How to use the kleur.grey function in kleur

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few kleur examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github moleculerjs / moleculer / src / middlewares / hot-reload.js View on Github external
projectFiles.forEach((watchItem, fName) => {
			const relPath = path.relative(process.cwd(), fName);
			if (watchItem.brokerRestart)
				broker.logger.debug(`  ${relPath}:`, kleur.grey("restart broker."));
			else if (watchItem.allServices)
				broker.logger.debug(`  ${relPath}:`, kleur.grey("reload all services."));
			else if ( > 0) {
				broker.logger.debug(`  ${relPath}:`, kleur.grey(`reload ${} service(s) & ${watchItem.others.length} other(s).`)/*,, watchItem.others*/); => broker.logger.debug(kleur.grey(`    ${svcFullname}`)));
				watchItem.others.forEach(filename => broker.logger.debug(kleur.grey(`    ${path.relative(process.cwd(), filename)}`)));
			// Create watcher
			watchItem.watcher =, (eventType) => {
				const relPath = path.relative(process.cwd(), fName);`The '${relPath}' file is changed. (Event: ${eventType})`));

				// Clear from require cache
				if (watchItem.others.length > 0) {
					watchItem.others.forEach(f => clearRequireCache(f));
github moleculerjs / moleculer / src / tracing / exporters / console.js View on Github external
printRequest(id) {
		const main = this.spans[id];
		if (!main) return ; // Async span

		const margin = 2 * 2;
		const w = this.opts.width - margin;


		const { total, depth } = this.getTraceInfo(main);

		const truncatedID = this.getAlignedTexts(id, w - "ID: ".length - "Depth: ".length - (""+depth).length - "Total: ".length - (""+total).length - 2);
		const line = kleur.grey("ID: ") + kleur.bold(truncatedID) + " " + kleur.grey("Depth: ") + kleur.bold(depth) + " " + kleur.grey("Total: ") + kleur.bold(total);


		this.printSpanTime(main, main, 1, null, {});

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function hotReloadService(service) {
		const relPath = path.relative(process.cwd(), service.__filename);`Hot reload '${}' service...`, kleur.grey(relPath));

		return broker.destroyService(service)
			.then(() => {
				if (fs.existsSync(service.__filename)) {
					return broker.loadService(service.__filename);

github moleculerjs / moleculer / src / tracing / exporters / console.js View on Github external
drawGauge(gstart, gstop) {
		const gw = this.opts.gaugeWidth;
		const p1 = Math.floor(gw * gstart / 100);
		const p2 = Math.max(Math.floor(gw * gstop / 100) - p1, 1);
		const p3 = Math.max(gw - (p1 + p2), 0);

		return [
			kleur.grey(r(".", p1)),
			r("■", p2),
			kleur.grey(r(".", p3)),
github moleculerjs / moleculer / src / tracing / exporters / console.js View on Github external
drawLine(text) {
		this.log(kleur.grey("│ ") + text + kleur.grey(" │"));
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drawTableBottom() {
		this.log(kleur.grey("└" + r("─", this.opts.width - 2) + "┘"));
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drawGauge(gstart, gstop) {
		const gw = this.opts.gaugeWidth;
		const p1 = Math.floor(gw * gstart / 100);
		const p2 = Math.max(Math.floor(gw * gstop / 100) - p1, 1);
		const p3 = Math.max(gw - (p1 + p2), 0);

		return [
			kleur.grey(r(".", p1)),
			r("■", p2),
			kleur.grey(r(".", p3)),
github moleculerjs / moleculer / src / loggers / console.js View on Github external
return (type, args) => {
				const timestamp = new Date().toISOString();
				return [this.render(formatter, {
					timestamp: kleur.grey(timestamp),
					time: kleur.grey(timestamp.substr(11)),

					level: this.levelColorStr[type],
					nodeID: kleur.grey(bindings.nodeID),
					mod: modColorName
				}), ...printArgs(args)];
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printSpanTime(spanItem, mainItem, level) {
		const span = spanItem.span;
		const mainSpan = mainItem.span;
		const margin = 2 * 2;
		const w = (this.opts.width || 80) - margin;
		const gw = this.opts.gaugeWidth || 40;

		const time = span.duration == null ? "?" : humanize(span.duration);
		const indent = this.getSpanIndent(spanItem);
		const caption = this.getCaption(span);
		const info = kleur.grey(indent) + this.getAlignedTexts(caption, w - gw - 3 - time.length - 1 - indent.length) + " " + time;

		const startTime = span.startTime || mainSpan.startTime;
		const finishTime = span.finishTime || mainSpan.finishTime;

		let gstart = (startTime - mainSpan.startTime) / (mainSpan.finishTime - mainSpan.startTime) * 100;
		let gstop = (finishTime - mainSpan.startTime) / (mainSpan.finishTime - mainSpan.startTime) * 100;

		if (_.isNaN(gstart) && _.isNaN(gstop)) {
			gstart = 0;
			gstop = 100;
		if (gstop > 100)
			gstop = 100;

		const c = this.getColor(span);
		this.drawLine(c(info + " " + this.drawGauge(gstart, gstop)));