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def test_align():
Test align functionality
# Linear registrattion
base_dir = str(Path(__file__).parent/"examples")
anat_dir = base_dir + '/003/anat'
inp = anat_dir + '/sub-003_T1w_brain.nii.gz'
ref = anat_dir + '/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain.nii.gz'
out = anat_dir + '/highres2standard.nii.gz'
xfm_out = anat_dir + '/highres2standard.mat'
reg_utils.align(inp, ref, xfm=xfm_out, out=out, dof=12, searchrad=True, bins=256, interp=None, cost="mutualinfo",
sch=None, wmseg=None, init=None)
highres2standard_linear = nib.load(out)
assert highres2standard_linear is not None
# This test has a bak folder in its test_dir.
# To replicate test rm data in test_dir and cp from bak
base_dir = str(Path(__file__).parent/"examples")
test_dir = base_dir + '/003/test_out/test_check_orient_and_dims'
# Antomical: 1x1x1mm
anat_LAS = test_dir + '/anat_LAS/sub-003_T1w_LAS.nii.gz'
anat_RAS = test_dir + '/anat_RAS/sub-003_T1w_RAS.nii.gz'
# Diffusion: 2x2x2mm
dmri_LAS = test_dir + '/dmri_LAS/iso_eddy_corrected_data_denoised_LAS.nii.gz'
dmri_RAS = test_dir + '/dmri_RAS/iso_eddy_corrected_data_denoised_RAS.nii.gz'
bvecs_LAS = test_dir + '/dmri_LAS/bvec.orig.bvec'
bvecs_RAS = test_dir + '/dmri_RAS/bvec.trans.bvec'
anat_LAStoRAS = reg_utils.check_orient_and_dims(anat_LAS, '2mm', bvecs=None)
anat_RAStoRAS = reg_utils.check_orient_and_dims(anat_RAS, '2mm', bvecs=None)
dmri_LAStoRAS, bvecs_LAStoRAS = reg_utils.check_orient_and_dims(dmri_LAS, '1mm', bvecs=bvecs_LAS)
dmri_RAStoRAS, bvecs_RAStoRAS = reg_utils.check_orient_and_dims(dmri_RAS, '1mm', bvecs=bvecs_RAS)
anat_LAStoRAS = nib.load(anat_LAStoRAS)
anat_RAStoRAS = nib.load(anat_RAStoRAS)
dmri_LAStoRAS = nib.load(dmri_LAStoRAS)
dmri_RAStoRAS = nib.load(dmri_RAStoRAS)
# Assert that output arrays are identical.
anat_check = np.allclose(anat_LAStoRAS.affine.astype('int'), anat_RAStoRAS.affine.astype('int'))
dmri_check = np.allclose(dmri_LAStoRAS.affine.astype('int'), dmri_RAStoRAS.affine.astype('int'))
# Assert that voxel dimensions in ouputs are correct.
# None else ''),
# '%s' % (op.basename(roi).split('.')[0] + '_' if
# roi is not None else ''),
# conn_model, '_', target_samples,
# '%s' % ("%s%s" %
# ('_' + str(node_size),
# 'mm_') if ((node_size != 'parc') and
# (node_size is not None)) else
# '_'),
# 'curv', str(curv_thr_list).replace(', ', '_'),
# 'step', str(step_list).replace(', ', '_'), 'tt-',
# track_type, '_dg-', directget, '_ml-', max_length,
# '.png')
# SyN FA->Template
[mapping, affine_map, warped_fa] = regutils.wm_syn(template_path, fa_path, dsn_dir)
tractogram = load_tractogram(streams, fa_img, to_space=Space.RASMM, shifted_origin=True, bbox_valid_check=False)
streamlines = tractogram.streamlines
warped_fa_img = nib.load(warped_fa)
warped_fa_affine = warped_fa_img.affine
warped_fa_shape = warped_fa_img.shape
streams_in_curr_grid = transform_streamlines(streamlines, warped_fa_affine)
ref_grid_aff = vox_size*np.eye(4)
ref_grid_aff[3][3] = 1
# Create isocenter mapping where we anchor the origin transformation affine
# to the corner of the FOV by scaling x, y, z offsets according to a multiplicative
# van der Corput sequence with a base value equal to the voxel resolution
print('Running non-linear registration: T1w-->MNI ...')
# Use FNIRT to nonlinearly align T1 to MNI template
regutils.align_nonlinear(self.t1w_brain, self.input_mni, xfm=self.t12mni_xfm_init,
out=self.t1_aligned_mni, warp=self.warp_t1w2mni, ref_mask=self.input_mni_mask)
# Get warp from MNI -> T1
regutils.inverse_warp(self.t1w_brain, self.mni2t1w_warp, self.warp_t1w2mni)
# Get mat from MNI -> T1
os.system("convert_xfm -omat {} -inverse {}".format(self.mni2t1_xfm_init, self.t12mni_xfm_init))
except RuntimeError('Error: FNIRT failed!'):
# Falling back to linear registration
regutils.align(self.t1w_brain, self.input_mni_brain, xfm=self.t12mni_xfm, init=self.t12mni_xfm_init,
bins=None, dof=12, cost='mutualinfo', searchrad=True, interp="spline",
out=self.t1_aligned_mni, sch=None)
# Get mat from MNI -> T1
os.system("convert_xfm -omat {} -inverse {}".format(self.t12mni_xfm, self.mni2t1_xfm))
# Align T1w-->DWI
regutils.align(self.fa_path, self.t1w_brain, xfm=self.t1w2dwi_xfm, bins=None, interp="spline", dof=6,
cost='mutualinfo', out=None, searchrad=True, sch=None)
os.system("convert_xfm -omat {} -inverse {}".format(self.dwi2t1w_xfm, self.t1w2dwi_xfm))
if self.simple is False:
# Flirt bbr
print('Running FLIRT BBR registration: T1w-->DWI ...')
regutils.align(self.fa_path, self.t1w_brain, wmseg=self.wm_edge, xfm=self.dwi2t1w_bbr_xfm,
init=self.dwi2t1w_xfm, bins=256, dof=7, searchrad=True, interp="spline", out=None,
regutils.apply_warp(self.t1w_brain, self.vent_mask_mni, self.vent_mask_t1w, warp=self.mni2t1w_warp,
interp='nn', sup=True)
regutils.apply_warp(self.t1w_brain, self.corpuscallosum, self.corpuscallosum_mask_t1w,
warp=self.mni2t1w_warp, interp="nn", sup=True)
regutils.applyxfm(self.vent_mask_mni, self.t1w_brain, self.mni2t1_xfm, self.vent_mask_t1w)
regutils.applyxfm(self.corpuscallosum, self.t1w_brain, self.mni2t1_xfm, self.corpuscallosum_mask_t1w)
# Applyxfm tissue maps to dwi space
regutils.applyxfm(self.fa_path, self.vent_mask_t1w, self.t1wtissue2dwi_xfm, self.vent_mask_dwi)
regutils.applyxfm(self.fa_path, self.csf_mask, self.t1wtissue2dwi_xfm, self.csf_mask_dwi)
regutils.applyxfm(self.fa_path, self.gm_mask, self.t1wtissue2dwi_xfm, self.gm_in_dwi)
regutils.applyxfm(self.fa_path, self.wm_mask, self.t1wtissue2dwi_xfm, self.wm_in_dwi)
regutils.applyxfm(self.fa_path, self.corpuscallosum_mask_t1w, self.t1wtissue2dwi_xfm, self.corpuscallosum_dwi)
# Threshold WM to binary in dwi space
thr_img = nib.load(self.wm_in_dwi)
thr_img = math_img('img > 0.1', img=thr_img), self.wm_in_dwi_bin)
# Threshold GM to binary in dwi space
thr_img = nib.load(self.gm_in_dwi)
thr_img = math_img('img > 0.2', img=thr_img), self.gm_in_dwi_bin)
# Threshold CSF to binary in dwi space
thr_img = nib.load(self.csf_mask_dwi)
thr_img = math_img('img > 0.95', img=thr_img), self.csf_mask_dwi)
A function to perform alignment from T1w --> MNI and T1w_MNI --> DWI. Uses a local optimisation
cost function to get the two images close, and then uses bbr to obtain a good alignment of brain boundaries.
Assumes input dwi is already preprocessed and brain extracted.
# Create linear transform/ initializer T1w-->MNI
regutils.align(self.t1w_brain, self.input_mni_brain, xfm=self.t12mni_xfm_init, bins=None, interp="spline",
out=None, dof=12, cost='mutualinfo', searchrad=True)
# Attempt non-linear registration of T1 to MNI template
if self.simple is False:
print('Running non-linear registration: T1w-->MNI ...')
# Use FNIRT to nonlinearly align T1 to MNI template
regutils.align_nonlinear(self.t1w_brain, self.input_mni, xfm=self.t12mni_xfm_init,
out=self.t1_aligned_mni, warp=self.warp_t1w2mni, ref_mask=self.input_mni_mask)
# Get warp from MNI -> T1
regutils.inverse_warp(self.t1w_brain, self.mni2t1w_warp, self.warp_t1w2mni)
# Get mat from MNI -> T1
os.system("convert_xfm -omat {} -inverse {}".format(self.mni2t1_xfm_init, self.t12mni_xfm_init))
except RuntimeError('Error: FNIRT failed!'):
# Falling back to linear registration
regutils.align(self.t1w_brain, self.input_mni_brain, xfm=self.t12mni_xfm, init=self.t12mni_xfm_init,
bins=None, dof=12, cost='mutualinfo', searchrad=True, interp="spline",
out=self.t1_aligned_mni, sch=None)
# Get mat from MNI -> T1
uatlas_filled = "%s%s%s%s" % (self.anat_path, '/', atlas, "_filled.nii.gz")
os.system("fslmaths {} -add {} -mas {} {}".format(self.input_mni_brain, uatlas, self.input_mni_mask,
regutils.align(uatlas_filled, self.t1_aligned_mni, init=None, xfm=self.atlas2t1wmni_xfm_init,
out=None, dof=12, searchrad=True, interp="nearestneighbour", cost='mutualinfo')
if uatlas_parcels is not None:
regutils.applyxfm(self.t1_aligned_mni, uatlas_parcels, self.atlas2t1wmni_xfm_init, aligned_atlas_t1mni,
regutils.applyxfm(self.t1_aligned_mni, uatlas, self.atlas2t1wmni_xfm_init, aligned_atlas_t1mni,
regutils.apply_warp(self.t1_aligned_mni, self.gm_mask_thr, gm_mask_mni, warp=self.warp_t1w2mni,
xfm=self.t12mni_xfm_init, interp='nn', sup=True)
regutils.applyxfm(self.t1_aligned_mni, self.gm_mask_thr, self.t12mni_xfm_init, gm_mask_mni,
# Set intensities to int
atlas_img = nib.load(aligned_atlas_t1mni)
gm_mask_img_res = resample_img(nib.load(gm_mask_mni), target_affine=atlas_img.affine,
target_shape=atlas_img.shape), gm_mask_mni_atlas_res)
os.system("fslmaths {} -bin {}".format(gm_mask_mni_atlas_res, gm_mask_mni_atlas_res))
os.system("fslmaths {} -mas {} {}".format(aligned_atlas_t1mni, gm_mask_mni_atlas_res, aligned_atlas_t1mni_gm))
# Create linear transform/ initializer T1w-->MNI
regutils.align(self.t1w_brain, self.input_mni_brain, xfm=self.t12mni_xfm_init, bins=None, interp="spline",
out=None, dof=12, cost='mutualinfo', searchrad=True)
# Attempt non-linear registration of T1 to MNI template
if self.simple is False:
print('Running non-linear registration: T1w-->MNI ...')
# Use FNIRT to nonlinearly align T1 to MNI template
regutils.align_nonlinear(self.t1w_brain, self.input_mni, xfm=self.t12mni_xfm_init,
out=self.t1_aligned_mni, warp=self.warp_t1w2mni, ref_mask=self.input_mni_mask)
# Get warp from MNI -> T1
regutils.inverse_warp(self.t1w_brain, self.mni2t1w_warp, self.warp_t1w2mni)
# Get mat from MNI -> T1
os.system("convert_xfm -omat {} -inverse {}".format(self.mni2t1_xfm_init, self.t12mni_xfm_init))
except RuntimeError('Error: FNIRT failed!'):
# Falling back to linear registration
regutils.align(self.t1w_brain, self.input_mni_brain, xfm=self.t12mni_xfm, init=self.t12mni_xfm_init,
bins=None, dof=12, cost='mutualinfo', searchrad=True, interp="spline",
out=self.t1_aligned_mni, sch=None)
# Get mat from MNI -> T1
os.system("convert_xfm -omat {} -inverse {}".format(self.t12mni_xfm, self.mni2t1_xfm))
# Align T1w-->DWI
regutils.align(self.fa_path, self.t1w_brain, xfm=self.t1w2dwi_xfm, bins=None, interp="spline", dof=6,
aligned_atlas_skull_parcels = None
# Map atlas in t1w space to dwi space
if uatlas_parcels is not None:
regutils.applyxfm(self.fa_path, aligned_atlas_skull_parcels, self.t1wtissue2dwi_xfm,
dwi_aligned_atlas, interp="nearestneighbour")
regutils.applyxfm(self.fa_path, aligned_atlas_skull, self.t1wtissue2dwi_xfm,
dwi_aligned_atlas, interp="nearestneighbour")
print("Warning: Atlas is not in correct dimensions, or input is low quality,\nusing linear template "
# Combine our linear transform from t1w to template with our transform from dwi to t1w space to get a
# transform from atlas ->(-> t1w ->)-> dwi
regutils.combine_xfms(self.xfm_atlas2t1w_init, self.t1wtissue2dwi_xfm, self.temp2dwi_xfm)
if uatlas_parcels is not None:
aligned_atlas_t1mni_parcels = "%s%s%s%s" % (self.anat_path, '/', atlas, "_t1w_mni_parcels.nii.gz")
regutils.applyxfm(self.t1_aligned_mni, uatlas_parcels, self.atlas2t1mni_xfm_init,
aligned_atlas_t1mni_parcels, interp="nearestneighbour")
# Apply linear transformation from template to dwi space
regutils.applyxfm(self.fa_path, aligned_atlas_t1mni_parcels, self.temp2dwi_xfm, dwi_aligned_atlas,
aligned_atlas_t1mni = aligned_atlas_t1mni_parcels
regutils.applyxfm(self.t1_aligned_mni, uatlas, self.atlas2t1mni_xfm_init,
aligned_atlas_t1mni, interp="nearestneighbour")
# Apply linear transformation from template to dwi space
regutils.applyxfm(self.fa_path, aligned_atlas_t1mni, self.temp2dwi_xfm, dwi_aligned_atlas,
def gen_tissue(self):
A function to segment and threshold tissue types from T1w.
# Segment the t1w brain into probability maps
maps = regutils.segment_t1w(self.t1w_brain, self.map_path)
self.wm_mask = maps['wm_prob']
self.gm_mask = maps['gm_prob']
self.csf_mask = maps['csf_prob']
# Threshold WM to binary in dwi space
t_img = nib.load(self.wm_mask)
mask = math_img('img > 0.2', img=t_img)
# Threshold T1w brain to binary in anat space
t_img = nib.load(self.t1w_brain)
mask = math_img('img > 0.0', img=t_img)
# Extract wm edge
os.system("fslmaths {} -edge -bin -mas {} {}".format(self.wm_mask_thr, self.wm_mask_thr, self.wm_edge))