How to use the pytype.pytd.pytd.UnionType function in pytype

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elif isinstance(v, abstract.SimpleAbstractValue):
      if v.cls:
        ret = self.value_instance_to_pytd_type(
            node, v.cls, v, seen=seen, view=view)
            {"__builtin__": self.vm.loader.builtins}))
        return ret
        # We don't know this type's __class__, so return AnythingType to
        # indicate that we don't know anything about what this is.
        # This happens e.g. for locals / globals, which are returned from the
        # code in class declarations."Using ? for %s",
        return pytd.AnythingType()
    elif isinstance(v, abstract.Union):
      return pytd.UnionType(tuple(self.value_to_pytd_type(node, o, seen, view)
                                  for o in v.options))
    elif isinstance(v, special_builtins.SuperInstance):
      return pytd.NamedType("__builtin__.super")
    elif isinstance(v, (abstract.Unsolvable, abstract.TypeParameter)):
      # Arguably, the type of a type parameter is NamedType("typing.TypeVar"),
      # but pytype doesn't know how to handle that, so let's just go with Any.
      return pytd.AnythingType()
    elif isinstance(v, abstract.Unknown):
      return pytd.NamedType(v.class_name)
    elif isinstance(v, abstract.BuildClass):
      return pytd.NamedType("typing.Callable")
      raise NotImplementedError(v.__class__.__name__)
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if not isinstance(actual, pytd.ClassType):
          return self.unsolvable
        base = actual.cls
        assert isinstance(pyval.base_type, pytd.ClassType)
        base = pyval.base_type.cls
      assert isinstance(base, pytd.Class), base
      base_cls = self.constant_to_value(
          base, subst, self.vm.root_cfg_node)
      if not isinstance(base_cls, mixin.Class):
        # base_cls can be, e.g., an unsolvable due to an mro error.
        return self.unsolvable
      if isinstance(pyval, pytd.TupleType):
        abstract_class = abstract.TupleClass
        template = list(range(len(pyval.parameters))) + [abstract_utils.T]
        parameters = pyval.parameters + (pytd.UnionType(pyval.parameters),)
      elif isinstance(pyval, pytd.CallableType):
        abstract_class = abstract.CallableClass
        template = list(range(len(pyval.args))) + [abstract_utils.ARGS,
        parameters = pyval.args + (pytd_utils.JoinTypes(pyval.args), pyval.ret)
        abstract_class = abstract.ParameterizedClass
        if == "typing.Generic":
          pyval_template = pyval.parameters
          pyval_template = base.template
        template = tuple( for t in pyval_template)
        parameters = pyval.parameters
      assert ( == "typing.Generic" or
              len(parameters) <= len(template))
      # Delay type parameter loading to handle recursive types.
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# compat_list :: [(compat, name)], where name is the more generalized
    # type and compat is the less generalized one. (eg: name = float, compat =
    # int)
    compat_list = itertools.chain(
        set((v, v) for _, v in pep484.COMPAT_ITEMS), pep484.COMPAT_ITEMS)

    for compat, name in compat_list:
      prefix = + "."
      full_name = prefix + compat
      t = builtins.Lookup(full_name)
      if isinstance(t, pytd.Class):
        # Depending on python version, bytes can be an Alias, if so don't
        # want it in our union
        rmap[prefix + name].append(pytd.ClassType(full_name, t))

    return {k: pytd.UnionType(tuple(v)) for k, v in six.iteritems(rmap)}
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def unwrap_type(typ):
  if isinstance(typ, (pytd.ClassType, pytd.NamedType)):
    typ_name =
  elif isinstance(typ, pytd.UnionType):
    typ_name = 'Union[' + ', '.join(unwrap_type(t) for t in typ.type_list) + ']'
  elif isinstance(typ, pytd.AnythingType):
    typ_name = 'typing.Any'
    typ_name = pytd_utils.Print(typ)
  return unknown_to_any(typ_name)
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# The class itself doesn't have this method, but base classes might.
      # TODO(kramm): This should do MRO order, not depth-first.
      for base in cls2.parents:
        if isinstance(base, pytd.AnythingType):
          # AnythingType can contain any method. However, that would mean that
          # a class that inherits from AnythingType contains any method
          # imaginable, and hence is a match for anything. To prevent the bad
          # results caused by that, return FALSE here.
          return booleq.FALSE
        elif isinstance(base, (pytd.ClassType, pytd.GenericType)):
          if isinstance(base, pytd.ClassType):
            cls = base.cls
            values = tuple(pytd.AnythingType() for _ in cls.template)
          elif isinstance(base, pytd.TupleType):
            cls = base.base_type.cls
            values = (pytd.UnionType(type_list=base.parameters),)
            cls = base.base_type.cls
            values = base.parameters
          if values:
            subst = subst.copy()
            for param, value in zip(cls.template, values):
              subst[param.type_param] = value
          implication = self.match_Function_against_Class(f1, cls, subst, cache)
          if implication is not booleq.FALSE:
            return implication
          # Funky types like UnionType are hard to match against (and shouldn't
          # appear as a base class) so we treat them as catch-all.
          log.warning("Assuming that %s has method %s",
          return booleq.TRUE
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def _normal_param(name, param_type, default, kwonly):
  """Return a pytd.Parameter object for a normal argument."""
  if default is not None:
    default_type = _type_for_default(default)
    if default_type == pytd.NamedType("NoneType"):
      if param_type is not None:
        param_type = pytd.UnionType((param_type, default_type))
    elif param_type is None:
      param_type = default_type
  if param_type is None:
    param_type = pytd.AnythingType()

  optional = default is not None
  return pytd.Parameter(name, param_type, kwonly, optional, None)
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def _get_parameters(self, t1, t2):
    if isinstance(t1, pytd.TupleType) and isinstance(t2, pytd.TupleType):
      # No change needed; the parameters will be compared element-wise.
      return t1.parameters, t2.parameters
    elif isinstance(t2, pytd.TupleType):
      # Since we call _get_parameters after confirming that t1 and t2 have
      # compatible base types, t1 is a homogeneous tuple here.
      return (t1.element_type,) * len(t2.parameters), t2.parameters
    elif isinstance(t1, pytd.TupleType):
      return (pytd.UnionType(type_list=t1.parameters),), t2.parameters
    elif (isinstance(t1, pytd.CallableType) and
          isinstance(t2, pytd.CallableType)):
      # Flip the arguments, since argument types are contravariant.
      return t2.args + (t1.ret,), t1.args + (t2.ret,)
    elif ( == "__builtin__.type" and
 == "typing.Callable"):
      # We'll only check the return type, since getting the argument types for
      # initializing a class is tricky.
      return t1.parameters, (t2.parameters[-1],)
    elif ( == "typing.Callable" and
 == "__builtin__.type"):
      return (t1.parameters[-1],), t2.parameters
    elif isinstance(t1, pytd.CallableType):
      # We're matching against GenericType(Callable, (Any, _RET)), so we don't
      # need the argument types.
      return (pytd.AnythingType(), t1.ret), t2.parameters
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def MakeHomogeneousContainer(self, base_type, parameters):
    if parameters:
      if len(parameters) > 1:
        element_type = pytd.UnionType(parameters)
        element_type, = parameters
      return pytd.HomogeneousContainerType(base_type=base_type,
      return base_type
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while queue:
    t = queue.popleft()
    if isinstance(t, pytd.UnionType):
    elif isinstance(t, pytd.NothingType):
    elif t not in seen:

  if len(new_types) == 1:
    return new_types.pop()
  elif any(isinstance(t, pytd.AnythingType) for t in new_types):
    return pytd.AnythingType()
  elif new_types:
    return pytd.UnionType(tuple(new_types))  # tuple() to make unions hashable
    return pytd.NothingType()