How to use the kleur.yellow function in kleur

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few kleur examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Hotell / typescript-lib-starter / scripts / migrate / migrate-4-5.js View on Github external
/** @type {string[]} */
  const rmFiles = []
  const rmDirs = ['migrate']

  const cpItems = => join(starterPathDir, file))
  const rmItems = [...rmDirs, ...rmFiles].map((file) =>
    join(libPackagePathDir, file)

  sh.cp('-Rf', cpItems, `${libPackagePathDir}/`)
  // 'rm' command checks the item type before attempting to remove it
  sh.rm('-Rf', rmItems)

  log(kleur.underline().white('==📁 scripts/ updated ✅ =='))
  log('Removed: \n ' + rmItems.join('\n')))
  log(kleur.yellow('Copied: \n ' + cpItems.join('\n')))
github qmit-pro / moleculer-api / src / broker / broker.ts View on Github external
public async publishEvent(context: APIRequestContext, args: EventPublishArgs): Promise {
    const ctx = this.getDelegatorContext(context);
    await this.delegator.publish(ctx, args);

    // add from information to original packet and store as example
    const packet: EventPacket = args;
    packet.from = `${ || "unknown"}@${context.ip || "unknown"}`;
    this.registry.addEventExample(this.resolveEventName(args.event), packet);

    // log
    this.props.logger[this.opts.log!.event! ? "info" : "debug"](`published ${} ${packet.broadcast ? "broadcast " : ""}event from ${kleur.yellow(packet.from!)}`);
github adonisjs / ace / src / utils / help.ts View on Github external
sortAndGroupCommands(commands).forEach(({ group, commands: groupCommands }) => {
    if (group === 'root') {
      console.log(bold(yellow('Available commands')))
    } else {

    groupCommands.forEach(({ commandName, description }) => {
      console.log(`  ${green(padRight(commandName, maxWidth, ' '))}  ${dim(description)}`)

  if (flagsList.length) {
    console.log(bold(yellow('Global Flags')))

    flagsList.forEach(({ displayName, displayType, description = '', width }) => {
      const whiteSpace = padRight('', maxWidth - width, ' ')
      console.log(`  ${green(displayName)} ${dim(displayType)} ${whiteSpace}  ${dim(description)}`)
github styleguidist / react-styleguidist / src / bin / styleguidist.js View on Github external
' ' +
				kleur.cyan('') +
				' ' +
			'    ' + kleur.cyan('build') + '           Build style guide',
			'    ' + kleur.cyan('server') + '          Run development server',
			'    ' + kleur.cyan('help') + '            Display React Styleguidist help',
			'    ' + kleur.yellow('--config') + '        Config file path',
			'    ' + kleur.yellow('--port') + '          Port to run development server on',
			'    ' + kleur.yellow('--open') + '          Open Styleguidist in the default browser',
			'    ' + kleur.yellow('--verbose') + '       Print debug information',
github Hotell / typescript-lib-starter / scripts / migrate / migrate-4-5.js View on Github external
function updateRcFiles() {
  const libPackagePath = PACKAGE_ROOT

  const cpFiles = ['.travis.yml']

  const cpItems = => join(ROOT, path))

  sh.cp('-Rf', cpItems, `${libPackagePath}/`)

  log(kleur.underline().white('== rc/config root files updated ✅ =='))
  log(kleur.yellow('Copied: \n ' + cpItems.join('\n')))
github foo-software / lighthouse-check-action / node_modules / prompts / dist / elements / autocompleteMultiselect.js View on Github external
renderDoneOrInstructions() {
    if (this.done) {
      return this.value.filter(e => e.selected).map(v => v.title).join(', ');

    const output = [color.gray(this.hint), this.renderInstructions(), this.renderCurrentInput()];

    if (this.filteredOptions.length && this.filteredOptions[this.cursor].disabled) {

    return output.join(' ');
github vue-styleguidist / vue-styleguidist / packages / vue-styleguidist / src / scripts / binutils.ts View on Github external
'    ' +
				kleur.bold('styleguidist') +
				' ' +
				kleur.cyan('') +
				' ' +
			'    ' + kleur.cyan('build') + '           Build style guide',
			'    ' + kleur.cyan('server') + '          Run development server',
			'    ' + kleur.cyan('help') + '            Display React Styleguidist help',
			'    ' + kleur.yellow('--config') + '        Config file path',
			'    ' + kleur.yellow('--open') + '          Open Styleguidist in the default browser',
			'    ' + kleur.yellow('--verbose') + '       Print debug information'
github developit / microbundle / src / index.js View on Github external
function getName({ name, pkgName, amdName, cwd, hasPackageJson }) {
	if (!pkgName) {
		pkgName = basename(cwd);
		if (hasPackageJson) {
					)} missing package.json "name" field. Assuming "${pkgName}".`,

	return { finalName: name || amdName || safeVariableName(pkgName), pkgName };
github ES-Community / nsecure / bin / index.js View on Github external
async function fromCmd(packageName, opts) {
    const { depth: maxDepth = 4, output } = opts;
    let manifest = null;

    await checkHydrateDB();
    const spinner = new Spinner({
        text: white().bold(`Searching for '${yellow().bold(packageName)}' manifest in the npm registry!`)
    try {
        manifest = await pacote.manifest(packageName, {
            registry: REGISTRY_DEFAULT_ADDR,
        const elapsedTime = ms(spinner.elapsedTime.toFixed(2));
            white().bold(`Fetched ${yellow().bold(packageName)} manifest on npm in ${cyan(elapsedTime)}`)
    catch (err) {

    if (manifest !== null) {