How to use the kleur.dim function in kleur

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few kleur examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github lukeed / pwa / packages / cli / lib / init.js View on Github external
return prompts(BULLETS, { onCancel }).then(argv => {
		if (!ok) {`Received ${colors.cyan().underline('CTRL+C')} command`);
			return log.log(`Exited ${colors.dim('$ pwa init')} setup`);

		// console.log(argv);

		if (argv.exists && !argv.force) {
			return log.error(`Refusing to overwrite existing directory.\nPlease specify a different destination or use the ${colors.cyan('--force')} flag.`);

		let dest = argv.dir;

		// Construct `package.json` file
		// ---

		let pkg = { private:true };
		let deps = ['sirv-cli', 'ganalytics'];
		let devdeps = ['@pwa/cli']
github lukeed / pwa / packages / cli / lib / init.js View on Github external
copyDir(template, dest, data);
			copyDir(styleDir, dest, data);

		// Sign off message
		// ---

		let dir = parse(argv.dir).base;
		let txt = argv.preset ? (colors.magenta().underline(argv.preset) + ' ') : '';
		let msg = `Created a new ${txt}project within ${ } 🎉\n`;

		msg += '\nInside this directory, you may:\n';
		msg += '\n – Develop within a live-reload server:';
		msg += `\n    ${colors.dim('$ pwa watch')}\n`;
		msg += '\n – Build your application for production:';
		msg += `\n    ${colors.dim('$ pwa build')}\n`;
		msg += '\n – Export routes\' HTML for static hosting:';
		msg += `\n    ${colors.dim('$ pwa export')}\n`;
		msg += '\n – Start a production HTTP file server:';
		msg += `\n    ${colors.dim('$ npm start')}\n`;

		msg += `\nThese commands have been added to your ${colors.white().underline('package.json')} already.`;
		msg += '\nWe suggest you begin by typing:\n';
		msg += '\n  ' + colors.dim(`$ cd ${dir}`);
		msg += `\n  ${colors.dim('$ npm install')}`;
		msg += `\n  ${colors.dim('$ npm run watch')}`;

		msg += `\n\nDocumentation can be found at ${colors.white().bold().underline('')}`;

		log.success('Enjoy! 😍');
github lukeed / pwa / packages / cli / lib / init.js View on Github external
type: x => x === false && 'text',
			message: 'OK. Please provide another directory.'
		}, {
			name: 'force',
			message: 'Force destination overwrite?',
			type: (_, all) => fs.existsSync(all.dir) && 'confirm',
			format: (x, all) => (all.exists=1,x) // bcuz it ran

	dir = dir || '.';
	setValue('dir', dir);

	if (type=toLower(type)) {
		let idx =;
		if (idx === -1) return log.error(`Unknown preset "${}" provided!\nPlease run ${colors.dim('$ pwa init --help')} for info`);
		setValue('preset', ++idx);

	if (opts.force) {
		log.warn(`Detected ${colors.cyan('--force')} flag; target directory will be overwritten!`);
		prompts.inject({ force:true });

	let ok = true;
	let onCancel = () => ok=false;
	return prompts(BULLETS, { onCancel }).then(argv => {
		if (!ok) {`Received ${colors.cyan().underline('CTRL+C')} command`);
			return log.log(`Exited ${colors.dim('$ pwa init')} setup`);
github lukeed / pwa / packages / cli / lib / init.js View on Github external
// Sign off message
		// ---

		let dir = parse(argv.dir).base;
		let txt = argv.preset ? (colors.magenta().underline(argv.preset) + ' ') : '';
		let msg = `Created a new ${txt}project within ${ } 🎉\n`;

		msg += '\nInside this directory, you may:\n';
		msg += '\n – Develop within a live-reload server:';
		msg += `\n    ${colors.dim('$ pwa watch')}\n`;
		msg += '\n – Build your application for production:';
		msg += `\n    ${colors.dim('$ pwa build')}\n`;
		msg += '\n – Export routes\' HTML for static hosting:';
		msg += `\n    ${colors.dim('$ pwa export')}\n`;
		msg += '\n – Start a production HTTP file server:';
		msg += `\n    ${colors.dim('$ npm start')}\n`;

		msg += `\nThese commands have been added to your ${colors.white().underline('package.json')} already.`;
		msg += '\nWe suggest you begin by typing:\n';
		msg += '\n  ' + colors.dim(`$ cd ${dir}`);
		msg += `\n  ${colors.dim('$ npm install')}`;
		msg += `\n  ${colors.dim('$ npm run watch')}`;

		msg += `\n\nDocumentation can be found at ${colors.white().bold().underline('')}`;

		log.success('Enjoy! 😍');
github lukeed / pwa / packages / cli / lib / init.js View on Github external

		// Sign off message
		// ---

		let dir = parse(argv.dir).base;
		let txt = argv.preset ? (colors.magenta().underline(argv.preset) + ' ') : '';
		let msg = `Created a new ${txt}project within ${ } 🎉\n`;

		msg += '\nInside this directory, you may:\n';
		msg += '\n – Develop within a live-reload server:';
		msg += `\n    ${colors.dim('$ pwa watch')}\n`;
		msg += '\n – Build your application for production:';
		msg += `\n    ${colors.dim('$ pwa build')}\n`;
		msg += '\n – Export routes\' HTML for static hosting:';
		msg += `\n    ${colors.dim('$ pwa export')}\n`;
		msg += '\n – Start a production HTTP file server:';
		msg += `\n    ${colors.dim('$ npm start')}\n`;

		msg += `\nThese commands have been added to your ${colors.white().underline('package.json')} already.`;
		msg += '\nWe suggest you begin by typing:\n';
		msg += '\n  ' + colors.dim(`$ cd ${dir}`);
		msg += `\n  ${colors.dim('$ npm install')}`;
		msg += `\n  ${colors.dim('$ npm run watch')}`;

		msg += `\n\nDocumentation can be found at ${colors.white().bold().underline('')}`;

		log.success('Enjoy! 😍');
github amio / npm-why / cli-main.js View on Github external => {
    const versionTag = kleur.dim('@' + reason[0].version)
    return reason.reverse().map(rs => {
      return || dirName)
    }).join(' > ') + versionTag
  }).sort().forEach(x => console.log('  ' + x))
github adonisjs / ace / src / utils / help.ts View on Github external
export function printHelpFor (command: SerializedCommandContract): void {
  if (command.description) {

  console.log(`${yellow('Usage:')} ${command.commandName} ${dim(' '))}`)

  const flags = getFlagsForDisplay(command.flags)
  const args = getArgsForDisplay(command.args)

   * Getting max width to keep flags and args symmetric
  const maxWidth = Math.max.apply(Math, flags.concat(args as any).map(({ width }) => width))

  if (args.length) {

    args.forEach(({ displayName, description = '', width }) => {
      const whiteSpace = padRight('', maxWidth - width, ' ')
      console.log(`  ${green(displayName)} ${whiteSpace}   ${dim(description)}`)
github adonisjs / ace / src / utils / help.ts View on Github external
flags.forEach(({ displayName, displayType, description = '', width }) => {
      const whiteSpace = padRight('', maxWidth - width, ' ')
      console.log(`  ${green(displayName)} ${dim(displayType)} ${whiteSpace}  ${dim(description)}`)
github developit / microbundle / src / log-error.js View on Github external
const description = `${ ? + ': ' : ''}${error.message ||
	const message = error.plugin
		? `(${error.plugin} plugin) ${description}`
		: description;


	if (error.loc) {
		stderr(`at ${error.loc.file}:${error.loc.line}:${error.loc.column}`);

	if (error.frame) {
	} else if (err.stack) {
		const headlessStack = error.stack.replace(message, '');

github lukeed / pwa / packages / cli / lib / init.js View on Github external
let txt = argv.preset ? (colors.magenta().underline(argv.preset) + ' ') : '';
		let msg = `Created a new ${txt}project within ${ } 🎉\n`;

		msg += '\nInside this directory, you may:\n';
		msg += '\n – Develop within a live-reload server:';
		msg += `\n    ${colors.dim('$ pwa watch')}\n`;
		msg += '\n – Build your application for production:';
		msg += `\n    ${colors.dim('$ pwa build')}\n`;
		msg += '\n – Export routes\' HTML for static hosting:';
		msg += `\n    ${colors.dim('$ pwa export')}\n`;
		msg += '\n – Start a production HTTP file server:';
		msg += `\n    ${colors.dim('$ npm start')}\n`;

		msg += `\nThese commands have been added to your ${colors.white().underline('package.json')} already.`;
		msg += '\nWe suggest you begin by typing:\n';
		msg += '\n  ' + colors.dim(`$ cd ${dir}`);
		msg += `\n  ${colors.dim('$ npm install')}`;
		msg += `\n  ${colors.dim('$ npm run watch')}`;

		msg += `\n\nDocumentation can be found at ${colors.white().bold().underline('')}`;

		log.success('Enjoy! 😍');