How to use the traitlets.Dict function in traitlets

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few traitlets examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github higlass / higlass-python / higlass / View on Github external

from ._version import __version__

class HiGlassDisplay(widgets.DOMWidget):
    _view_name = Unicode("HiGlassDisplayView").tag(sync=True)
    _model_name = Unicode("HiGlassDisplayModel").tag(sync=True)
    _view_module = Unicode("higlass-jupyter").tag(sync=True)
    _model_module = Unicode("higlass-jupyter").tag(sync=True)
    _view_module_version = Unicode(__version__).tag(sync=True)
    _model_module_version = Unicode(__version__).tag(sync=True)
    _model_data = List([]).tag(sync=True)

    viewconf = Dict({}).tag(sync=True)
    height = Int().tag(sync=True)

    dom_element_id = Unicode(read_only=True).tag(sync=True)

    # Read-only properties that get updated by HiGlass exclusively
    location = List(Union([Float(), List()]), read_only=True).tag(sync=True)
    cursor_location = List([], read_only=True).tag(sync=True)
    selection = List([], read_only=True).tag(sync=True)

    # Short-hand options
    auth_token = Unicode().tag(sync=True)
    bounded = Bool(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True)
    default_track_options = Dict({}).tag(sync=True)
    dark_mode = Bool(False).tag(sync=True)
    renderer = Unicode().tag(sync=True)
    select_mode = Bool(False).tag(sync=True)
github creare-com / podpac / podpac / core / managers / View on Github external
return settings['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']

    AWS_REGION_NAME = tl.Unicode(
        allow_none=False, help="Region name of AWS S3 bucket.")

    def _AWS_REGION_NAME_default(self):
        return settings['AWS_REGION_NAME']

    source = tl.Instance(Node, allow_none=False,
                              help="Node to evaluate in a Lambda function.")

    source_output = tl.Instance(Output, allow_none=False,
                                help="Image output information.")

    attrs = tl.Dict()

    def _source_output_default(self):
        return FileOutput(node=self.source, name=self.source.__class__.__name__)

    s3_bucket_name = tl.Unicode(
        allow_none=False, help="Name of AWS s3 bucket.")

    def _s3_bucket_name_default(self):
        return settings['S3_BUCKET_NAME']

    s3_json_folder = tl.Unicode(
        allow_none=False, help="S3 folder to put JSON in.")

github jupyter / jupyter_console / jupyter_console / View on Github external
_executing = False
    _execution_state = Unicode('')
    _pending_clearoutput = False
    _eventloop = None
    own_kernel = False  # Changed by ZMQTerminalIPythonApp

    editing_mode = Unicode('emacs', config=True,
        help="Shortcut style to use at the prompt. 'vi' or 'emacs'.",

    highlighting_style = Unicode('', config=True,
        help="The name of a Pygments style to use for syntax highlighting"

    highlighting_style_overrides = Dict(config=True,
        help="Override highlighting format for specific tokens"

    true_color = Bool(False, config=True,
        help=("Use 24bit colors instead of 256 colors in prompt highlighting. "
              "If your terminal supports true color, the following command "
              "should print 'TRUECOLOR' in orange: "
              "printf \"\\x1b[38;2;255;100;0mTRUECOLOR\\x1b[0m\\n\"")

    history_load_length = Integer(1000, config=True,
        help="How many history items to load into memory"

    banner = Unicode('Jupyter console {version}\n\n{kernel_banner}', config=True,
        help=("Text to display before the first prompt. Will be formatted with "
github ipython / ipython / IPython / core / View on Github external
This is an handy alias to `ipython history trim --keep=0`

class HistoryTrim(BaseIPythonApplication):
    description = trim_hist_help
    backup = Bool(False,
        help="Keep the old history file as history.sqlite."
    keep = Int(1000,
        help="Number of recent lines to keep in the database."
    flags = Dict(dict(
        backup = ({'HistoryTrim' : {'backup' : True}},

        keep = 'HistoryTrim.keep'
    def start(self):
        profile_dir = self.profile_dir.location
        hist_file = os.path.join(profile_dir, 'history.sqlite')
        con = sqlite3.connect(hist_file)

        # Grab the recent history from the current database.
        inputs = list(con.execute('SELECT session, line, source, source_raw FROM '
github ipython / ipyparallel / ipyparallel / controller / View on Github external
client_info: dict of zmq connection information for engines to connect
                to the queues.
    engine_state_file = Unicode()
    # internal data structures:
    ids=Set() # engine IDs
    queues=Dict()  # pending msg_ids keyed by engine_id
    tasks=Dict() # pending msg_ids submitted as tasks, keyed by client_id
    completed=Dict() # completed msg_ids keyed by engine_id
    all_completed=Set() # completed msg_ids keyed by engine_id
    unassigned=Set() # set of task msg_ds not yet assigned a destination
    distributed_scheduler = Any()

    # objects from constructor:
    query=Instance(ZMQStream, allow_none=True)
    monitor=Instance(ZMQStream, allow_none=True)
    notifier=Instance(ZMQStream, allow_none=True)
    resubmit=Instance(ZMQStream, allow_none=True)
    heartmonitor=Instance(HeartMonitor, allow_none=True)
    db=Instance(object, allow_none=True)
github jupyter / nbgrader / nbgrader / apps / View on Github external
inherits defaults from NbGrader, while exposing nbconvert's
    functionality of running preprocessors and writing a new file.

    The default export format is 'assignment', which is a special export format
    defined in nbgrader (see nbgrader.exporters.assignmentexporter) that
    includes a few things that nbgrader needs (such as the path to the file).


    aliases = nbconvert_aliases
    flags = nbconvert_flags

    use_output_suffix = Bool(False)
    postprocessor_class = DottedOrNone('')
    notebooks = List([])
    assignments = Dict({})
    writer_class = DottedOrNone('FilesWriter')
    output_base = Unicode('')

    preprocessors = List([])

    force = Bool(False, help="Whether to overwrite existing assignments/submissions").tag(config=True)

    permissions = Integer(
            Permissions to set on files output by nbgrader. The default is generally
            read-only (444), with the exception of nbgrader assign, in which case the
            user also has write permission.
github nintendops / DynamicFusion_Body / ENV / lib / python3.5 / site-packages / IPython / core / View on Github external
you can also use the specific value `:memory:` (including the colon
        at both end but not the back ticks), to avoid creating an history file.
    enabled = Bool(True,
        help="""enable the SQLite history
        set enabled=False to disable the SQLite history,
        in which case there will be no stored history, no SQLite connection,
        and no background saving thread.  This may be necessary in some
        threaded environments where IPython is embedded.
    connection_options = Dict(
        help="""Options for configuring the SQLite connection
        These options are passed as keyword args to sqlite3.connect
        when establishing database conenctions.

    # The SQLite database
    db = Any()
    def _db_changed(self, change):
        """validate the db, since it can be an Instance of two different types"""
        new = change['new']
        connection_types = (DummyDB,)
        if sqlite3 is not None:
            connection_types = (DummyDB, sqlite3.Connection)
github bloomberg / bqplot / bqplot / View on Github external
a topojson-formatted dictionary with the objects to map under the key

    Data Attributes

    color: Dict or None (default: None)
        dictionary containing the data associated with every country for the
        color scale

    # Mark decoration
    icon = 'fa-globe'
    name = 'Map'

    # Scaled attributes
    color = Dict(allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, scaled=True, rtype='Color',

    # Other attributes
    scales_metadata = Dict({'color': {'dimension': 'color'}}).tag(sync=True)
    hover_highlight = Bool(True).tag(sync=True)
    hovered_styles = Dict({
        'hovered_fill': 'Orange',
        'hovered_stroke': None,
        'hovered_stroke_width': 2.0}, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True)

    stroke_color = Color(default_value=None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True)
    colors = Dict().tag(sync=True, display_name='Colors')
    scales_metadata = Dict({'color': {'dimension': 'color'},
                            'projection': {'dimension': 'geo'}}).tag(sync=True)
    selected_styles = Dict({
        'selected_fill': 'Red',
github jupyter / enterprise_gateway / kernel_gateway / notebook_http / View on Github external
    cell_parser_env = 'KG_CELL_PARSER'
    cell_parser = Unicode('kernel_gateway.notebook_http.cell.parser',
        help="""Determines which module is used to parse the notebook for endpoints and
            documentation. Valid module names include 'kernel_gateway.notebook_http.cell.parser'
            and 'kernel_gateway.notebook_http.swagger.parser'. (KG_CELL_PARSER env var)

    def cell_parser_default(self):
        return os.getenv(self.cell_parser_env, 'kernel_gateway.notebook_http.cell.parser')

    # Intentionally not defining an env var option for a dict type
    comment_prefix = Dict({
        'scala': '//',
        None: '#'
    }, config=True, help='Maps kernel language to code comment syntax')

    allow_notebook_download_env = 'KG_ALLOW_NOTEBOOK_DOWNLOAD'
    allow_notebook_download = Bool(config=True,
        help="Optional API to download the notebook source code in notebook-http mode, defaults to not allow"

    def allow_notebook_download_default(self):
        return os.getenv(self.allow_notebook_download_env, 'False') == 'True'

    static_path_env = 'KG_STATIC_PATH'
    static_path = Unicode(None, config=True, allow_none=True,
        help="Serve static files on disk in the given path as /public, defaults to not serve"
github Calysto / metakernel / metakernel / View on Github external
    language_info = {
        # 'mimetype': 'text/x-python',
        # 'name': 'python',
        # ------ If different from 'language':
        # 'codemirror_mode': {
        #    "version": 2,
        #    "name": "ipython"
        # }
        # 'pygments_lexer': 'language',
        # 'version'       : "x.y.z",
        # 'file_extension': '.py',
        'help_links': help_links,
    plot_settings = Dict(dict(backend='inline')).tag(config=True)

    meta_kernel = None

    def run_as_main(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        """Launch or install a metakernel.

        Modules implementing a metakernel subclass can use the following lines:

            if __name__ == '__main__':
        kwargs['app_name'] = cls.app_name
        MetaKernelApp.launch_instance(kernel_class=cls, *args, **kwargs)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):