How to use pytype - 10 common examples

To help you get started, weā€™ve selected a few pytype examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def AssertSourceEquals(self, src_or_tree_1, src_or_tree_2):
    # Strip leading "\n"s for convenience
    ast1 = self.ToAST(src_or_tree_1)
    ast2 = self.ToAST(src_or_tree_2)
    src1 = pytd_utils.Print(ast1).strip() + "\n"
    src2 = pytd_utils.Print(ast2).strip() + "\n"
    # Verify printed versions are the same and ASTs are the same.
    ast1 = ast1.Visit(visitors.ClassTypeToNamedType())
    ast2 = ast2.Visit(visitors.ClassTypeToNamedType())
    if src1 != src2 or not pytd_utils.ASTeq(ast1, ast2):
      # Due to differing opinions on the form of debug output, allow an
      # environment variable to control what output you want. Set
      # PY_UNITTEST_DIFF to get diff output.
      if os.getenv("PY_UNITTEST_DIFF"):
        self.maxDiff = None  # for better diff output (assertMultiLineEqual)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        self.assertMultiLineEqual(src1, src2)
        print("Source files or ASTs differ:", file=sys.stderr)
        print("-" * 36, " Actual ", "-" * 36, file=sys.stderr)
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def Parse(self, src, name=None, version=None, platform=None):
    version = version or self.PYTHON_VERSION
    tree = parser.parse_string(
        textwrap.dedent(src), name=name, python_version=version,
    tree = tree.Visit(visitors.NamedTypeToClassType())
    tree = tree.Visit(visitors.AdjustTypeParameters())
    # Convert back to named types for easier testing
    tree = tree.Visit(visitors.ClassTypeToNamedType())
    return tree
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def ToAST(self, src_or_tree):
    if isinstance(src_or_tree, six.string_types):
      # Put into a canonical form (removes comments, standard indents):
      return self.Parse(src_or_tree + "\n")
    else:  # isinstance(src_or_tree, tuple):
      return src_or_tree
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def ApplyVisitorToString(self, data, visitor):
    tree = self.Parse(data)
    new_tree = tree.Visit(visitor)
    return pytd_utils.Print(new_tree)
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if len(signatures) == 1:
        val = self.signature_to_callable(signatures[0], self.vm)
        if (not isinstance(v, abstract.PYTD_FUNCTION_TYPES) or
            not self.vm.annotations_util.get_type_parameters(val)):
          # This is a workaround to make sure we don't put unexpected type
          # parameters in call traces.
          return self.value_instance_to_pytd_type(node, val, None, seen, view)
      return pytd.NamedType("typing.Callable")
    elif isinstance(v, (abstract.ClassMethod, abstract.StaticMethod)):
      return self.value_to_pytd_type(node, v.method, seen, view)
    elif isinstance(v, (special_builtins.IsInstance,
      return pytd.NamedType("typing.Callable")
    elif isinstance(v, mixin.Class):
      param = self.value_instance_to_pytd_type(node, v, None, seen, view)
      return pytd.GenericType(base_type=pytd.NamedType("__builtin__.type"),
    elif isinstance(v, abstract.Module):
      return pytd.NamedType("__builtin__.module")
    elif isinstance(v, abstract.SimpleAbstractValue):
      if v.cls:
        ret = self.value_instance_to_pytd_type(
            node, v.cls, v, seen=seen, view=view)
            {"__builtin__": self.vm.loader.builtins}))
        return ret
        # We don't know this type's __class__, so return AnythingType to
        # indicate that we don't know anything about what this is.
        # This happens e.g. for locals / globals, which are returned from the
        # code in class declarations."Using ? for %s",
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def p_funcdef(self, p):
    """funcdef : decorators DEF NAME LPAREN params RPAREN return raises signature maybe_body"""
    _, decorators, _, name, _, params, _, return_type, raises, _, body = p
    # TODO(kramm): Output a warning if we already encountered a signature
    #              with these types (but potentially different argument names)
    if name == "__init__" and isinstance(return_type, pytd.AnythingType):
      ret = pytd.NamedType("NoneType")
      ret = return_type
    signature = pytd.Signature(params=tuple(params.required), return_type=ret,
                               exceptions=tuple(raises), template=())

    for mutator in body:
        signature = signature.Visit(mutator)
      except NotImplementedError as e:
        make_syntax_error(self, e.message, p)
      if not mutator.successful:
        make_syntax_error(self, "No parameter named %s" %, p)

    # TODO(acaceres): if not inside a class, any decorator should be an error
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def _create_module(self, ast):
    data = (ast.constants + ast.type_params + ast.classes +
            ast.functions + ast.aliases)
    members = {".")[-1]: val for val in data}
    return abstract.Module(self.vm,, members, ast)
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def _to_pytd(datum, loader, ast):
  if not datum:
    return pytd.AnythingType()
  t = pytd_utils.JoinTypes(v.to_type() for v in datum).Visit(
  return loader.resolve_type(t, ast)
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if (len(options) > 1 and
          not all(isinstance(o, abstract.FUNCTION_TYPES) for o in options)):
        # It's ambiguous whether this is a type, a function or something
        # else, so encode it as a constant.
        combined_types = pytd_utils.JoinTypes(t.to_type(self.exitpoint)
                                              for t in options)
        data.append(pytd.Constant(name, combined_types))
      elif options:
        for option in options:
            d = option.to_pytd_def(self.exitpoint, name)  # Deep definition
          except NotImplementedError:
            d = option.to_type(self.exitpoint)  # Type only
            if isinstance(d, pytd.NothingType):
              if isinstance(option, abstract.Empty):
                d = pytd.AnythingType()
                assert isinstance(option, typing_overlay.NoReturn)
          if isinstance(d, pytd.Type) and not isinstance(d, pytd.TypeParameter):
            data.append(pytd.Constant(name, d))
        log.error("No visible options for %s", name)
        data.append(pytd.Constant(name, pytd.AnythingType()))
    return pytd_utils.WrapTypeDeclUnit("inferred", data)
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# abstract.PyTDFunction.match_args checks the args for this call.
    self.match_args(node, args)

    # namedtuple only has one signature
    sig, = self.signatures
    callargs = {name: var for name, var, _ in sig.signature.iter_args(args)}

    # The name of the namedtuple class is the first arg (a Variable)
    # We need the actual Variable later, so we'll just return name_var and
    # extract the name itself later.
    name_var = callargs["typename"]

    # The fields are also a Variable, which stores the field names as Variables.
    # Extract the list itself, we don't need the wrapper.
    fields_var = callargs["field_names"]
    fields = abstract_utils.get_atomic_python_constant(fields_var)
    # namedtuple fields can be given as a single string, e.g. "a, b, c" or as a
    # list [Variable('a'), Variable('b'), Variable('c')].
    # We just want a list of strings.
    if isinstance(fields, (bytes, six.text_type)):
      fields = compat.native_str(fields)
      field_names = fields.replace(",", " ").split()
      field_names = [abstract_utils.get_atomic_python_constant(f)
                     for f in fields]
      field_names = [compat.native_str(f) for f in field_names]

    # namedtuple also takes a "verbose" argument, but we don't care about that.

    # rename will take any problematic field names and give them a new name.
    # Like the other args, it's stored as a Variable, but we want just a bool.
    if callargs.get("rename", None):