How to use traitlets - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few traitlets examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github K3D-tools / K3D-jupyter / k3d / View on Github external
    def _validate_colors(self, proposal):
        if type(proposal['value']) is dict or type(self.vertices) is dict:
            return proposal['value']

        required = self.vertices.size // 3  # (x, y, z) triplet per 1 color
        actual = proposal['value'].size
        if actual != 0 and required != actual:
            raise TraitError('colors has wrong size: %s (%s required)' % (actual, required))
        return proposal['value']
github jupyter / jupyter_kernel_test / jupyter_kernel_test / View on Github external
found = Bool()

class ArgSpec(Reference):
    args = List(Unicode)
    varargs = Unicode()
    varkw = Unicode()
    defaults = List()

class Status(Reference):
    execution_state = Enum((u'busy', u'idle', u'starting'))

class CompleteReply(Reference):
    matches = List(Unicode)
    cursor_start = Integer()
    cursor_end = Integer()
    status = Unicode()

class LanguageInfo(Reference):
    name = Unicode()
    version = Unicode(sys.version.split()[0])

class KernelInfoReply(Reference):
    protocol_version = Version(min='5.0')
    implementation = Unicode()
    implementation_version = Version()
    language_info = Dict()
    banner = Unicode()
    def check(self, d):
github dask / dask-gateway / tests / View on Github external
async def test_adaptive_scaling():
    # XXX: we should be able to use `InProcessClusterManager` here, but due to
    # this results in periodic
    # failures.
    config = Config()
    config.DaskGateway.backend_class = LocalTestingBackend
    config.ClusterConfig.adaptive_period = 0.25
    async with temp_gateway(config=config) as g:
        async with g.gateway_client() as gateway:
            async with gateway.new_cluster() as cluster:
                # Turn on adaptive scaling
                await cluster.adapt()

                # Worker is automatically requested
                async with cluster.get_client(set_as_default=False) as client:
                    res = await client.submit(lambda x: x + 1, 1)
                    assert res == 2

                # Scales down automatically
                await wait_for_workers(cluster, exact=0)
github leokarlin / LaSO / scripts_coco / View on Github external
resume_epoch = Int(0, config=True, help="Epoch to resume (requires using also '--resume_path'.")
    coco_path = Unicode(u"/tmp/aa/coco", config=True, help="path to local coco dataset path")
    init_inception = Bool(True, config=True, help="Initialize the inception networks using the paper's base network.")

    # Network hyper parameters
    base_network_name = Unicode("Inception3", config=True, help="Name of base network to use.")
    avgpool_kernel = Int(10, config=True,
                         help="Size of the last avgpool layer in the Resnet. Should match the cropsize.")
    classifier_name = Unicode("Inception3Classifier", config=True, help="Name of classifier to use.")
    sets_network_name = Unicode("SetOpsResModule", config=True, help="Name of setops module to use.")
    sets_block_name = Unicode("SetopResBlock_v1", config=True, help="Name of setops network to use.")
    sets_basic_block_name = Unicode("SetopResBasicBlock", config=True,
                                    help="Name of the basic setops block to use (where applicable).")
    ops_layer_num = Int(1, config=True, help="Ops Module layers num.")
    ops_latent_dim = Int(1024, config=True, help="Ops Module inner latent dim.")
    setops_dropout = Float(0, config=True, help="Dropout ratio of setops module.")
    crop_size = Int(299, config=True, help="Size of input crop (Resnet 224, inception 299).")
    scale_size = Int(350, config=True, help="Size of input scale for data augmentation. default: 350")
    paper_reproduce = Bool(False, config=True, help="Use paper reproduction settings. default: False")
    discriminator_name = Unicode("AmitDiscriminator", config=True,
                                 help="Name of discriminator (unseen classifier) to use. default: AmitDiscriminator")
    embedding_dim = Int(2048, config=True, help="Dimensionality of the LaSO space. default:2048")
    classifier_latent_dim = Int(2048, config=True, help="Dimensionality of the classifier latent space. default:2048")

    def run(self):

        # Setup the model
        base_model, classifier, setops_model = self.setup_model()
github jupyter / jupyter_kernel_test / jupyter_kernel_test / View on Github external
class IsCompleteReplyIncomplete(Reference):
    indent = Unicode()

# IOPub messages

class ExecuteInput(Reference):
    code = Unicode()
    execution_count = Integer()

Error = ExecuteReplyError

class Stream(Reference):
    name = Enum((u'stdout', u'stderr'))
    text = Unicode()

class DisplayData(MimeBundle):

class ExecuteResult(MimeBundle):
    execution_count = Integer()

class HistoryReply(Reference):
    history = List(List())

class ClearOutput(Reference):
    wait = Bool()
github jupyter / telemetry / tests / View on Github external
def test_mixed_handlers_values():
    handlers = [
    with pytest.raises(TraitError):
github Jupyter-contrib / jupyter_nbextensions_configurator / tests / View on Github external
            'enable should create files in {}'.format(dirs['conf']))

        # a bit of a hack to allow initializing a new app instance
        for klass in app_classes:

        # do disable
        main_app(argv=['disable'] + argv)
        # check the config directory
        conf_enabled = [
            path for path in created_files
            if path.startswith(conf_dir) and os.path.exists(path)]
        for path in conf_enabled:
            with open(path, 'r') as f:
                conf = Config(json.load(f))
            nbapp = conf.get('NotebookApp', {})
            if 'server_extensions' in nbapp:
                    'conf after disable should empty'
                    'server_extensions list in file {}'.format(path))
            nbservext = nbapp.get('nbserver_extensions', {})
                {k: v for k, v in nbservext.items() if v},
                'disable command should disable all '
                'nbserver_extensions in file {}'.format(path))

github dask / dask-gateway / tests / View on Github external
async def test_slurm_backend():
    c = Config()

    c.SlurmClusterConfig.scheduler_cmd = "/opt/miniconda/bin/dask-gateway-scheduler"
    c.SlurmClusterConfig.worker_cmd = "/opt/miniconda/bin/dask-gateway-worker"
    c.SlurmClusterConfig.scheduler_memory = "256M"
    c.SlurmClusterConfig.worker_memory = "256M"
    c.SlurmClusterConfig.scheduler_cores = 1
    c.SlurmClusterConfig.worker_cores = 1
    c.DaskGateway.backend_class = SlurmTestingBackend

    async with temp_gateway(config=c) as g:
        auth = BasicAuth(username="alice")
        async with g.gateway_client(auth=auth) as gateway:
            async with gateway.new_cluster() as cluster:

                db_cluster = g.gateway.backend.db.get_cluster(
github dask / dask-gateway / tests / View on Github external
async def test_idle_timeout(tmpdir):
    config = Config()
    config.DaskGateway.cluster_manager_class = InProcessClusterManager
    config.DaskGateway.temp_dir = str(tmpdir)
    config.InProcessClusterManager.idle_timeout = 2
    async with temp_gateway(config=config) as gateway_proc:
        async with Gateway(
        ) as gateway:
            # Start a cluster
            cluster = await gateway.new_cluster()
            # Add some workers
            await cluster.scale(2)
            await wait_for_workers(cluster, atleast=1)

            waited = 0
github altair-viz / altair / altair / schema / _interface / View on Github external
from .timeunit import TimeUnit

class RangeFilter(BaseObject):
    """Wrapper for Vega-Lite RangeFilter definition.
    field: Unicode
        Field to be filtered.
    range: List(Union(CFloat, DateTime))
        Array of inclusive minimum and maximum values for a field value of a data item to be included in the filtered data.
    timeUnit: TimeUnit
        time unit for the field to be filtered.
    field = T.Unicode(allow_none=True, default_value=None, help="""Field to be filtered.""")
    range = T.List(T.Union([T.CFloat(allow_none=True, default_value=None), T.Instance(DateTime, allow_none=True, default_value=None)]), allow_none=True, default_value=None, maxlen=2, minlen=2, help="""Array of inclusive minimum and maximum values for a field value of a data item to be included in the filtered data.""")
    timeUnit = TimeUnit(allow_none=True, default_value=None, help="""time unit for the field to be filtered.""")
    def __init__(self, field=None, range=None, timeUnit=None, **kwargs):
        kwds = dict(field=field, range=range, timeUnit=timeUnit)
        kwargs.update({k:v for k, v in kwds.items() if v is not None})
        super(RangeFilter, self).__init__(**kwargs)