How to use the pyromaths.classes.PolynomesCollege.Polynome function in pyromaths

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pol.append([[a ** 2, 2], [-b ** 2, 0]])
        a, b = valeur_alea(-9, 9), valeur_alea(-9, 9)
        while a * b == -64:
            # sqrt{8} est trop long à décomposer en une demi-ligne
            a, b = valeur_alea(-9, 9), valeur_alea(-9, 9)
        pol.append([[a, 2], [b, 0]])
        a, b = valeur_alea(-9, 9), valeur_alea(-9, 9)
        pol.append([[a, 2], [b, 1]])
        pol.pop(randrange(1, len(pol)))
        pol.pop(randrange(1, len(pol)))
        for i in range(3):
            m = list(pol[i])
            pol[i] = m
            print(str(Polynome(pol[i], "x")))
        self.exercice = pol
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def __init__(self):
        val = [valeur_alea(-9, 9), valeur_alea(-9, 9) , valeur_alea(-9, 9)]
        pol = Polynome([[val[0], 2], [(-val[0] * (val[1] + val[2])), 1], [(val[0] * val[1] * val[2]), 0]])
        while val[2] == val[1] or abs(val[0] * val[1] * val[2]) > 10 or abs(eval(pol((val[1] + val[2]) / 2.))) > 10:
            val = [valeur_alea(-9, 9), valeur_alea(-9, 9) , valeur_alea(-9, 9)]
            pol = Polynome([[val[0], 2], [(-val[0] * (val[1] + val[2])), 1], [(val[0] * val[1] * val[2]), 0]])
        val = [[val[0], 2], [(-val[0] * (val[1] + val[2])), 1], [(val[0] * val[1] * val[2]), 0]]
        lp = [Polynome(val)]

        val = [[valeur_alea(-9, 9), 2 - dummy] for dummy in range(3)]
        val[1][0] = valeur_alea(-9, 9) * val[0][0]
        pol = Polynome(val)
        while val[1][0] ** 2 - 4 * val[0][0] * val[2][0] >= 0 or abs(eval(pol(-val[1][0] / 2. / val[0][0]))) > 10:
            val = [[valeur_alea(-9, 9), 2 - dummy] for dummy in range(3)]
            val[1][0] = valeur_alea(-9, 9) * val[0][0]
            pol = Polynome(val)
        pol = Polynome(val)

        self.exercice = lp
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beta = Fraction(beta, den)
            b = -2 * alpha * a
            c = a * (alpha ** 2 - gamma * beta ** 2)
            if abs(c) <= 10 and c != 0 and not factoriser(repr(Polynome([[a, 2], [b, 1], [c, 0]]))): redo = False
            if c.denominator != 1:
                c = 'Fraction(%s, %s)' % (c.numerator, c.denominator)
                c = c.numerator
            if b.denominator != 1:
                b = 'Fraction(%s, %s)' % (b.numerator, b.denominator)
                b = b.numerator
        return Polynome([[a, 2], [b, 1], [c, 0]])
    elif nb_racines == 1:
        a, b = valeur_alea(-9, 9), valeur_alea(-9, 9)
        return Polynome([[a ** 2, 2], [2 * a * b, 1], [b ** 2, 0]])
        pol = [[valeur_alea(-9, 9), 2 - dummy] for dummy in range(3)]
        while pol[1][0] ** 2 - 4 * pol[0][0] * pol[2][0] >= 0:
            pol = [[valeur_alea(-9, 9), 2 - dummy] for dummy in range(3)]
        return Polynome(pol)
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if nb_racines == 2:
        redo = True
        while redo:
            a = randrange(1, 4) * (-1) ** randrange(2)
            alpha = randrange(1, 10) * (-1) ** randrange(2)
            beta = randrange(1, 10)
            gamma = [1, randrange(1, 6)][rac_radical]
            if rac_quotient:
                den = randrange(2, 6)
                while pgcd(alpha, den) != 1 or pgcd(beta, den) != 1:
                    den = randrange(2, 6)
                alpha = Fraction(alpha, den)
                beta = Fraction(beta, den)
            b = -2 * alpha * a
            c = a * (alpha ** 2 - gamma * beta ** 2)
            if abs(c) <= 10 and c != 0 and not factoriser(repr(Polynome([[a, 2], [b, 1], [c, 0]]))): redo = False
            if c.denominator != 1:
                c = 'Fraction(%s, %s)' % (c.numerator, c.denominator)
                c = c.numerator
            if b.denominator != 1:
                b = 'Fraction(%s, %s)' % (b.numerator, b.denominator)
                b = b.numerator
        return Polynome([[a, 2], [b, 1], [c, 0]])
    elif nb_racines == 1:
        a, b = valeur_alea(-9, 9), valeur_alea(-9, 9)
        return Polynome([[a ** 2, 2], [2 * a * b, 1], [b ** 2, 0]])
        pol = [[valeur_alea(-9, 9), 2 - dummy] for dummy in range(3)]
        while pol[1][0] ** 2 - 4 * pol[0][0] * pol[2][0] >= 0:
            pol = [[valeur_alea(-9, 9), 2 - dummy] for dummy in range(3)]
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:rtype: list
    from pyromaths.classes.PolynomesCollege import Polynome
    from pyromaths.classes.Fractions import Fraction
    from pyromaths.classes.SquareRoot import SquareRoot
    classe = cherche_classe(value, 0)
    if  classe:
        if classe != value: return False
        else: return True
    # if cherche_operateur(value, 1):
    #     return False
        return isinstance(eval(value), (float, int, Polynome, Fraction, SquareRoot))
        return False
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c = 'Fraction(%s, %s)' % (c.numerator, c.denominator)
                c = c.numerator
            if b.denominator != 1:
                b = 'Fraction(%s, %s)' % (b.numerator, b.denominator)
                b = b.numerator
        return Polynome([[a, 2], [b, 1], [c, 0]])
    elif nb_racines == 1:
        a, b = valeur_alea(-9, 9), valeur_alea(-9, 9)
        return Polynome([[a ** 2, 2], [2 * a * b, 1], [b ** 2, 0]])
        pol = [[valeur_alea(-9, 9), 2 - dummy] for dummy in range(3)]
        while pol[1][0] ** 2 - 4 * pol[0][0] * pol[2][0] >= 0:
            pol = [[valeur_alea(-9, 9), 2 - dummy] for dummy in range(3)]
        return Polynome(pol)
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# Suppression des parenthèses autour de ((9.0-80.0)*Polynome("x")) devenu (Polynome("-71.0x"))
                            if post and result and post[0] == ")" and result[-1] == "(" :
                                result, post = result[:-1], post[1:]

                if recherche == recherche_somme:
                    # Permet les cas 1 + Fraction(1, 2) + 1
                    # ou 3 + Polynome("5x") + 4
                    frac, poly, nombres = False, False, []
                    for i in range(0, len(calc), 2):
                        if isinstance(nombres[-1], Fraction): frac = True
                        elif isinstance(nombres[-1], Polynome): poly, var, details = True, nombres[-1].var, nombres[-1].details
                    if poly: nombres = [(Polynome([[i, 0]], var, details) , i)[isinstance(i, Polynome)] for i in nombres]
                    elif frac: nombres = [(Fraction(i, 1), i)[isinstance(i, Fraction)] for i in nombres]
                    if poly: classe = Polynome
                    elif frac: classe = Fraction
                    if poly or frac:
                        if calc[1] == '+': operation = classe.__add__
                        else: operation = classe.__sub__
                        if isinstance(nombres[0], (int, float)):
                            sol = operation(classe(nombres[0]), *nombres[1:])
                            sol = operation(nombres[0], *nombres[1:])
                    else: sol = eval("".join(calc))
                elif recherche == recherche_produit and calc[1] == "*":
                    frac, poly, nombres = False, False, []
                    for i in range(0, len(calc), 2):
                        if isinstance(nombres[-1], Fraction): frac = True
                        elif isinstance(nombres[-1], Polynome): poly, var, details = True, nombres[-1].var, nombres[-1].details
                    if poly: nombres = [(Polynome([[i, 0]], var, details) , i)[isinstance(i, Polynome)] for i in nombres]
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2=-4-2=-6', '\\psdot [dotsize=4.5pt,dotstyle=x](0, -2)', '\\psdot [dotsize=4.5pt
            ,dotstyle=x](-3, -6.0)']

        :rtype: list of string
    u = coefdir(A, B)
    if isinstance(u, int) or u.d == 1:
        x1 = decimaux(B[0])
        B = (u.d, u.n + float(A[1]))
        if not dansrep(B, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax):
            B = (-u.d, -u.n + float(A[1]))
        x1 = decimaux(str(B[0]))
    l = Priorites3.texify([Polynome([[u, 1], [A[1], 0]], "x")(B[0])])
    l.extend(Priorites3.texify(Priorites3.priorites(Polynome([[u, 1], [A[1], 0]], "x")(B[0]))))
    l = [u'Tracer la droite représentative ($d_' + str(i) + '$) de la fonction $' + f + ':x\\longmapsto ' + str(Polynome([[u, 1], [A[1], 0]], "x")) + '$.',
       'On sait que $' + f + '(0)=' + decimaux(str(A[1])) + '$ et $' + f + '(' + x1 + ')=' + "=".join(l) + "$.",
       '\\psdot [dotsize=4.5pt,dotstyle=x]' + str(A),
       '\\psdot [dotsize=4.5pt,dotstyle=x]' + str(B),
    return l
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def exprfonc(f, i, A, B):
# Génère la 3e question.
# A est sur l'axe des ordonnées, f est le nom de la fonction
    u = coefdir(A, B)
    if isinstance(u, int): u = Fraction(u, 1)
    Polynome([[u, 1], [A[1], 0]], "x")(B[0])
    # if A[1] >= 0:
    #     b = '+' + decimaux(str(A[1]))
    # else:
    #     b = decimaux(str(A[1]))
    # if u.d == 1:
    #     coef = decimaux(str(u.n))
    #     if u.n == -1:
    #         coef = '-'  # utilisé dans l'expression de la fonction
    #     if u.n == 1:
    #         coef = ''
    #     coefres = decimaux(str(u.n))  # résultat utilisé pour a
    # else:
    #     if u.n > 0:
    #         coef = '\\dfrac{' + decimaux(str(u.n)) + '}{' + decimaux(str(u.d)) + '}'
    #     else: