How to use the textworld.generator function in textworld

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few textworld examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github microsoft / TextWorld / textworld / View on Github external
def _compile_test_game(game, options: GameOptions):
    grammar_flags = {
        "theme": "house",
        "include_adj": False,
        "only_last_action": True,
        "blend_instructions": True,
        "blend_descriptions": True,
        "refer_by_name_only": True,
        "instruction_extension": []
    rng_grammar = np.random.RandomState(1234)
    grammar = textworld.generator.make_grammar(grammar_flags, rng=rng_grammar)

    game_file = textworld.generator.compile_game(game, options)
    return game_file
github microsoft / TextWorld / textworld / generator / View on Github external
        path :
            Path where to save the generated game.

            Path to the game file.
        self._working_game =
        options = textworld.GameOptions()
        options.path = path
        options.force_recompile = True
        game_file = textworld.generator.compile_game(self._working_game, options)
        return game_file
github microsoft / TextWorld / scripts / View on Github external
options.seeds = g_rng.seed
    options.nb_rooms = args.nb_rooms
    options.nb_objects = args.nb_objects
    options.quest_length = args.quest_length
    options.quest_breadth = args.quest_breadth

    game = textworld.generator.make_game(options)
    if args.no_quest:
        game.quests = []

    game_name = "neverending"
    path = pjoin(args.output, game_name + ".ulx")
    options = textworld.GameOptions()
    options.path = path
    options.force_recompile = True
    game_file = textworld.generator.compile_game(game, options)
    return game_file
github microsoft / TextWorld / textworld / challenges / View on Github external
rng_quest = rngs['quest']
    rng_grammar = rngs['grammar']

    modes = ["easy", "medium", "hard"]
    if mode == "easy":
        door_states = None
        n_distractors = 0
    elif mode == "medium":
        door_states = ["open", "closed"]
        n_distractors = 10
    elif mode == "hard":
        door_states = ["open", "closed", "locked"]
        n_distractors = 20

    # Generate map.
    map_ = textworld.generator.make_map(n_rooms=options.nb_rooms, rng=rng_map,
    assert len(map_.nodes()) == options.nb_rooms

    world = World.from_map(map_)

    # Randomly place the player.
    starting_room = None
    if len(world.rooms) > 1:
        starting_room = rng_map.choice(world.rooms)

    # Add object the player has to pick up.
    types_counts = kb.types.count(world.state)
    obj_type = kb.types.sample(parent_type='o', rng=rng_objects, include_parent=True)
    var_id = get_new(obj_type, types_counts)
    right_obj = Variable(var_id, obj_type)
github microsoft / TextWorld / textworld / generator / View on Github external
def add_random_quest(self, max_length: int) -> Quest:
        """ Generates a random quest for the game.

        Calling this method replaced all previous quests.

            max_length: The maximum length of the quest to generate.

            The generated quest.
        world = World.from_facts(self.facts)
        self.quests.append(textworld.generator.make_quest(world, max_length))

        # Calling build will generate the description for the quest.
        return self.quests[-1]
github microsoft / TextWorld / textworld / generator / View on Github external
def __init__(self, kb: Optional[KnowledgeBase] = None) -> None:
        Creates an empty world, with a player and an empty inventory.
        self._entities = {}
        self._named_entities = {}
        self.quests = []
        self.rooms = []
        self.paths = []
        self._kb = kb or KnowledgeBase.default()
        self._types_counts = self._kb.types.count(State(self._kb.logic))
        self.player ='P')
        self.inventory ='I')
        self.nowhere = []
        self.grammar = textworld.generator.make_grammar()
        self._game = None
        self._distractors_facts = []
github microsoft / TextWorld / textworld / challenges / View on Github external
# Add object the player should not pick up.
    types_counts = kb.types.count(world.state)
    obj_type = kb.types.sample(parent_type='o', rng=rng_objects, include_parent=True)
    var_id = get_new(obj_type, types_counts)
    wrong_obj = Variable(var_id, obj_type)
    # Place it anywhere in the world.
    world.populate_with([wrong_obj], rng=rng_objects)

    # Generate a quest that finishes by taking something (i.e. the right
    #  object since it's the only one in the inventory).
    options.chaining.rules_per_depth = [kb.rules.get_matching("take.*")]
    options.chaining.backward = True
    options.chaining.rng = rng_quest
    # options.chaining.restricted_types = exceptions
    # exceptions = ["r", "c", "s", "d"] if mode == "easy" else ["r"]
    chain = textworld.generator.sample_quest(world.state, options.chaining)

    # Add objects needed for the quest.
    world.state = chain.initial_state
    event = Event(chain.actions)
    quest = Quest(win_events=[event],
                  fail_events=[Event(conditions={Proposition("in", [wrong_obj, world.inventory])})])

    grammar = textworld.generator.make_grammar(options.grammar, rng=rng_grammar)
    game = textworld.generator.make_game_with(world, [quest], grammar)
    game.metadata = metadata
    mode_choice = modes.index(mode)
    uuid = "tw-treasure_hunter-{specs}-{grammar}-{seeds}"
    uuid = uuid.format(specs=encode_seeds((mode_choice, options.nb_rooms, options.quest_length)),
                       seeds=encode_seeds([options.seeds[k] for k in sorted(options.seeds)]))
    game.metadata["uuid"] = uuid