How to use the stonesoup.types.base.Type function in stonesoup

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from ..base import Property
from .array import CovarianceMatrix
from .base import Type
from .state import State, GaussianState, ParticleState

class Prediction(Type):
    """ Prediction type

    This is the base prediction class. """

class MeasurementPrediction(Type):
    """ Prediction type

    This is the base measurement prediction class. """

class StatePrediction(State, Prediction):
    """ StatePrediction type

    Most simple state prediction type, which only has time and a state vector.

class StateMeasurementPrediction(State, MeasurementPrediction):
    """ MeasurementPrediction type

    Most simple measurement prediction type, which only has time and a state
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from ..base import Property
from .array import CovarianceMatrix
from .base import Type
from .state import State, GaussianState, ParticleState

class Prediction(Type):
    """ Prediction type

    This is the base prediction class. """

class MeasurementPrediction(Type):
    """ Prediction type

    This is the base measurement prediction class. """

class StatePrediction(State, Prediction):
    """ StatePrediction type

    Most simple state prediction type, which only has time and a state vector.
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state_vector = Property(StateVector, doc='State vector.')

    def __init__(self, state_vector, *args, **kwargs):
        # Don't cast away subtype of state_vector if not necessary
        if state_vector is not None \
                and not isinstance(state_vector, StateVector):
            state_vector = StateVector(state_vector)
        super().__init__(state_vector, *args, **kwargs)

    def ndim(self):
        """The number of dimensions represented by the state."""
        return self.state_vector.shape[0]

class StateMutableSequence(Type, MutableSequence):
    """A mutable sequence for :class:`~.State` instances

    This sequence acts like a regular list object for States, as well as
    proxying state attributes to the last state in the sequence. This sequence
    can also be indexed/sliced by :class:`datetime.datetime` instances.

    >>> t0 = datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 1, 14, 00)
    >>> t1 = t0 + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)
    >>> state0 = State([[0]], t0)
    >>> sequence = StateMutableSequence([state0])
    >>> print(sequence.state_vector, sequence.timestamp)
    [[0]] 2018-01-01 14:00:00
    >>> sequence.append(State([[1]], t1))
    >>> for state in sequence[t1:]:
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from .base import Type

class SensorData(Type):
    """Sensor Data type"""
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    def mean(self):
        """The state mean, equivalent to state vector"""
        return self.state_vector

class WeightedGaussianState(GaussianState):
    """Weighted Gaussian State Type

    Gaussian State object with an associated weight.  Used as components
    for a GaussianMixtureState.
    weight = Property(float, default=0, doc="Weight of the Gaussian State.")

class ParticleState(Type):
    """Particle State type

    This is a particle state object which describes the state as a
    distribution of particles"""

    timestamp = Property(datetime.datetime, default=None,
                         doc="Timestamp of the state. Default None.")
    particles = Property([Particle],
                         doc='List of particles representing state')

    def mean(self):
        """The state mean, equivalent to state vector"""
        result = np.average([p.state_vector for p in self.particles], axis=0,
                            weights=[p.weight for p in self.particles])
        # Convert type as may have type of weights
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from ..base import Property
from .base import Type
from .hypothesis import Hypothesis
from .state import State, GaussianState, ParticleState

class Update(Type):
    """ Update type

    The base update class. Updates are returned by :class:'~.Updater' objects
    and contain the information that was used to perform the updating"""

    hypothesis = Property(Hypothesis,
                          doc="Hypothesis used for updating")

class StateUpdate(Update, State):
    """ StateUpdate type

    Most simple state update type, where everything only has time
    and a state vector. Requires a prior state that was updated,
    and the hypothesis used to update the prior.
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return self.probability < other.probability

    def __le__(self, other):
        return self.probability <= other.probability

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.probability == other.probability

    def __gt__(self, other):
        return self.probability > other.probability

    def __ge__(self, other):
        return self.probability >= other.probability

class SingleMeasurementJointHypothesis(Type, UserDict):
    """Joint Hypothesis base type


    hypotheses = Property(
        doc='Association hypotheses')

    def __new__(cls, hypotheses):
        if all(isinstance(hypothesis, SingleMeasurementDistanceHypothesis)
               for hypothesis in hypotheses.values()):
            return super().__new__(SingleMeasurementDistanceJointHypothesis)
            raise NotImplementedError

    def __init__(self, hypotheses):
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doc="Timestamp of the association. Default is None.")

class TimeRangeAssociation(Association):
    """TimeRangeAssociation type

     An :class:`~.AssociationPair` representing the linking of objects over a
    range of times

    time_range = Property(TimeRange, default=None,
                          doc="Range of times that association exists over. "
                              "Default is None")

class AssociationSet(Type):
    """AssociationSet type

    A set of :class:`~.Association` type objects representing multiple
    independent associations. Contains functions for indexing into the

    associations = Property(set, default=None,
                            doc="Set of independant associations")

    def __init__(self, associations=None, *args, **kwargs):
        if associations is None:
            associations = set()
        super().__init__(associations, *args, **kwargs)

    def associations_at_timestamp(self, timestamp):
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from ..base import Property
from .array import StateVector
from .base import Type

class Particle(Type):
    Particle type

    A particle type which contains a state and weight
    state_vector = Property(StateVector, doc="State vector")
    weight = Property(float, doc='Weight of particle')
    parent = Property(None, default=None, doc='Parent particle')

    def __init__(self, state_vector, weight, parent=None, *args, **kwargs):
        if parent:
            parent.parent = None
        super().__init__(state_vector, weight, parent, *args, **kwargs)
Particle.parent.cls = Particle  # noqa:E305
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from .base import Type

class Metric(Type):
    """Metric type"""