if action is not None:
            command = kb.inform7_commands[]
            command = command.format(**_get_name_mapping(action))


    return commands
github microsoft / TextWorld / textworld / generator / View on Github external
def __init__(self):
        self.backward = False
        self.min_depth = 1
        self.max_depth = 1
        self.min_breadth = 1
        self.max_breadth = 1
        self.min_length = 1
        self.max_length = 1
        self.subquests = False
        self.independent_chains = False
        self.create_variables = False
        self.kb = KnowledgeBase.default()
        self.rng = None
        self.rules_per_depth = []
        self.restricted_types = frozenset()
github microsoft / TextWorld / textworld / generator / View on Github external
def get_failing_constraints(state, kb: Optional[KnowledgeBase] = None):
    kb = kb or KnowledgeBase.default()
    fail = Proposition("fail", [])

    failed_constraints = []
    constraints = state.all_applicable_actions(kb.constraints.values())
    for constraint in constraints:
        if state.is_applicable(constraint):
            # Optimistically delay copying the state
            copy = state.copy()

            if copy.is_fact(fail):

    return failed_constraints
github microsoft / TextWorld / textworld / render / View on Github external
# Objective
    if "objective" in game_infos:
        result["objective"] = game_infos["objective"]

    # Objects
    all_items = {}
    inventory_items = []
    objects = world.objects
    # if limit_player_view:
    #     objects = world.get_visible_objects_in(world.player_room)
    #     objects += world.get_objects_in_inventory()

    # add all items first, in case properties are "out of order"
    for obj in objects:
        cur_item = GraphItem(obj.type, game_infos[].name)
        cur_item.portable = KnowledgeBase.default().types.is_descendant_of(cur_item.type, "o")
        all_items[] = cur_item

    for obj in sorted(objects, key=lambda obj:
        cur_item = all_items[]
        for attribute in obj.get_attributes():
            if action and attribute in action.added:
                cur_item.highlight = True

            if == 'in':
                # add object to inventory
                if attribute.arguments[-1].type == 'I':
                elif attribute.arguments[0].name ==
                    # add object to containers if same object
github microsoft / TextWorld / textworld / generator / View on Github external
msg = ("Not enough variation for '{}'. Falling back on using adjective '{}'."
                       " To avoid this message you can add more variation in the '{}'"
                       " related grammar files located in '{}'.")
                msg = msg.format(symbol, adj, self.theme, KnowledgeBase.default().text_grammars_path)
                warnings.warn(msg, textworld.GenerationWarning)
                return name, adj, noun

            # Still not enough variation for the object we want to name.
            if not self.allowed_variables_numbering:
                msg = ("Not enough variation for '{}'. You can add more variation"
                       " in the '{}' related grammar files located in '{}'"
                       " or turn on the 'include_adj=True' grammar flag."
                       " In last resort, you could always turn on the"
                       " 'allowed_variables_numbering=True' grammar flag"
                       " to append unique number to object name.")
                msg = msg.format(symbol, self.theme, KnowledgeBase.default().text_grammars_path)
                raise ValueError(msg)

            if obj_type not in self.overflow_dict:
                self.overflow_dict[obj_type] = []

            # Append unique (per type) number to the noun.
            suffix = " {}".format(len(self.overflow_dict[obj_type]))
            noun += suffix
            name += suffix

        return name, adj, noun
github microsoft / TextWorld / textworld / generator / View on Github external
def __init__(self, *args, kb: Optional[KnowledgeBase] = None, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._kb = kb or KnowledgeBase.default()