How to use the pytype.pyi.parser.ParseError function in pytype

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for stmt in body:
      if isinstance(stmt, pytd.Type):
        exceptions.append(stmt)  # raise stmt
      assert isinstance(stmt, tuple) and len(stmt) == 2, stmt
      mutators.append(_Mutator(stmt[0], stmt[1]))

    signature = pytd.Signature(params=tuple(params.required), return_type=ret,
                               exceptions=tuple(exceptions), template=())
    for mutator in mutators:
        signature = signature.Visit(mutator)
      except NotImplementedError as e:
        raise ParseError(utils.message(e))
      if not mutator.successful:
        raise ParseError("No parameter named %s" %

    # Remove ignored decorators, raise ParseError for invalid decorators.
    decorators = {d for d in decorators if _keep_decorator(d)}
    # Extract out abstractmethod and coroutine decorators, there should be at
    # most one remaining decorator.
    def _check_decorator(decorators, decorator_set):
      exists = any([x in decorators for x in decorator_set])
      if exists:
        decorators -= decorator_set
      return exists
    is_abstract = _check_decorator(
        decorators, {"abstractmethod", "abc.abstractmethod"})
    is_coroutine = _check_decorator(
        decorators, {"coroutine", "asyncio.coroutine", "coroutines.coroutine"})
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is_package = file_utils.is_pyi_directory_init(filename)
    self._package_name = module_utils.get_package_name(name, is_package)
    self._parent_name = module_utils.get_package_name(self._package_name, False)

      defs = parser_ext.parse(self, src)
      ast = self._build_type_decl_unit(defs)
    except ParseError as e:
      if self._error_location:
        line = e.line or self._error_location[0]
          text = src.splitlines()[line-1]
        except IndexError:
          text = None
        raise ParseError(utils.message(e), line=line, filename=self._filename,
                         column=self._error_location[1], text=text)
        raise e

    ast = ast.Visit(_PropertyToConstant())
    ast = ast.Visit(_InsertTypeParameters(ast.type_params))
    ast = ast.Visit(_VerifyMutators())
    # TODO(kramm): This is in the wrong place- it should happen after resolving
    # local names, in load_pytd.
    ast = ast.Visit(pep484.ConvertTypingToNative(name))

    if name:
      ast = ast.Replace(name=name)
      ast = ast.Visit(visitors.AddNamePrefix())
      # If there's no unique name, hash the sourcecode.
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def write_pickle(ast, options, loader=None):
  """Dump a pickle of the ast to a file."""
  loader = loader or load_pytd.create_loader(options)
    ast = serialize_ast.PrepareForExport(
        options.module_name, options.python_version, ast, loader)
  except parser.ParseError as e:
    if options.nofail:
      ast = serialize_ast.PrepareForExport(
          options.module_name, options.python_version,
          pytd_builtins.GetDefaultAst(options.python_version), loader)
      log.warn("***Caught exception: %s", str(e), exc_info=True)
  if options.verify_pickle:
    ast1 = ast.Visit(visitors.LateTypeToClassType())
    ast1 = ast1.Visit(visitors.ClearClassPointers())
    ast2 = loader.load_file(options.module_name, options.verify_pickle)
    ast2 = ast2.Visit(visitors.ClearClassPointers())
    if not pytd_utils.ASTeq(ast1, ast2):
      raise AssertionError()
  serialize_ast.StoreAst(ast, options.output)
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triggered on any previous conditions.  It returns a bool indicating
      if the scope will now be active.

  if_end(self, clauses): This should be called at the end of the entire if
      statement where clauses is a list of (active, defs) pairs.  Active is
      the return value of the corresponding if_begin/if_elif/if_else call, and
      defs is a list of definitions within that block.  The function returns
      the list of defs that should be processed (i.e. the defs in the tuple
      where active was True, or [] if no such tuple is present).

  See _eval_condition for a description of conditions.

  # Values for the parsing context.
  ELLIPSIS = object()  # Special object to signal ELLIPSIS as a parameter.
  PARSE_ERROR = ParseError  # The class object (not an instance of it).
  NOTHING = pytd.NothingType()
  ANYTHING = pytd.AnythingType()
  TUPLE = pytd.NamedType("tuple")

  # Attributes that all namedtuple instances have.
  _NAMEDTUPLE_MEMBERS = ("_asdict", "__dict__", "_fields", "__getnewargs__",
                         "__getstate__", "_make", "_replace")

  def __init__(self, version, platform):
    """Initialize the parser.

      version: A version tuple.
      platform: A platform string.
    assert version
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"Expected 2 parameters to Callable, got %d" % len(parameters))
        if len(parameters) == 1:
          # We're usually happy to treat omitted parameters as "Any", but we
          # need a return type for CallableType, or we wouldn't know whether the
          # last parameter is an argument or return type.
          parameters += (pytd.AnythingType(),)
        if self._is_empty_tuple(parameters[0]):
          parameters = parameters[1:]
          parameters = parameters[0].parameters + parameters[1:]
        return pytd.CallableType(base_type=base_type, parameters=parameters)
        assert parameters
        if (self._is_callable_base_type(base_type) and
            not self._is_any(parameters[0])):
          raise ParseError(
              "First argument to Callable must be a list of argument types")
        return pytd.GenericType(base_type=base_type, parameters=parameters)
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def import_module(self, name, full_name, level):
    """Import a module and return the module object or None."""
    if self.options.strict_import:
      # Do not import new modules if we aren't in an IMPORT statement.
      # The exception is if we have an implicit "package" module (e.g.
      # `import a.b.c` adds `a.b` to the list of instantiable modules.)
      if not (self._importing or self.loader.has_module_prefix(full_name)):
        return None
      module = self._import_module(name, level)
      # Since we have explicitly imported full_name, add it to the prefix list.
    except (parser.ParseError, load_pytd.BadDependencyError,
            visitors.ContainerError, visitors.SymbolLookupError) as e:
      self.errorlog.pyi_error(self.frames, full_name, e)
      module = self.convert.unsolvable
    return module
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def __init__(self, msg, line=None, filename=None, column=None, text=None):
    super(ParseError, self).__init__(msg)
    self._line = line
    self._filename = filename
    self._column = column
    self._text = text
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def _qualify_name_with_special_dir(self, orig_name):
    """Handle the case of '.' and '..' as package names."""
    if "__PACKAGE__." in orig_name:
      # Generated from "from . import foo" - see parser.yy
      prefix, _, name = orig_name.partition("__PACKAGE__.")
      if prefix:
        raise ParseError("Cannot resolve import: %s" % orig_name)
      return self._package_name + "." + name
    elif "__PARENT__." in orig_name:
      # Generated from "from .. import foo" - see parser.yy
      prefix, _, name = orig_name.partition("__PARENT__.")
      if prefix:
        raise ParseError("Cannot resolve import: %s" % orig_name)
      if not self._parent_name:
        raise ParseError(
            "Cannot resolve relative import ..: Package %s has no parent" %
      return self._parent_name + "." + name
      return None
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def new_alias_or_constant(self, name_and_value):
    name, value = name_and_value
    if name == "__slots__":
      if not isinstance(value, list):
        raise ParseError("__slots__ must be a list of strings")
      return _SlotDecl(tuple(_handle_string_literal(s) for s in value))
    elif value in [pytd.NamedType("True"), pytd.NamedType("False")]:
      return pytd.Constant(name, pytd.NamedType("bool"))
      return pytd.Alias(name, value)
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def _keep_decorator(decorator):
  """Return True iff the decorator requires processing."""
  if decorator in ["overload"]:
    # These are legal but ignored.
    return False
  elif (decorator in ["staticmethod", "classmethod", "abstractmethod",
                      "coroutine"] or
    return True
    raise ParseError("Decorator %s not supported" % decorator)