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cf.batch_size = 3
cf.fold = 0
cf.plot_dir = cf.exp_dir / "plots"
logger = utils.get_logger(cf.exp_dir, cf.server_env, cf.sysmetrics_interval)
cf.num_val_batches = "all"
cf.val_mode = "val_sampling"
cf.n_workers = 8
batch_gens = dloader.get_train_generators(cf, logger, data_statistics=False)
val_loader = batch_gens["val_sampling"]
for epoch in range(4):
produced_ids = []
for i in range(batch_gens['n_val']):
batch = next(val_loader)
uni, cts = np.unique(np.concatenate(produced_ids), return_counts=True)
assert np.all(cts < 3), "with batch size one: every item should occur exactly once.\n uni {}, cts {}".format(
uni[cts>2], cts[cts>2])
#assert len(np.setdiff1d(val_loader.generator.dataset_pids, uni))==0, "not all val pids were shown."
assert len(np.setdiff1d(uni, val_loader.generator.dataset_pids))==0, "pids shown that are not val set. impossible?"
cf.n_workers = os.cpu_count()
cf.batch_size = int(val_loader.generator.dataset_length / cf.n_workers) + 2
val_loader = dloader.create_data_gen_pipeline(cf, val_loader.generator._data, do_aug=False, sample_pids_w_replace=False,
max_batches=None, raise_stop_iteration=True)
for epoch in range(2):
produced_ids = []
for b, batch in enumerate(val_loader):
uni, cts = np.unique(np.concatenate(produced_ids), return_counts=True)
assert np.all(cts == 1), "with batch size one: every item should occur exactly once.\n uni {}, cts {}".format(
uni[cts>1], cts[cts>1])
def collate_fn(self, x):
g, lg, deg_g, deg_lg, pm_pd = zip(*x)
g_batch = batch(g)
lg_batch = batch(lg)
degg_batch = np.concatenate(deg_g, axis=0)
deglg_batch = np.concatenate(deg_lg, axis=0)
pm_pd_batch = np.concatenate([x + i * self._n_nodes for i, x in enumerate(pm_pd)], axis=0)
return g_batch, lg_batch, degg_batch, deglg_batch, pm_pd_batch
def _get_obs(self):
wrapped_obs = self.wrapped_env._get_obs()
if self._top_down_view:
view = [self.get_top_down_view().flat]
view = []
if self._observe_blocks:
additional_obs = []
for block_name, block_type in self.movable_blocks:
wrapped_obs = np.concatenate([wrapped_obs[:3]] + additional_obs +
range_sensor_obs = self.get_range_sensor_obs()
return np.concatenate([wrapped_obs,
range_sensor_obs.flat] +
view + [[self.t * 0.001]])
def calculate_advantage_TD(self, paths):
all_advs = []
all_returns = []
for path in paths:
rewards = path["reward"]
observations = path["observation"]
baseline_val =
[self.baseline], feed_dict={self.observation_placeholder: observations})[0]
returns = rewards[:-1] + self.config.gamma * baseline_val[1:]
adv = returns
adv -= baseline_val[:-1]
adv = np.concatenate(all_advs)
returns = np.concatenate(all_returns)
if self.config.normalize_advantage:
adv -= np.mean(adv)
adv /= np.std(adv)
return adv, returns
def properties_of_three_spheres():
x_cube, y_cube = create_sphere()
b_id = np.array([])
b_id1 = np.ones_like(x_cube, dtype=int) * 0
rho_1 = np.ones_like(x_cube, dtype=int) * 2000
b_id2 = np.ones_like(x_cube, dtype=int) * 1
rho_2 = np.ones_like(x_cube, dtype=int) * 1000
b_id3 = np.ones_like(x_cube, dtype=int) * 2
rho_3 = np.ones_like(x_cube, dtype=int) * 500
b_id = np.concatenate([b_id1, b_id2, b_id3])
rho = np.concatenate([rho_1, rho_2, rho_3])
return b_id, rho
T0[i * 3:(i + 1) * 3, 0:3] = array([x0, y0, z0]).transpose()
Ju = array([], dtype=int)
Iu = where(array(fdof_node) == ui)[0]
if len(Iu):
Ju = (array(fdof)[Iu] - ui) * 100 - 1
Ju = array([int(round(j)) for j in Ju], dtype=int64)
Jv = array([], dtype=int)
Iv = where(array(fdof_node) == vi)[0]
if len(Iv):
Jv = (array(fdof)[Iv] - vi) * 100 + 5
Jv = array([int(round(j)) for j in Jv], dtype=int64)
Je = concatenate((Ju, Jv), 0)
Ie = concatenate((Iu, Iv), 0)
de += len(Je)
I[De[i]:de] = Ie
J[De[i]:de] = Je
De[i + 1] = de
for j in range(len(Je)):
for k in range(len(Je)):
E = edge.get('E', 0)
A = edge.get('A', 0)
nu = edge.get('nu', 0)
Ix = edge.get('Ix', 0)
Iy = edge.get('Iy', 0)
Iz = edge.get('Iz', 0)
fea_dict['kur'] = fea_dict['kur'][:,:,np.newaxis]
fea_dict['skew'] = np.sum((data-fea_dict['mean'].repeat(data.shape[2],axis=2))**3,axis=2) \
/ (np.var(data,axis=2)**(3/2)*data.shape[2])
fea_dict['skew'] = fea_dict['skew'][:,:,np.newaxis]
fea_dict['p2p'] = np.max(data,axis=2,keepdims=True) - np.min(data,axis=2,keepdims=True)
fea_dict['var'] = np.var(data,axis=2,keepdims=True)
fea_dict['cre'] = np.max(abs(data),axis=2,keepdims=True) / fea_dict['rms']
fea_dict['imp'] = np.max(abs(data),axis=2,keepdims=True) \
/ np.mean(abs(data),axis=2,keepdims=True)
fea_dict['mar'] = np.max(abs(data),axis=2,keepdims=True) \
/ (np.mean((abs(data))**0.5,axis=2,keepdims=True))**2
fea_dict['sha'] = fea_dict['rms'] / np.mean(abs(data),axis=2,keepdims=True)
fea_dict['smr'] = (np.mean((abs(data))**0.5,axis=2,keepdims=True))**2
fea_dict['cle'] = fea_dict['p2p'] / fea_dict['smr']
fea = np.concatenate(tuple(x for x in fea_dict.values()),axis=2)
fea = fea.reshape(-1,fea.shape[1]*fea.shape[2])
# self.feature_size = fea.shape[1]
if is_norm:
fea = self._normalize(fea,dim=1)
fea = fea[:,np.newaxis,:]
return fea
comp_d = np.concatenate([v[0].load()[None,] for v in d])
small_dist_d = np.concatenate([v[1].load()[None,] for v in d])
big_dist_d = np.array(comp_d) # copy
perm_ixs = np.roll(np.arange(d.shape[0]), 1)
big_dist_d = big_dist_d[perm_ixs] # rotate array by 1, i.e. each original
# view will be compared to a randomly assigned view (likely to be different)
# change channels
channels_to_load = list(channels_to_load)
out_d_1 = comp_d[:, channels_to_load[0]][:, None]
out_d_2 = small_dist_d[:, channels_to_load[0]][:, None]
out_d_3 = big_dist_d[:, channels_to_load[0]][:, None]
for ch in channels_to_load[1:]:
out_d_1 = np.concatenate([out_d_1, comp_d[:, ch][:, None]], axis=1)
out_d_2 = np.concatenate([out_d_2, small_dist_d[:, ch][:, None]],
out_d_3 = np.concatenate([out_d_3, big_dist_d[:, ch][:, None]], axis=1)
# change number views
if view_striding != 1:
assert view_striding in [1, 2, 3]
out_d_1 = out_d_1[:, :, ::view_striding, :, :]
out_d_2 = out_d_2[:, :, ::view_striding, :, :]
out_d_3 = out_d_3[:, :, ::view_striding, :, :]
# sample views
view_sampling = np.random.choice(comp_d.shape[2], 3, replace=False)
out_d_1 = out_d_1[:, :, view_sampling[0]][:, :, None]
out_d_2 = out_d_2[:, :, view_sampling[1]][:, :, None]
out_d_3 = out_d_3[:, :, view_sampling[2]][:, :, None]
out_d = np.concatenate([out_d_1, out_d_2, out_d_3], axis=2)
return out_d
# Concatenate them and return the examples
ex_images = np.concatenate((ex_images, ex_image), axis=0) \
if (len(ex_images) != 0) else ex_image
ex_lbls = np.concatenate((ex_lbls, ex_lbl), axis=0) \
if (len(ex_lbls) != 0) else ex_lbl
ratio = n_ex_per_class[c_idx] / len(ex_images)
min_ratio = ratio if ratio < min_ratio else min_ratio
indices = np.floor(n_ex_per_class * min_ratio).astype(int)
ex_images = np.concatenate([cimage[:idxs] for cimage, idxs in zip(class_ex_images, indices)
if len(cimage) > 0], axis=0)
ex_lbls = np.concatenate([clbl[:idxs] for clbl, idxs in zip(class_ex_lbls, indices)
if len(clbl) > 0], axis=0)
return ex_images, ex_lbls
X_test, _ = dataset.get_batches(parsed.batch_size, train=False)
test_steps = len(X_test)
print("Forming embedding matrix")
for test_step in range(test_steps):
X_test_step = X_test[test_step]
representation = swwae.get_representation(input=X_test_step)
if test_step == 0:
embedding_matrix = representation
embedding_matrix = np.concatenate((embedding_matrix, representation))
tf_path = parsed.save_path + '/embedding'
embedding_tensor = tf.stack(embedding_matrix, name='embedding')
embedding_tensor_variable = tf.Variable(embedding_tensor, trainable=False)[embedding_tensor_variable]))
saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=[embedding_tensor_variable]), save_path=tf_path)
meta_data = dataset.get_metadata()
with open(os.path.join(parsed.save_path, 'metadata.tsv'), 'w+') as f: