How to use the textworld.GameOptions function in textworld

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few textworld examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github microsoft / TextWorld / tests / View on Github external
def test_play_generated_games():
    NB_GAMES = 10
    rng = np.random.RandomState(1234)
    for i in range(NB_GAMES):

        # Sample game specs.
        world_size = rng.randint(1, 10)
        nb_objects = rng.randint(0, 20)
        quest_length = rng.randint(2, 5)
        quest_breadth = rng.randint(3, 7)
        game_seed = rng.randint(0, 65365)

        with make_temp_directory(prefix="test_play_generated_games") as tmpdir:
            options = textworld.GameOptions()
            options.nb_rooms = world_size
            options.nb_objects = nb_objects
            options.quest_length = quest_length
            options.quest_breadth = quest_breadth
            options.seeds = game_seed
            game_file, game = textworld.make(options, path=tmpdir)

            # Solve the game using WalkthroughAgent.
            agent = textworld.agents.WalkthroughAgent()
  , agent=agent, silent=True)

            # Play the game using RandomAgent and make sure we can always finish the
            # game by following the winning policy.
            env = textworld.start(game_file)

            agent = textworld.agents.RandomCommandAgent()
github microsoft / TextWorld / tests / View on Github external
def test_extract_entities():
    with make_temp_directory(prefix="test_extract_entities") as tmpdir:
        options = textworld.GameOptions()
        options.path = tmpdir
        options.nb_rooms = 5
        options.nb_objects = 10
        options.quest_length = 5
        options.quest_breadth = 2
        options.seeds = 1234
        game_file, _ = textworld.make(options)

        outfile = pjoin(tmpdir, "entities.txt")
        command = ["tw-extract", "entities", game_file, "--output", outfile]
        stdout = check_output(command).decode()
        assert os.path.isfile(outfile)
        nb_entities = len(open(outfile).readlines())
        assert "Found {}".format(nb_entities) in stdout
github microsoft / TextWorld / tests / View on Github external
def test_playing_generated_games():
    NB_GAMES = 10
    rng = np.random.RandomState(1234)
    for i in range(NB_GAMES):

        # Sample game specs.
        world_size = rng.randint(1, 10)
        nb_objects = rng.randint(0, 20)
        quest_depth = rng.randint(2, 5)
        quest_breadth = rng.randint(3, 7)
        game_seed = rng.randint(0, 65365)

        with make_temp_directory(prefix="test_play_generated_games") as tmpdir:
            options = textworld.GameOptions()
            options.path = tmpdir
            options.nb_rooms = world_size
            options.nb_objects = nb_objects
            options.chaining.max_depth = quest_depth
            options.chaining.max_breadth = quest_breadth
            options.seeds = game_seed
            game_file, game = textworld.make(options)

            # Solve the game using WalkthroughAgent.
            agent = textworld.agents.WalkthroughAgent()
  , agent=agent, silent=True)

            # Play the game using RandomAgent and make sure we can always finish the
            # game by following the winning policy.
            env = textworld.start(game_file)
            env.infos.policy_commands = True
github microsoft / TextWorld / textworld / generator / View on Github external
def compile(self, path: str) -> str:
        Compile this game.

        path :
            Path where to save the generated game.

            Path to the game file.
        self._working_game =
        options = textworld.GameOptions()
        options.path = path
        options.force_recompile = True
        game_file = textworld.generator.compile_game(self._working_game, options)
        return game_file
github xingdi-eric-yuan / TextWorld-Coin-Collector / gym_textworld / gym_textworld / envs / View on Github external
def _make_game(self, seeds):
        options = GameOptions()
        options.seeds = seeds
        options.grammar = GrammarOptions(self.grammar_flags)
        game = make_game_from_level(self.level, options)
        hashid = encode_seeds([self.game_generator_seed, self.level] + [seeds[k] for k in sorted(seeds)])
        game_name = "{}_{}".format(, hashid)
        game_file = textworld.generator.compile_game(game, path=pjoin("gen_games", str(, game_name + ".ulx"))
        return game_file
github microsoft / TextWorld / scripts / View on Github external
print("Generating game...")

    options = GameOptions()
    options.seeds = g_rng.seed
    options.nb_rooms = args.nb_rooms
    options.nb_objects = args.nb_objects
    options.quest_length = args.quest_length
    options.quest_breadth = args.quest_breadth

    game = textworld.generator.make_game(options)
    if args.no_quest:
        game.quests = []

    game_name = "neverending"
    path = pjoin(args.output, game_name + ".ulx")
    options = textworld.GameOptions()
    options.path = path
    options.force_recompile = True
    game_file = textworld.generator.compile_game(game, options)
    return game_file
github microsoft / TextWorld / scripts_dev / View on Github external
def main():
    args = parse_args()
    if args.very_verbose:
        args.verbose = args.very_verbose
        warnings.simplefilter("default", textworld.TextworldGenerationWarning)

    if args.seed is None:
        args.seed = np.random.randint(65635)

    print("Random seed: {}".format(args.seed))
    rng = np.random.RandomState(args.seed)

    options = textworld.GameOptions()
    options.grammar.theme = args.theme
    options.grammar.include_adj = args.include_adj
    options.grammar.only_last_action = args.only_last_action
    options.grammar.blend_instructions = args.blend_instructions
    options.grammar.blend_descriptions = args.blend_descriptions
    options.grammar.ambiguous_instructions = args.ambiguous_instructions

    options.nb_rooms = args.world_size
    options.nb_objects = args.nb_objects
    options.quest_length = args.quest_length
    options.quest_breadth = args.quest_breadth

    agent = make_agent(args)

    reward_history = []
    for i in range(args.nb_games) if args.nb_games > 0 else itertools.count():