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# set up age-specific rate function, if it does not yet exist
if not rate_stoch:
param_mesh = dm.get_param_age_mesh()
if emp_prior.has_key('mu'):
initial_value = emp_prior['mu']
initial_value = dm.get_initial_value(key)
# find the logit of the initial values, which is a little bit
# of work because initial values are sampled from the est_mesh,
# but the logit_initial_values are needed on the param_mesh
logit_initial_value = mc.logit(
interpolate(est_mesh, initial_value, param_mesh))
logit_rate = mc.Normal('logit(%s)' % key,
#logit_rate = [mc.Normal('logit(%s)_%d' % (key, a), mu=-5., tau=1.e-2) for a in param_mesh]
vars['logit_rate'] = logit_rate
def rate_stoch(logit_rate=logit_rate):
return interpolate(param_mesh, mc.invlogit(logit_rate), est_mesh)
if emp_prior.has_key('mu'):
@mc.potential(name='empirical_prior_%s' % key)
def emp_prior_potential(f=rate_stoch, mu=emp_prior['mu'], tau=1./np.array(emp_prior['se'])**2):
return mc.normal_like(f, mu, tau)
vars['empirical_prior'] = emp_prior_potential
Generate a list of the PyMC variables for the generic disease
model, and store it as dm.vars
See comments in the code for exact details on the model.
dm.vars = {}
out_age_mesh = range(probabilistic_utils.MAX_AGE)
dm.vars['i'], i = initialized_rate_vars(dm.i_in())
dm.vars['r'], r = initialized_rate_vars(dm.r_in())
dm.vars['f'], f = initialized_rate_vars(dm.f_in())
m = probabilistic_utils.mortality_for(dm, out_age_mesh)
# TODO: make error in C_0 a semi-informative stochastic variable
logit_C_0 = mc.Normal('logit(C_0)', 0., 1.e-2)
def C_0(logit_C_0=logit_C_0):
return mc.invlogit(logit_C_0)
def S_0(C_0=C_0):
return max(0.0, 1.0 - C_0)
dm.vars['bins'] = [S_0, C_0, logit_C_0]
# iterative solution to difference equations to obtain bin sizes for all ages
def S_C_D_M(S_0=S_0, C_0=C_0, i=i, r=r, f=f, m=m):
S = np.zeros(len(out_age_mesh))
C = np.zeros(len(out_age_mesh))
D = np.zeros(len(out_age_mesh))
M = np.zeros(len(out_age_mesh))
sigma_alpha = .01
beta = np.array(emp_prior['beta'])
mu_gamma = np.array(emp_prior['gamma'])
sigma_gamma = emp_prior['sigma']
mu_sigma = .01
conf_sigma = 1000.
mu_alpha = np.zeros(len(X_region))
sigma_alpha = 1.
mu_beta = np.zeros(len(X_study))
sigma_beta = .01
beta = mc.Normal('study_coeffs_%s' % key, mu=mu_beta, tau=1/sigma_beta**2, value=mu_beta)
mu_gamma = -5.*np.ones(len(est_mesh))
sigma_gamma = 1.
mu_sigma = .1
conf_sigma = 10.
alpha = mc.Normal('region_coeffs_%s' % key, mu=mu_alpha, tau=1/sigma_alpha**2, value=mu_alpha)
log_sigma = mc.Uninformative('log(dispersion_%s)' % key, value=np.log(mu_sigma))
@mc.deterministic(name='dispersion_%s' % key)
def sigma(log_sigma=log_sigma):
return np.exp(log_sigma)
if all(self.stochastic.value != 0.):
self.proposal_sd = ones(shape(self.stochastic.value)) * \
abs(self.stochastic.value) * scale
self.proposal_sd = ones(shape(self.stochastic.value)) * scale
M.use_step_method(pm.AdaptiveMetropolis, [x,y,z], \
scales={x:1, y:2, z:.5}, delay=10000)
A = pm.Normal('A', value=numpy.zeros(100), mu=0., tau=1.)
A = [pm.Normal('A_%i'%i, value=0., mu=0., tau=1.) for i in xrange(100)]
# Prior parameters of C
diff_degree = pm.Uniform('diff_degree', 1., 3)
amp = pm.Lognormal('amp', mu=.4, tau=1.)
scale = pm.Lognormal('scale', mu=.5, tau=1.)
# The covariance dtrm C is valued as a Covariance object.
def C(eval_fun = gp.matern.euclidean, diff_degree=diff_degree, amp=amp, scale=scale):
return gp.NearlyFullRankCovariance(eval_fun, diff_degree=diff_degree, amp=amp, scale=scale)
# Prior parameters of M
a = pm.Normal('a', mu=1., tau=1.)
b = pm.Normal('b', mu=.5, tau=1.)
c = pm.Normal('c', mu=2., tau=1.)
# The mean M is valued as a Mean object.
def linfun(x, a, b, c):
# return a * x ** 2 + b * x + c
return 0.*x + c
def M(eval_fun = linfun, a=a, b=b, c=c):
return gp.Mean(eval_fun, a=a, b=b, c=c)
# The GP submodel
fmesh = np.linspace(-np.pi/3.3,np.pi/3.3,4)
sm = gp.GPSubmodel('sm',M,C,fmesh)
# Observation precision
V = .0001
for i, v in enumerate(counties_uniq):
counties_dict[v] = i
ans = np.empty(len(counties),dtype='int')
for i in range(0,len(counties)):
ans[i] = counties_dict[counties[i]]
return ans
index_c = createCountyIndex(counties)
# Priors
mu_b = pymc.Normal('mu_b', mu=0., tau=0.0001)
sigma_b = pymc.Uniform('sigma_b', lower=0, upper=100)
tau_b = pymc.Lambda('tau_b', lambda s=sigma_b: s**-2)
a = pymc.Normal('a', mu=0., tau=0.0001)
b = pymc.Normal('b', mu=mu_b, tau=tau_b, value=np.zeros(len(set(counties))))
sigma_y = pymc.Uniform('sigma_y', lower=0, upper=100)
tau_y = pymc.Lambda('tau_y', lambda s=sigma_y: s**-2)
# Model
def y_hat(a=a,b=b):
return a + b[index_c]*x
# Likelihood
def y_i(value=y, mu=y_hat, tau=tau_y):
return pymc.normal_like(value,mu,tau)
x = np.arange(-1.,1.,.1)
# Prior parameters of C
diff_degree = pm.Uniform('diff_degree', 1., 3)
amp = pm.Lognormal('amp', mu=.4, tau=1.)
scale = pm.Lognormal('scale', mu=.5, tau=1.)
# The covariance dtrm C is valued as a Covariance object.
def C(eval_fun = gp.matern.euclidean, diff_degree=diff_degree, amp=amp, scale=scale):
return gp.NearlyFullRankCovariance(eval_fun, diff_degree=diff_degree, amp=amp, scale=scale)
# Prior parameters of M
a = pm.Normal('a', mu=1., tau=1.)
b = pm.Normal('b', mu=.5, tau=1.)
c = pm.Normal('c', mu=2., tau=1.)
# The mean M is valued as a Mean object.
def linfun(x, a, b, c):
# return a * x ** 2 + b * x + c
return 0.*x + c
def M(eval_fun = linfun, a=a, b=b, c=c):
return gp.Mean(eval_fun, a=a, b=b, c=c)
# The GP submodel
fmesh = np.linspace(-np.pi/3.3,np.pi/3.3,4)
sm = gp.GPSubmodel('sm',M,C,fmesh)
# Observation precision
V = .0001
def beta(log_beta=log_beta):
return np.exp(log_beta)
# uniform prior on log(omega)
def omega(log_omega=log_omega):
return np.exp(log_omega)
def y_model(t=t, b0=b0, A=A, beta=beta, omega=omega):
return chirp(t, b0, beta, A, omega)
y = pymc.Normal('y', mu=y_model, tau=sigma ** -2, observed=True, value=y_obs)
model = dict(b0=b0, A=A,
log_beta=log_beta, beta=beta,
log_omega=log_omega, omega=omega,
y_model=y_model, y=y)
# Run the MCMC sampling (saving results to a pickle)
def compute_MCMC_results(niter=20000, burn=2000):
S = pymc.MCMC(model)
S.sample(iter=niter, burn=burn)
traces = [S.trace(s)[:] for s in ['b0', 'A', 'omega', 'beta']]
M = pymc.MAP(model)
### @export 'models-of-varying-smoothness'
in_mesh = dismod3.settings.gbd_ages
out_mesh = pl.arange(101)
data = pl.array([[10., 1, .25],
[50., 2.5, .25]])
scale = dict(Very=dismod3.utils.rho['very'],
for kind in ['linear', 'zero']:
for col, smoothness in enumerate(['Slightly', 'Moderately', 'Very']):
## setup lognormal prior on intercept
gamma = mc.Normal('gamma', 0.,
mu = mc.Lambda('mu', lambda gamma=gamma: pl.exp(gamma))
## setup Gaussian Process prior on age pattern
def M(mu=mu):
return x: mu*pl.ones(len(x)))
C =,
sm ='sm', M, C, in_mesh,