How to use the kleur.cyan function in kleur

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few kleur examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github sveltejs / svelte / test / helpers.js View on Github external
glob('**/*.svelte', { cwd }).forEach(file => {
		if (file[0] === '_') return;

		try {
			const { js } = compile(
				fs.readFileSync(`${cwd}/${file}`, 'utf-8'),
				Object.assign(options, {
					filename: file

			console.log( // eslint-disable-line no-console
				`\n>> ${colors.cyan().bold(file)}\n${addLineNumbers(js.code)}\n<< ${colors.cyan().bold(file)}`
		} catch (err) {
			console.log(`failed to generate output: ${err.message}`);
github foo-software / lighthouse-check-action / node_modules / prompts / dist / elements / multiselect.js View on Github external
renderOption(cursor, v, i, arrowIndicator) {
    const prefix = (v.selected ? : figures.radioOff) + ' ' + arrowIndicator + ' ';
    let title, desc;

    if (v.disabled) {
      title = cursor === i ? color.gray().underline(v.title) : color.strikethrough().gray(v.title);
    } else {
      title = cursor === i ? color.cyan().underline(v.title) : v.title;

      if (cursor === i && v.description) {
        desc = ` - ${v.description}`;

        if (prefix.length + title.length + desc.length >= this.out.columns || v.description.split(/\r?\n/).length > 1) {
          desc = '\n' + wrap(v.description, {
            margin: prefix.length,
            width: this.out.columns

    return prefix + title + color.gray(desc || '');
  } // shared with autocompleteMultiselect
github terkelg / prompts / lib / elements / select.js View on Github external
let title, prefix, desc = '', v = this.choices[i];

        // Determine whether to display "more choices" indicators
        if (i === startIndex && startIndex > 0) {
          prefix = figures.arrowUp;
        } else if (i === endIndex - 1 && endIndex < this.choices.length) {
          prefix = figures.arrowDown;
        } else {
          prefix = ' ';

        if (v.disabled) {
          title = this.cursor === i ? color.gray().underline(v.title) : color.strikethrough().gray(v.title);
          prefix = (this.cursor === i ? color.bold().gray(figures.pointer) + ' ' : '  ') + prefix;
        } else {
          title = this.cursor === i ? color.cyan().underline(v.title) : v.title;
          prefix = (this.cursor === i ? color.cyan(figures.pointer) + ' ' : '  ') + prefix;
          if (v.description && this.cursor === i) {
            desc = ` - ${v.description}`;
            if (prefix.length + title.length + desc.length >= this.out.columns
                || v.description.split(/\r?\n/).length > 1) {
              desc = '\n' + wrap(v.description, { margin: 3, width: this.out.columns });

        this.outputText += `${prefix} ${title}${color.gray(desc)}\n`;

github qmit-pro / moleculer-api / src / broker / broker.ts View on Github external
batchingPool.setBatchingHandler(batchingKey, async (batchingParamsList: any[]) => {

          // merge common params with batching params
          const mergedParams = (params || {}) as any;
          for (const batchingParamName of batchingParamNames) {
            mergedParams[batchingParamName] = [];

          for (const bParams of batchingParamsList) {
            for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(bParams)) {

          // log in advance
          this.props.logger[this.opts.log!.call! ? "info" : "debug"](`call ${action}${kleur.cyan("@")}${node} ${kleur.cyan(batchingParamsList.length)} times in a batch from ${kleur.yellow(( || "unknown") + "@" + (context.ip || "unknown"))}`);

          // do batching call
          const response = await, {action, node, params: mergedParams, disableCache});
          this.registry.addActionExample({action, params: mergedParams, response});
          return response;
github flaviuse / mern-authentication / client / node_modules / prompts / dist / elements / toggle.js View on Github external
render() {
    if (this.closed) return;
    if (this.firstRender) this.out.write(cursor.hide);
    this.out.write(erase.lines(this.first ? 1 : this.msg.split(/\n/g).length) + + [style.symbol(this.done, this.aborted), color.bold(this.msg), style.delimiter(this.done), this.value ? this.inactive : color.cyan().underline(this.inactive), color.gray('/'), this.value ? color.cyan().underline( :].join(' '));
github styleguidist / react-styleguidist / src / bin / styleguidist.js View on Github external
function commandHelp() {
			'    ' +
				kleur.bold('styleguidist') +
				' ' +
				kleur.cyan('') +
				' ' +
			'    ' + kleur.cyan('build') + '           Build style guide',
			'    ' + kleur.cyan('server') + '          Run development server',
			'    ' + kleur.cyan('help') + '            Display React Styleguidist help',
			'    ' + kleur.yellow('--config') + '        Config file path',
			'    ' + kleur.yellow('--port') + '          Port to run development server on',
			'    ' + kleur.yellow('--open') + '          Open Styleguidist in the default browser',
			'    ' + kleur.yellow('--verbose') + '       Print debug information',
github terkelg / prompts / lib / elements / multiselect.js View on Github external
renderOption(cursor, v, i, arrowIndicator) {
    const prefix = (v.selected ? : figures.radioOff) + ' ' + arrowIndicator + ' ';
    let title, desc;

    if (v.disabled) {
      title = cursor === i ? color.gray().underline(v.title) : color.strikethrough().gray(v.title);
    } else {
      title = cursor === i ? color.cyan().underline(v.title) : v.title;
      if (cursor === i && v.description) {
        desc = ` - ${v.description}`;
        if (prefix.length + title.length + desc.length >= this.out.columns
          || v.description.split(/\r?\n/).length > 1) {
          desc = '\n' + wrap(v.description, { margin: prefix.length, width: this.out.columns });

    return prefix + title + color.gray(desc || '');
github foo-software / lighthouse-check-action / node_modules / prompts / dist / elements / autocomplete.js View on Github external
renderOption(v, hovered, isStart, isEnd) {
    let desc;
    let prefix = isStart ? figures.arrowUp : isEnd ? figures.arrowDown : ' ';
    let title = hovered ? color.cyan().underline(v.title) : v.title;
    prefix = (hovered ? color.cyan(figures.pointer) + ' ' : '  ') + prefix;

    if (v.description) {
      desc = ` - ${v.description}`;

      if (prefix.length + title.length + desc.length >= this.out.columns || v.description.split(/\r?\n/).length > 1) {
        desc = '\n' + wrap(v.description, {
          margin: 3,
          width: this.out.columns

    return prefix + ' ' + title + color.gray(desc || '');
github Hotell / typescript-lib-starter / scripts / init.js View on Github external
  const config = getLibConfig(response)







  log(kleur.cyan("OK, you're all set. Happy type-safe coding!! 🌊 🏄 ‍🤙 \n"))
github jeroenouw / liftr-tscov / src / tscov / tscov.ts View on Github external
console.error(red('Unknown command, run tscov -h or tscov --help for a list of commands.'))
      return false

    const { correctCount, totalCount, anys } = await this.checkTypes.startLinter(projectInput, true, argv.debug, fileInput)
    const openCount: number = totalCount - correctCount
    const percentage: number = Math.round(10000 * correctCount / totalCount) / 100
    const minCoverage: number | undefined = await this.minCoverage.getMinCoverage(argv)
    const failed: boolean | undefined | 0 = minCoverage && percentage < minCoverage
    const success: boolean | undefined | 0 = minCoverage && percentage > minCoverage

    if (argv.d || argv.details || failed) {
      console.log('------------- uncovered types ---------------')
      for (const { file, line, character, text } of anys) {
        console.log(`${path.resolve(process.cwd(), file)}: ` + cyan(`${line + 1}:${character + 1}`) + ` - ${text}`)
    console.log('----------------- coverage ------------------')
    console.log(cyan(`${totalCount}`) + ` - max reachable type coverage`)
    console.log(cyan(`${correctCount}`) + ` - types covered`)
    console.log(cyan(`${openCount}`) + ` - types uncovered`)
    if (success) {
      console.log(green(`${percentage.toFixed(2)}%`) + ` - coverage percentage` + white(`\nYou can run ` + cyan('"tscov --details"') + ` to show all uncovered types.`))
    if (failed) {
      console.log((red(`${percentage.toFixed(2)}%`) + white(` - the type coverage rate is lower than your target: `) + cyan(`${minCoverage}%.`)))