How to use the pytype.pytd.slots.Slot function in pytype

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Slot("__rmatmul__", "nb_matrix_multiply", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__imatmul__", "nb_inplace_matrix_multiply", "binary",
         opcode="INPLACE_MATRIX_MULTIPLY", symbol="@="),

    # Added in 2.5. Used whenever i acts as a sequence index (a[i])
    Slot("__index__", "nb_index", "unary"),  # needs int/long return

    # mapping
    # __getitem__: Python first tries mp_subscript, then sq_item
    # __len__: Python first tries sq_length, then mp_length
    # __delitem__: Reuses __setitem__ slot.
    Slot("__getitem__", "mp_subscript", "binary",
         opcode="BINARY_SUBSCR", symbol="item retrieval"),

    # In CPython, these two share a slot:
    Slot("__delitem__", "mp_ass_subscript", "objobjargproc",
         symbol="item deletion"),
    Slot("__setitem__", "mp_ass_subscript", "objobjargproc",
         symbol="item assignment"),

    Slot("__len__", "mp_length", "len"),

    # sequence
    Slot("__contains__", "sq_contains", "objobjproc", symbol="'in'"),

    # These sequence methods are duplicates of number or mapping methods.
    # For example, in the C API, "add" can be implemented either by sq_concat,
    # or by np_add.  Python will try both. The opcode mapping is identical
    # between the two. So e.g. the implementation of the BINARY_SUBSCR opcode in
    # Python/ceval.c will try both sq_item and mp_subscript, which is why this
    # opcode appears twice in our list.
    Slot("__add__", "sq_concat", "binary",
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    # typeobject
    Slot("__new__", "tp_new", "new"),
    Slot("__init__", "tp_init", "init"),
    Slot("__str__", "tp_print", "print"),
    Slot("__repr__", "tp_repr", "repr",

    Slot("__hash__", "tp_hash", "hash"),
    Slot("__call__", "tp_call", "call"),

    # Note: In CPython, if tp_getattro exists, tp_getattr is never called.
    Slot("__getattribute__", "tp_getattro", "getattro"),
    Slot("__getattr__", "tp_getattro", "getattro"),
    Slot("__setattr__", "tp_setattro", "setattro"),
    Slot("__delattr__", "tp_setattro", "setattro"),

    Slot("__iter__", "tp_iter", "unary"),
    Slot("next", "tp_iternext", "next", python_version="2"),
    Slot("__next__", "tp_iternext", "next", python_version="3"),

    Slot("__get__", "tp_descr_get", "descr_get"),
    Slot("__set__", "tp_descr_set", "descr_set"),
    Slot("__delete__", "tp_descr_set", "descr_delete"),
    Slot("__del__", "tp_del", "destructor"),

    # all typically done by __richcompare__
    Slot("__cmp__", "tp_compare", "cmp",
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opcode="BINARY_SUBTRACT", symbol="-"),
    Slot("__rsub__", "nb_subtract", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__mul__", "nb_multiply", "binary_nb", index=0, symbol="*"),
    Slot("__rmul__", "nb_multiply", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__div__", "nb_divide", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_DIVIDE", symbol="/"),
    Slot("__rdiv__", "nb_divide", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__mod__", "nb_remainder", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_MODULO", symbol="%"),
    Slot("__rmod__", "nb_remainder", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__divmod__", "nb_divmod", "binary_nb", index=0),
    Slot("__rdivmod__", "nb_divmod", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__lshift__", "nb_lshift", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_LSHIFT", symbol="<<"),
    Slot("__rlshift__", "nb_lshift", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__rshift__", "nb_rshift", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_RSHIFT", symbol=">>"),
    Slot("__rrshift__", "nb_rshift", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__and__", "nb_and", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_AND", symbol="&"),
    Slot("__rand__", "nb_and", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__xor__", "nb_xor", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_XOR", symbol="^"),
    Slot("__rxor__", "nb_xor", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__or__", "nb_or", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_OR", symbol="|"),
    Slot("__ror__", "nb_or", "binary_nb", index=1),
    # needs Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_CLASS:
    Slot("__floordiv__", "nb_floor_divide", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_FLOOR_DIVIDE", symbol="//"),
    Slot("__rfloordiv__", "nb_floor_divide", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__truediv__", "nb_true_divide", "binary_nb", index=0,
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Slot("__ror__", "nb_or", "binary_nb", index=1),
    # needs Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_CLASS:
    Slot("__floordiv__", "nb_floor_divide", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_FLOOR_DIVIDE", symbol="//"),
    Slot("__rfloordiv__", "nb_floor_divide", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__truediv__", "nb_true_divide", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_TRUE_DIVIDE", symbol="/"),
    Slot("__rtruediv__", "nb_true_divide", "binary_nb", index=1),

    Slot("__pow__", "nb_power", "ternary", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_POWER", symbol="**"),
    Slot("__rpow__", "nb_power", "ternary", index=1),  # needs wrap_tenary_nb

    Slot("__neg__", "nb_negative", "unary",
         opcode="UNARY_NEGATIVE", symbol="-"),
    Slot("__pos__", "nb_positive", "unary",
         opcode="UNARY_POSITIVE", symbol="+"),
    Slot("__abs__", "nb_absolute", "unary"),
    Slot("__nonzero__", "nb_nonzero", "inquiry"),  # inverse of UNARY_NOT opcode
    Slot("__invert__", "nb_invert", "unary",
         opcode="UNARY_INVERT", symbol="~"),
    Slot("__coerce__", "nb_coerce", "coercion"),  # not needed
    Slot("__int__", "nb_int", "unary"),  # expects exact int as return
    Slot("__long__", "nb_long", "unary"),  # expects exact long as return
    Slot("__float__", "nb_float", "unary"),  # expects exact float as return
    Slot("__oct__", "nb_oct", "unary"),
    Slot("__hex__", "nb_hex", "unary"),

    # Added in 2.0.  These are probably largely useless.
    # (For list concatenation, use sl_inplace_concat)
    Slot("__iadd__", "nb_inplace_add", "binary",
         opcode="INPLACE_ADD", symbol="+="),
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    Slot("__iter__", "tp_iter", "unary"),
    Slot("next", "tp_iternext", "next", python_version="2"),
    Slot("__next__", "tp_iternext", "next", python_version="3"),

    Slot("__get__", "tp_descr_get", "descr_get"),
    Slot("__set__", "tp_descr_set", "descr_set"),
    Slot("__delete__", "tp_descr_set", "descr_delete"),
    Slot("__del__", "tp_del", "destructor"),

    # all typically done by __richcompare__
    Slot("__cmp__", "tp_compare", "cmp",
         python_version="2"),  # "tp_reserved" in Python 3
    Slot("__lt__", "tp_richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),
    Slot("__le__", "tp_richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),
    Slot("__eq__", "tp_richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),
    Slot("__ne__", "tp_richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),
    Slot("__gt__", "tp_richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),
    Slot("__ge__", "tp_richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),

    Slot("__richcompare__", "tp_richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),

    # number methods:
    Slot("__add__", "nb_add", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_ADD", symbol="+"),
    Slot("__radd__", "nb_add", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__sub__", "nb_subtract", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_SUBTRACT", symbol="-"),
    Slot("__rsub__", "nb_subtract", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__mul__", "nb_multiply", "binary_nb", index=0, symbol="*"),
    Slot("__rmul__", "nb_multiply", "binary_nb", index=1),
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opcode="BINARY_LSHIFT", symbol="<<"),
    Slot("__rlshift__", "nb_lshift", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__rshift__", "nb_rshift", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_RSHIFT", symbol=">>"),
    Slot("__rrshift__", "nb_rshift", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__and__", "nb_and", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_AND", symbol="&"),
    Slot("__rand__", "nb_and", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__xor__", "nb_xor", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_XOR", symbol="^"),
    Slot("__rxor__", "nb_xor", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__or__", "nb_or", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_OR", symbol="|"),
    Slot("__ror__", "nb_or", "binary_nb", index=1),
    # needs Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_CLASS:
    Slot("__floordiv__", "nb_floor_divide", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_FLOOR_DIVIDE", symbol="//"),
    Slot("__rfloordiv__", "nb_floor_divide", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__truediv__", "nb_true_divide", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_TRUE_DIVIDE", symbol="/"),
    Slot("__rtruediv__", "nb_true_divide", "binary_nb", index=1),

    Slot("__pow__", "nb_power", "ternary", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_POWER", symbol="**"),
    Slot("__rpow__", "nb_power", "ternary", index=1),  # needs wrap_tenary_nb

    Slot("__neg__", "nb_negative", "unary",
         opcode="UNARY_NEGATIVE", symbol="-"),
    Slot("__pos__", "nb_positive", "unary",
         opcode="UNARY_POSITIVE", symbol="+"),
    Slot("__abs__", "nb_absolute", "unary"),
    Slot("__nonzero__", "nb_nonzero", "inquiry"),  # inverse of UNARY_NOT opcode
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Slot("__le__", "tp_richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),
    Slot("__eq__", "tp_richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),
    Slot("__ne__", "tp_richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),
    Slot("__gt__", "tp_richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),
    Slot("__ge__", "tp_richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),

    Slot("__richcompare__", "tp_richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),

    # number methods:
    Slot("__add__", "nb_add", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_ADD", symbol="+"),
    Slot("__radd__", "nb_add", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__sub__", "nb_subtract", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_SUBTRACT", symbol="-"),
    Slot("__rsub__", "nb_subtract", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__mul__", "nb_multiply", "binary_nb", index=0, symbol="*"),
    Slot("__rmul__", "nb_multiply", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__div__", "nb_divide", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_DIVIDE", symbol="/"),
    Slot("__rdiv__", "nb_divide", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__mod__", "nb_remainder", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_MODULO", symbol="%"),
    Slot("__rmod__", "nb_remainder", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__divmod__", "nb_divmod", "binary_nb", index=0),
    Slot("__rdivmod__", "nb_divmod", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__lshift__", "nb_lshift", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_LSHIFT", symbol="<<"),
    Slot("__rlshift__", "nb_lshift", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__rshift__", "nb_rshift", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_RSHIFT", symbol=">>"),
    Slot("__rrshift__", "nb_rshift", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__and__", "nb_and", "binary_nb", index=0,
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    # typeobject
    Slot("__new__", "tp_new", "new"),
    Slot("__init__", "tp_init", "init"),
    Slot("__str__", "tp_print", "print"),
    Slot("__repr__", "tp_repr", "repr",

    Slot("__hash__", "tp_hash", "hash"),
    Slot("__call__", "tp_call", "call"),

    # Note: In CPython, if tp_getattro exists, tp_getattr is never called.
    Slot("__getattribute__", "tp_getattro", "getattro"),
    Slot("__getattr__", "tp_getattro", "getattro"),
    Slot("__setattr__", "tp_setattro", "setattro"),
    Slot("__delattr__", "tp_setattro", "setattro"),

    Slot("__iter__", "tp_iter", "unary"),
    Slot("next", "tp_iternext", "next", python_version="2"),
    Slot("__next__", "tp_iternext", "next", python_version="3"),

    Slot("__get__", "tp_descr_get", "descr_get"),
    Slot("__set__", "tp_descr_set", "descr_set"),
    Slot("__delete__", "tp_descr_set", "descr_delete"),
    Slot("__del__", "tp_del", "destructor"),

    # all typically done by __richcompare__
    Slot("__cmp__", "tp_compare", "cmp",
         python_version="2"),  # "tp_reserved" in Python 3
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# __getitem__: Python first tries mp_subscript, then sq_item
    # __len__: Python first tries sq_length, then mp_length
    # __delitem__: Reuses __setitem__ slot.
    Slot("__getitem__", "mp_subscript", "binary",
         opcode="BINARY_SUBSCR", symbol="item retrieval"),

    # In CPython, these two share a slot:
    Slot("__delitem__", "mp_ass_subscript", "objobjargproc",
         symbol="item deletion"),
    Slot("__setitem__", "mp_ass_subscript", "objobjargproc",
         symbol="item assignment"),

    Slot("__len__", "mp_length", "len"),

    # sequence
    Slot("__contains__", "sq_contains", "objobjproc", symbol="'in'"),

    # These sequence methods are duplicates of number or mapping methods.
    # For example, in the C API, "add" can be implemented either by sq_concat,
    # or by np_add.  Python will try both. The opcode mapping is identical
    # between the two. So e.g. the implementation of the BINARY_SUBSCR opcode in
    # Python/ceval.c will try both sq_item and mp_subscript, which is why this
    # opcode appears twice in our list.
    Slot("__add__", "sq_concat", "binary",
         opcode="BINARY_ADD", symbol="+"),
    Slot("__mul__", "sq_repeat", "indexargfunc",
         opcode="BINARY_MULTIPLY", symbol="*"),
    Slot("__iadd__", "sq_inplace_concat", "binary",
         opcode="INPLACE_ADD", symbol="+="),
    Slot("__imul__", "sq_inplace_repeat", "indexargfunc",
         opcode="INPLACE_MUL", symbol="*="),
    Slot("__getitem__", "sq_item", "sq_item",
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# all typically done by __richcompare__
    Slot("__cmp__", "tp_compare", "cmp",
         python_version="2"),  # "tp_reserved" in Python 3
    Slot("__lt__", "tp_richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),
    Slot("__le__", "tp_richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),
    Slot("__eq__", "tp_richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),
    Slot("__ne__", "tp_richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),
    Slot("__gt__", "tp_richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),
    Slot("__ge__", "tp_richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),

    Slot("__richcompare__", "tp_richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),

    # number methods:
    Slot("__add__", "nb_add", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_ADD", symbol="+"),
    Slot("__radd__", "nb_add", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__sub__", "nb_subtract", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_SUBTRACT", symbol="-"),
    Slot("__rsub__", "nb_subtract", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__mul__", "nb_multiply", "binary_nb", index=0, symbol="*"),
    Slot("__rmul__", "nb_multiply", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__div__", "nb_divide", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_DIVIDE", symbol="/"),
    Slot("__rdiv__", "nb_divide", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__mod__", "nb_remainder", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_MODULO", symbol="%"),
    Slot("__rmod__", "nb_remainder", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__divmod__", "nb_divmod", "binary_nb", index=0),
    Slot("__rdivmod__", "nb_divmod", "binary_nb", index=1),
    Slot("__lshift__", "nb_lshift", "binary_nb", index=0,
         opcode="BINARY_LSHIFT", symbol="<<"),
    Slot("__rlshift__", "nb_lshift", "binary_nb", index=1),