How to use the stonesoup.types.orbitalstate.OrbitalState function in stonesoup

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time_interval: :math:`\delta t` :attr:`datetime.timedelta`, optional
            The time interval over which to test the new state (default
            is 0)

        : float
            Value of the pdf at :attr:`test_state` and :math:`t + \delta t`

        Units of mean motion must be in :math:`\mathrm{rad} s^{-1}`

        # First transit the prior to the current
        trans_state = OrbitalState(self.transition(orbital_state,
                                   timestamp=orbital_state.timestamp +

        return norm.pdf(test_state.mean_anomaly,
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:math:'lambda' is the mean longitude (rad)

        Broucke, R. A. & Cefola, P. J. 1972, Celestial Mechanics, Volume 5, Issue 3, pp.303-310

        return StateVector(np.array([[self.semimajor_axis],

class KeplerianOrbitalState(OrbitalState):
    r"""Merely a shell for the OrbitalState(coordinates='Keplerian') class, but
    includes some boundary checking. As a reminder:

        .. math::

            X_{t_0} = [e, a, i, \Omega, \omega, \\theta]^{T} \\

        :math:`e` is the orbital eccentricity (unitless),
        :math:`a` the semi-major axis (m),
        :math:`i` the inclination (rad),
        :math:`\Omega` is the longitude of the ascending node (rad),
        :math:`\omega` the argument of periapsis (rad), and
        :math:`\\theta` the true anomaly (rad).

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(:attr:`rvs()`) function instead

        mean_anomaly = orbital_state.mean_anomaly
        mean_motion = orbital_state.mean_motion
        tle_state = orbital_state.two_line_element

        # TODO: Enforce the units of mean_motion are rad/s

        new_mean_anomaly = np.remainder(
            mean_anomaly + mean_motion * time_interval.total_seconds(),
            2 * np.pi)
        new_tle_state = np.insert(np.delete(tle_state, 4, 0), 4,
                                  new_mean_anomaly, axis=0)

        return OrbitalState(new_tle_state, coordinates='TLE',
                            timestamp=orbital_state.timestamp + time_interval,
                            grav_parameter=orbital_state.grav_parameter). \
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        if np.less(state_vector[3][0], 0.0) | np.greater(state_vector[3][0], 2 * np.pi):
            raise ValueError("Longitude of Ascending Node should be between 0 and 2*pi: got {}"
        if np.less(state_vector[4][0], 0.0) | np.greater(state_vector[4][0], 2 * np.pi):
            raise ValueError("Argument of Periapsis should be between 0 and 2*pi: got {}"
        if np.less(state_vector[5][0], 0.0) | np.greater(state_vector[5][0], 2 * np.pi):
            raise ValueError("True Anomaly should be between 0 and 2*pi: got {}"

        # And go ahead and initialise as previously
        super().__init__(state_vector, coordinates='keplerian', *args, **kwargs)

class TLEOrbitalState(OrbitalState):
    For the TLE state vector:

        .. math::

            X_{t_0} = [i, \Omega, e, \omega, n, M_0]^{T} \\

    where :math:`i` the inclination (rad),
    :math:`\Omega` is the longitude of the ascending node (rad),
    :math:`e` is the orbital eccentricity (unitless),
    :math:`\omega` the argument of perigee (rad),
    :math:'M_0' the mean anomaly (rad) and
    :math:`n` the mean motion (rad/[time]).

    def __init__(self, state_vector, *args, **kwargs):
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N random samples of the state vector drawn from a normal
            distribution defined by the transited mean anomaly,
            :math:`M_{t_1}` and the standard deviation :math:`\epsilon`

        Units of mean motion must be in :math:`\mathrm{rad} s^{-1}`

        # Generate the samples
        mean_anomalies = np.random.normal(0, self.transition_noise,

        # Use the passed state, or generate a 0-state, as the mean state
        if orbital_state is None:
            meanstate = OrbitalState(np.zeros((6, 1)), coordinates="TLE",
                                     timestamp=datetime(1970, 1, 1))
            meanstate = orbital_state

        meantlestate = meanstate.two_line_element

        out = np.zeros((6, 0))
        for mean_anomaly in mean_anomalies:
            currenttlestatev = np.remainder(meantlestate +
                                            np.array([[0], [0], [0], [0],
                                                      [mean_anomaly], [0]]),
            currentstate = TLEOrbitalState(currenttlestatev,
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raise ValueError("Inclination should be between 0 and pi: got {}"
        if np.less(state_vector[1][0], 0.0) | np.greater(state_vector[1][0], 2*np.pi):
            raise ValueError("Longitude of Ascending Node should be between 0 and 2*pi: got {}"
        if np.less(state_vector[3][0], 0.0) | np.greater(state_vector[3][0], 2*np.pi):
            raise ValueError("Argument of Periapsis should be between 0 and 2*pi: got {}"
        if np.less(state_vector[4][0], 0.0) | np.greater(state_vector[4][0], 2*np.pi):
            raise ValueError("Mean Anomaly should be between 0 and 2*pi: got {}"

        super().__init__(state_vector, coordinates='TLE', *args, **kwargs)

class EquinoctialOrbitalState(OrbitalState):
    For the Equinoctial state vector:

        .. math::

            X_{t_0} = [a, h, k, p, q, \lambda]^{T} \\

    where :math:`a` the semi-major axis (m),
    :math:`h` is the horizontal component of the eccentricity :math:`e`,
    :math:`k` is the vertical component of the eccentricity :math:`e`,
    :math:`q` is the horizontal component of the inclination :math:`i`,
    :math:`k` is the vertical component of the inclination :math:`i` and
    :math:'lambda' is the mean longitude
    def __init__(self, state_vector, *args, **kwargs):
        if np.less(state_vector[1][0], -1.0) | np.greater(state_vector[1][0], 1.0):