How to use the scanpy.logging.debug function in scanpy

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    Returns `X[obs_indices], obs_indices` if data is array-like, otherwise
    subsamples the passed :class:`~anndata.AnnData` (`copy == False`) or
    returns a subsampled copy of it (`copy == True`).
    old_n_obs = data.n_obs if isinstance(data, AnnData) else data.shape[0]
    if n_obs is not None:
        new_n_obs = n_obs
    elif fraction is not None:
        if fraction > 1 or fraction < 0:
            raise ValueError(
                f'`fraction` needs to be within [0, 1], not {fraction}'
        new_n_obs = int(fraction * old_n_obs)
        logg.debug(f'... subsampled to {new_n_obs} data points')
        raise ValueError('Either pass `n_obs` or `fraction`.')
    obs_indices = np.random.choice(old_n_obs, size=new_n_obs, replace=False)
    if isinstance(data, AnnData):
        adata = data.copy() if copy else data
        return adata if copy else None
        X = data
        return X[obs_indices], obs_indices
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pos = sp.stats.kendalltau(a[:i+1], b[:i+1])[0]
                neg = sp.stats.kendalltau(a[i+1:], b[i+1:])[0]
            if False:
                # the following is much slower than using sp.stats.kendalltau,
                # it is only good for debugging because it allows to compute the
                # tau-a version, which does not account for ties, whereas
                # sp.stats.kendalltau computes tau-b version, which accounts for
                # ties
                pos = sp.stats.mstats.kendalltau(a[:i], b[:i], use_ties=False)[0]
                neg = sp.stats.mstats.kendalltau(a[i:], b[i:], use_ties=False)[0]
            corr_coeff[ii] = pos - neg
        iimax = np.argmax(corr_coeff)
        imax = min_length + iimax
        corr_coeff_max = corr_coeff[iimax]
        if corr_coeff_max < 0.3:
            logg.debug('    is root itself, never obtain significant correlation')
        return imax
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    if subsample == 1 and seed == 0:
        return X, np.arange(X.shape[0], dtype=int)
    if seed == 0:
        # this sequence is defined simply by skipping rows
        # is faster than sampling
        rows = np.arange(0, X.shape[0], subsample, dtype=int)
        n = rows.size
        Xsampled = np.array(X[rows])
        if seed < 0:
            raise ValueError(f'Invalid seed value < 0: {seed}')
        n = int(X.shape[0]/subsample)
        Xsampled, rows = subsample_n(X, n=n)
    logg.debug(f'... subsampled to {n} of {X.shape[0]} data points')
    return Xsampled, rows
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dseg += Dseg[third_tip]
                fourth_tip = np.argmax(dseg)
                if fourth_tip != tips[0] and fourth_tip != third_tip:
                    tips[1] = fourth_tip
                    dseg -= Dseg[tips[1]]
                    dseg -= Dseg[third_tip]
            tips3 = np.append(tips, third_tip)
            # compute the score as ratio of the added distance to the third tip,
            # to what it would be if it were on the straight line between the
            # two first tips, given by Dseg[tips[:2]]
            # if we did not normalize, there would be a danger of simply
            # assigning the highest score to the longest segment
            score = dseg[tips3[2]] / Dseg[tips3[0], tips3[1]]
            score = len(seg) if self.choose_largest_segment else score  # simply the number of points
                f'    group {iseg} score {score} n_points {len(seg)} ' +
                '(too small)' if len(seg) < self.min_group_size else '',
            if len(seg) <= self.min_group_size: score = 0
            # write result
            scores_tips[iseg, 0] = score
            scores_tips[iseg, 1:] = tips3
        iseg = np.argmax(scores_tips[:, 0])
        if scores_tips[iseg, 0] == 0: return -1, None
        tips3 = scores_tips[iseg, 1:].astype(int)
        return iseg, tips3
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        # need to add the following here to make inplace logic work
        if zero_center and issparse(adata.X):
                '... scale_data: as `zero_center=True`, sparse input is '
                'densified and may lead to large memory consumption'
            adata.X = adata.X.toarray()
        scale(adata.X, zero_center=zero_center, max_value=max_value, copy=False)
        return adata if copy else None
    X = data.copy() if copy else data  # proceed with the data matrix
    zero_center = zero_center if zero_center is not None else False if issparse(X) else True
    if not zero_center and max_value is not None:
        logg.debug('... scale_data: be careful when using `max_value` without `zero_center`')
    if max_value is not None:
        logg.debug(f'... clipping at max_value {max_value}')
    if zero_center and issparse(X):
            '... scale_data: as `zero_center=True`, sparse input is '
            'densified and may lead to large memory consumption, returning copy'
        X = X.toarray()
        copy = True
    _scale(X, zero_center)
    if max_value is not None: X[X > max_value] = max_value
    return X if copy else None
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X_pca = pca_.fit_transform(X)

    if X_pca.dtype.descr != np.dtype(dtype).descr: X_pca = X_pca.astype(dtype)

    if data_is_AnnData:
        adata.obsm['X_pca'] = X_pca
        if use_highly_variable:
            adata.varm['PCs'] = np.zeros(shape=(adata.n_vars, n_comps))
            adata.varm['PCs'][adata.var['highly_variable']] = pca_.components_.T
            adata.varm['PCs'] = pca_.components_.T
        adata.uns['pca'] = {}
        adata.uns['pca']['variance'] = pca_.explained_variance_
        adata.uns['pca']['variance_ratio'] = pca_.explained_variance_ratio_'    finished', time=start)
            'and added\n'
            '    \'X_pca\', the PCA coordinates (adata.obs)\n'
            '    \'PC1\', \'PC2\', ..., the loadings (adata.var)\n'
            '    \'pca_variance\', the variance / eigenvalues (adata.uns)\n'
            '    \'pca_variance_ratio\', the variance ratio (adata.uns)'
        return adata if copy else None
    else:'    finished', time=start)
        if return_info:
            return X_pca, pca_.components_, pca_.explained_variance_ratio_, pca_.explained_variance_
            return X_pca
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max_value : `float` or `None`, optional (default: `None`)
        Clip (truncate) to this value after scaling. If `None`, do not clip.
    copy : `bool`, optional (default: `False`)
        If an :class:`~anndata.AnnData` is passed, determines whether a copy
        is returned.

    Depending on `copy` returns or updates `adata` with a scaled `adata.X`.
    if isinstance(data, AnnData):
        adata = data.copy() if copy else data
        # need to add the following here to make inplace logic work
        if zero_center and issparse(adata.X):
                '... scale_data: as `zero_center=True`, sparse input is '
                'densified and may lead to large memory consumption'
            adata.X = adata.X.toarray()
        scale(adata.X, zero_center=zero_center, max_value=max_value, copy=False)
        return adata if copy else None
    X = data.copy() if copy else data  # proceed with the data matrix
    zero_center = zero_center if zero_center is not None else False if issparse(X) else True
    if not zero_center and max_value is not None:
        logg.debug('... scale_data: be careful when using `max_value` without `zero_center`')
    if max_value is not None:
        logg.debug(f'... clipping at max_value {max_value}')
    if zero_center and issparse(X):
            '... scale_data: as `zero_center=True`, sparse input is '
            'densified and may lead to large memory consumption, returning copy'
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paths_all = nx.single_source_dijkstra_path(G, source=kseg)
                    if jseg_min not in paths_all:
                        logg.debug(f'    attaching new segment {kseg} at {jseg_min}')
                        # if we split the cluster, we should not attach kseg
                        do_not_attach_kseg = True
                            f'    cannot attach new segment {kseg} at {jseg_min} '
                            '(would produce cycle)'
                        if kseg != kseg_list[-1]:
                            logg.debug('        continue')
                            logg.debug('        do not add another link')
                if jseg_min in kseg_list and not do_not_attach_kseg:
        segs_undecided += [False for i in range(n_add)]
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if data_is_AnnData:
        adata.obsm['X_pca'] = X_pca
        adata.uns['pca'] = {}
        adata.uns['pca']['params'] = {
            'zero_center': zero_center,
            'use_highly_variable': use_highly_variable
        if use_highly_variable:
            adata.varm['PCs'] = np.zeros(shape=(adata.n_vars, n_comps))
            adata.varm['PCs'][adata.var['highly_variable']] = pca_.components_.T
            adata.varm['PCs'] = pca_.components_.T
        adata.uns['pca']['variance'] = pca_.explained_variance_
        adata.uns['pca']['variance_ratio'] = pca_.explained_variance_ratio_'    finished', time=start)
            'and added\n'
            '    \'X_pca\', the PCA coordinates (adata.obs)\n'
            '    \'PC1\', \'PC2\', ..., the loadings (adata.var)\n'
            '    \'pca_variance\', the variance / eigenvalues (adata.uns)\n'
            '    \'pca_variance_ratio\', the variance ratio (adata.uns)'
        return adata if copy else None
    else:'    finished', time=start)
        if return_info:
            return X_pca, pca_.components_, pca_.explained_variance_ratio_, pca_.explained_variance_
            return X_pca
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if n_dcs is not None:
                if n_dcs > len(self._eigen_values):
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Cannot instantiate using `n_dcs`={}. '
                        'Compute diffmap/spectrum with more components first.'
                self._eigen_values = self._eigen_values[:n_dcs]
                self._eigen_basis = self._eigen_basis[:, :n_dcs]
            self.n_dcs = len(self._eigen_values)
            info_str += '`.eigen_values` `.eigen_basis` `.distances_dpt`'
            self._eigen_values = None
            self._eigen_basis = None
            self.n_dcs = None
        if info_str != '':
            logg.debug(f'    initialized {info_str}')