How to use stonesoup - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few stonesoup examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
                super(cls, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
            namespace['__init__'] = __init__
        cls = super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, namespace)

        cls._subclasses = set()
        cls._properties = OrderedDict()
        # Update subclass lists, and update properties (in reverse order)
        for bcls in reversed(cls.mro()[1:]):
            if type(bcls) is mcls:
            (key, value) for key, value in namespace.items()
            if isinstance(value, Property))
        for name in list(cls._properties):
            # Remove items which are no longer properties
            if name in namespace and not isinstance(namespace[name], Property):
                del cls._properties[name]
            # Optional arguments must follow mandatory
            if cls._properties[name].default is not Property.empty:

        if sys.version_info <= (3, 6):  # pragma: no cover
            for name, property_ in cls._properties.items():
                property_.__set_name__(cls, name)

github dstl / Stone-Soup / docs / source / View on Github external
def declarative_class(app, what, name, obj, options, lines):
    """Add declared properties to Parameters list for numpydoc"""
    if what == "class" and issubclass(obj, Base):
        param_index = _headings("Parameters", lines)
        attr_index = _headings("Attributes", lines)
        for name, property_ in
            is_sequence = isinstance(property_.cls, Sequence)
            if is_sequence:
                cls = property_.cls[0]
                cls = property_.cls
            class_name = "{}.{}".format(
                cls.__module__, cls.__name__)
            # To shorten names for builtins and also stonesoup components
            tild = class_name.split(".")[0] in ("stonesoup", "builtins")
            # To add optional if default value is defined.
            is_optional = property_.default is not property_.empty
            doc_type = "{}:class:`{}{}`{}".format(
                is_sequence and "sequence of " or "",
github dstl / Stone-Soup / stonesoup / types / View on Github external
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import uuid

from ..base import Property
from .multihypothesis import MultipleHypothesis
from .state import State, StateMutableSequence
from .update import Update

class Track(StateMutableSequence):
    """Track type

    A :class:`~.StateMutableSequence` representing a track.

    states = Property(
        doc="The initial states of the track. Default `None` which initialises"
            "with empty list.")

    id = Property(
        doc="The unique track ID")

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # Initialise metadata
        self._metadata = {}
        for state in self.states:
github dstl / Stone-Soup / stonesoup / hypothesiser / View on Github external
Generate track predictions at detection times and calculate probabilities
    for all prediction-detection pairs for single prediction and multiple

    predictor = Property(
        doc="Predict tracks to detection times")
    updater = Property(
        doc="Updater used to get measurement prediction")
    clutter_spatial_density = Property(
        doc="Spatial density of clutter - tied to probability of false "
    prob_detect = Property(
        doc="Target Detection Probability")
    prob_gate = Property(
        doc="Gate Probability - prob. gate contains true measurement "
            "if detected")

    def hypothesise(self, track, detections, timestamp):
        r"""Evaluate and return all track association hypotheses.

        For a given track and a set of N detections, return a
        MultipleHypothesis with N+1 detections (first detection is
        a 'MissedDetection'), each with an associated probability.
        Probabilities are assumed to be exhaustive (sum to 1) and mutually
github dstl / Stone-Soup / stonesoup / models / transition / orbital / View on Github external
where :math:`i` the inclination (radian), :math:`\Omega` is the
    longitude of the ascending node (radian), :math:`e` is the orbital
    eccentricity (unitless), :math:`\omega` the argument of perigee
    (radian), :math:`M_0` the mean anomaly (radian) and :math:`n` the
    mean motion (radian/[time])

    For sampling, the :attr:`transition_noise` parameter,
    :math:`\epsilon`, should be used to draw from

    TODO: test the efficiency of this method


    transition_noise = Property(
        float, default=0.0, doc=r"Transition noise :math:`\epsilon`")

    def matrix(self):

    def ndim_state(self):
        """The transition operates on the 6-dimensional orbital state vector

        : int
        return 6

    def function(self, orbital_state, noise=0,
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If, at a specific time step, the :class:`~.State` of one of the
    :class:`~.tracks` is assessed as close to more than one track then an
    :class:`~.Association` object will be return for all possible association

    association_threshold = Property(
        float, default=10,
        doc="Threshold distance measure which states must be within for an "
            "association to be recorded.Default is 10")
    consec_pairs_confirm = Property(
        int, default=3,
        doc="Number of consecutive time instances which track pairs are "
            "required to be within a specified threshold in order for an "
            "association to be formed. Default is 3")
    consec_misses_end = Property(
        int, default=2,
        doc="Number of consecutive time instances which track pairs are "
            "required to exceed a specified threshold in order for an "
            "association to be ended. Default is 2")
    measurement_model_track1 = Property(
        doc="Measurement model which specifies which elements within the "
            "track state are to be used to calculate distance over")
    measurement_model_track2 = Property(
        doc="Measurement model which specifies which elements within the "
            "track state are to be used to calculate distance over")

    def associate_tracks(self, tracks_set_1, tracks_set_2):
        """Associate two sets of tracks together.
github dstl / Stone-Soup / stonesoup / models / measurement / View on Github external
class LinearGaussian(MeasurementModel, LinearModel, GaussianModel):
    r"""This is a class implementation of a time-invariant 1D
    Linear-Gaussian Measurement Model.

    The model is described by the following equations:

    .. math::

      y_t = H_k*x_t + v_k,\ \ \ \   v(k)\sim \mathcal{N}(0,R)

    where ``H_k`` is a (:py:attr:`~ndim_meas`, :py:attr:`~ndim_state`) \
    matrix and ``v_k`` is Gaussian distributed.


    noise_covar = Property(CovarianceMatrix, doc="Noise covariance")

    def ndim_meas(self):
        """ndim_meas getter method

            The number of measurement dimensions

        return len(self.mapping)

    def matrix(self, **kwargs):
        """Model matrix :math:`H(t)`
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:math:`X_{t_{0}}` at epoch :attr:`State.timestamp` :math:`t_0` and
    by way of keywords, via:
        coordinates = "Cartesian" (the orbital state vector),
        coordinates = "Keplerian" (Keplarian elements),
        coordinates = "TLE" (Two-Line elements) or
        coordinates = "Equinoctial" (equinoctial elements).

    The gravitational parameter :math:`GM` can be defined. If left
    undefined it defaults to that of the Earth, :math:`3.986004418
    (\pm 0.000000008) \\times 10^{14} \mathrm{m}^3 \mathrm{s}^{−2}`.

    :reference: Curtis, H.D. 2010, Orbital Mechanics for Engineering
    Students (3rd Ed), Elsevier Aerospace Engineering Series

    coordinates = Property(
        strg, default="cartesian",
        doc="The parameterisation used on initiation. Acceptable values "
            "are 'Cartesian', 'Keplerian', 'TLE', or 'Equinoctial'. All"
            "other inputs will return errors"

    grav_parameter = Property(
        float, default=3.986004418e14,
        doc=r"Standard gravitational parameter :math:`\mu = G M` in units of "
            r":math:`\mathrm{m}^3 \mathrm{s}^{-2}`")

    covar = Property(
        CovarianceMatrix, default=None,
        doc="The covariance matrix. Care should be exercised in that its coordinate"
            "frame isn't defined, and output will be highly dependant on which"
            "parameterisation is chosen."
github dstl / Stone-Soup / stonesoup / reader / View on Github external
CSV file must have headers, as these are used to determine which fields
    to use to generate the detection.


    state_vector_fields = Property(
        [str], doc='List of columns names to be used in state vector')
    time_field = Property(
        str, doc='Name of column to be used as time field')
    time_field_format = Property(
        str, default=None, doc='Optional datetime format')
    timestamp = Property(
        bool, default=False, doc='Treat time field as a timestamp from epoch')
    metadata_fields = Property(
        [str], default=None, doc='List of columns to be saved as metadata, '
                                 'default all')

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._detections = set()

    def detections(self):
        return self._detections.copy()

    def detections_gen(self):
        with, newline='') as csv_file:
            reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file)
            for row in reader:
                if self.time_field_format is not None:
github dstl / Stone-Soup / stonesoup / types / View on Github external
Gaussian State object with an associated weight.  Used as components
    for a GaussianMixtureState.
    weight = Property(float, default=0, doc="Weight of the Gaussian State.")

class ParticleState(Type):
    """Particle State type

    This is a particle state object which describes the state as a
    distribution of particles"""

    timestamp = Property(datetime.datetime, default=None,
                         doc="Timestamp of the state. Default None.")
    particles = Property([Particle],
                         doc='List of particles representing state')

    def mean(self):
        """The state mean, equivalent to state vector"""
        result = np.average([p.state_vector for p in self.particles], axis=0,
                            weights=[p.weight for p in self.particles])
        # Convert type as may have type of weights
        return result.astype(np.float, copy=False)

    def state_vector(self):
        """The mean value of the particle states"""
        return self.mean
