How to use the scanpy.logging.warning function in scanpy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few scanpy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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# init coordinates
    if init_pos in adata.obsm.keys():
        init_coords = adata.obsm[init_pos]
    elif init_pos == 'paga' or init_pos:
        init_coords = get_init_pos_from_paga(
            adata, adjacency, random_state=random_state
        init_coords = np.random.random((adjacency.shape[0], 2))
    # see whether fa2 is installed
    if layout == 'fa':
            from fa2 import ForceAtlas2
        except ImportError:
                "Package 'fa2' is not installed, falling back to layout 'fr'."
                "To use the faster and better ForceAtlas2 layout, "
                "install package 'fa2' (`pip install fa2`)."
            layout = 'fr'
    # actual drawing
    if layout == 'fa':
        forceatlas2 = ForceAtlas2(
            # Behavior alternatives
            outboundAttractionDistribution=False,  # Dissuade hubs
            linLogMode=False,  # NOT IMPLEMENTED
            adjustSizes=False,  # Prevent overlap (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
            # Performance
            jitterTolerance=1.0,  # Tolerance
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nx.draw_networkx_edges(g_dir, pos, ax=ax, width=widths, edge_color='black', arrowsize=arrowsize)

    if export_to_gexf:
        if isinstance(colors[0], tuple):
            from matplotlib.colors import rgb2hex
            colors = [rgb2hex(c) for c in colors]
        for count, n in enumerate(nx_g_solid.nodes()):
            nx_g_solid.node[count]['label'] = str(node_labels[count])
            nx_g_solid.node[count]['color'] = str(colors[count])
            nx_g_solid.node[count]['viz'] = dict(position=dict(
                x=1000 * pos[count][0],
                y=1000 * pos[count][1],
        filename = settings.writedir / 'paga_graph.gexf'
        logg.warning(f'exporting to {filename}')
        settings.writedir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        nx.write_gexf(nx_g_solid, settings.writedir / 'paga_graph.gexf')


    # groups sizes
    if groups_key is not None and groups_key + '_sizes' in adata.uns:
        groups_sizes = adata.uns[groups_key + '_sizes']
        groups_sizes = np.ones(len(node_labels))
    base_scale_scatter = 2000
    base_pie_size = (base_scale_scatter / (np.sqrt(adjacency_solid.shape[0]) + 10)
                     * node_size_scale)
    median_group_size = np.median(groups_sizes)
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def _check_var_names_type(var_names, var_group_labels, var_group_positions):
    checks if var_names is a dict. Is this is the cases, then set the
    correct values for var_group_labels and var_group_positions

    var_names, var_group_labels, var_group_positions

    if isinstance(var_names, cabc.Mapping):
        if var_group_labels is not None or var_group_positions is not None:
                "`var_names` is a dictionary. This will reset the current "
                "value of `var_group_labels` and `var_group_positions`."
        var_group_labels = []
        _var_names = []
        var_group_positions = []
        start = 0
        for label, vars_list in var_names.items():
            if isinstance(vars_list, str):
                vars_list = [vars_list]
            # use list() in case var_list is a numpy array or pandas series
            var_group_positions.append((start, start + len(vars_list) - 1))
            start += len(vars_list)
        var_names = _var_names
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var_names_idx_ordered = []
            for idx in categories_idx_ordered:
                position = var_group_positions[idx]
                _var_names = var_names[position[0] : position[1] + 1]
                    range(position[0], position[1] + 1)
                    (position_start, position_start + len(_var_names) - 1)
                position_start += len(_var_names)
            var_group_labels = labels_ordered
            var_group_positions = positions_ordered
                "Groups are not reordered because the `groupby` categories "
                "and the `var_group_labels` are different.\n"
                f"categories: {_format_first_three_categories(categories)}\n"
                f"var_group_labels: {_format_first_three_categories(var_group_labels)}"
        var_names_idx_ordered = None

    return dict(
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def _tail_mean_estimate(adata, mask, model='rough'):
    # Method ZINB will be implemented soon
    if model not in {'rough', 'zinb'}:
        model = 'rough'
        logg.warning('Model should be either rough or zinb (zero-inflated negative binomial)')
    X = adata.X[mask, :]
    n_cells = X.shape[0]
    n_genes = X.shape[1]
    means = np.zeros((n_genes,))
    if model == 'rough':
        if issparse(X):
            n_nonzero_elements = X.getnnz(axis=0)
            # More efficient to use in flattened form, use indexing. Since highly sparsified, no memory issue
            # Note that fulldata is flattened
            fulldata =
            left = 0
            right = 0
            for i, j in enumerate(n_nonzero_elements):
                right = right + j
                means[i] = np.mean(fulldata[left:right])
                left = right
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def savefig(writekey, dpi=None, ext=None):
    """Save current figure to file.

    The `filename` is generated as follows:

        filename = settings.figdir / (writekey + settings.plot_suffix + '.' + settings.file_format_figs)
    if dpi is None:
        # we need this as in notebooks, the internal figures are also influenced by 'savefig.dpi' this...
        if not isinstance(rcParams['savefig.dpi'], str) and rcParams['savefig.dpi'] < 150:
            if settings._low_resolution_warning:
                    'You are using a low resolution (dpi<150) for saving figures.\n'
                    'Consider running `set_figure_params(dpi_save=...)`, which will '
                    "adjust `matplotlib.rcParams['savefig.dpi']`"
                settings._low_resolution_warning = False
            dpi = rcParams['savefig.dpi']
    settings.figdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    if ext is None: ext = settings.file_format_figs
    filename = settings.figdir / f'{writekey}{settings.plot_suffix}.{ext}'
    # output the following msg at warning level; it's really important for the user
    logg.warning(f'saving figure to file {filename}')
    pl.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight')
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which = 'LM' if sort == 'decrease' else 'SM'
            # it pays off to increase the stability with a bit more precision
            matrix = matrix.astype(np.float64)
            evals, evecs = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(
                matrix, k=n_comps, which=which, ncv=ncv
            evals, evecs = evals.astype(np.float32), evecs.astype(np.float32)
        if sort == 'decrease':
            evals = evals[::-1]
            evecs = evecs[:, ::-1]
            '    eigenvalues of transition matrix\n'
            '    {}'.format(str(evals).replace('\n', '\n    '))
        if self._number_connected_components > len(evals)/2:
            logg.warning('Transition matrix has many disconnected components!')
        self._eigen_values = evals
        self._eigen_basis = evecs
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    n_jobs = settings.n_jobs if n_jobs is None else n_jobs
    # deal with different tSNE implementations
    X_tsne = None
    if n_jobs >= 1 and use_fast_tsne:
            from MulticoreTSNE import MulticoreTSNE as TSNE

            tsne = TSNE(n_jobs=n_jobs, **params_sklearn)
  "    using the 'MulticoreTSNE' package by Ulyanov (2017)")
            # need to transform to float64 for MulticoreTSNE...
            X_tsne = tsne.fit_transform(X.astype('float64'))
        except ImportError:
                'Consider installing the package MulticoreTSNE '
                '( '
                'Even for n_jobs=1 this speeds up the computation considerably '
                'and might yield better converged results.'
    if X_tsne is None:
        from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
        from . import _tsne_fix  # fix by D. DeTomaso for sklearn < 0.19

        # unfortunately, sklearn does not allow to set a minimum number
        # of iterations for barnes-hut tSNE
        tsne = TSNE(**params_sklearn)'    using sklearn.manifold.TSNE with a fix by D. DeTomaso')
        X_tsne = tsne.fit_transform(X)
    # update AnnData instance
    adata.obsm['X_tsne'] = X_tsne  # annotate samples with tSNE coordinates